The Dude Grows Show

Month: June 2020

  • Unlocking the Power of RealGrowers Recharge for Optimal Cannabis Growth

    Unlocking the Power of RealGrowers Recharge for Optimal Cannabis Growth

    Are you looking to take your cannabis cultivation to the next level? RealGrowers Recharge might be the solution you’ve been searching for. This all-natural organic microbial super-pack is designed to enhance the health and vigor of your cannabis plants. Let’s dive into what makes RealGrowers Recharge a must-have for any cannabis grower. What is RealGrowers…

  • Why are the leaves tacoing?!

    Why are the leaves tacoing?!

    What’s up DGC! I have to plants of the same strain and both in the same soil mix and watered on the same days. One of them is tacoing REALLY bad and I don’t know why! Any help on what to do would be appreciated! First two pics will be taco’d plant and second two…