The Dude Grows Show

RealGrowers Recharge Cannabis User Guide

What is RealGrowers Recharge?

All-natural organic RealGrowers Recharge is an ultra concentrated microbial super-pack formulated to charge any growing media with specially selected colonies of beneficial bacteria and fungi with humic, fulvic and amino acids that form a mutually beneficial relationship with the roots of your cannabis plants. Recharge’s targeted approach establishes beneficial colonies of microbes in the billions to saturate any media with an overwhelming force of root protection designed to out-compete potential pathogens for resources. Recharge’s proprietary microbe package is loaded with beneficial Endomycorrhizal and Trichoderma fungi as well as the most concentrated beneficial bacteria package available. All of the ingredients in Recharge work together in a synergistic fashion. Recharge also contains an immediate food source of kelp and molasses for the microbes. Recharge has humic, fulvic and amino acids added to stimulate bacterial growth while grabbing and storing nutrition in your media. These natural chelators in Recharge store nutrition right around the plant’s root system for quick access to minerals while reducing the amount of energy needed to build plant tissue. Recharge helps cannabis plants reach their full potential under a wide range of growing methods, nutrient programs and pH ranges. With the microbes in Recharge protecting the plant’s roots from pathogens, the increased protection and nutrient uptake is guaranteed to boost your plant’s vigor within 48 hours.

The Benefits of Using Recharge:

How does Recharge work and why should I use it?

Recharge works in many different ways to keep your plants healthy in any growing media. Plants can’t eat food like animals for protein. Plants make their own fuel with help from microbes. These microbes play the most significant role in organic plant nutrition. The food web starts with much larger organisms but they don’t form a direct symbiotic relationship with roots like the bacteria and fungi in Recharge. Plants use sunlight to create sugar for energy. Roots secrete some of these sugars to feed beneficial bacteria and fungi. The bacteria and fungi consume sugars and other organic matter in the media. The microbes process the organic matter full of minerals unavailable to plant roots and release the minerals in a form roots can uptake. The kelp and molasses in Recharge provides an immediate food source for the microbes that’s full of beneficial minerals and plant hormones. 

Bacillus bacteria: Bacillus licheniformis, pumilus, subtilis and megaterium are the bacteria found in Recharge. The Bacillus colonies form a thin bio-film on the roots to decompose dead roots, produce organic acids, proteins and enzymes as well as being mobile mineral storage. The organic acids bacteria create also help regulate pH around the roots. These bacteria are rewarded with sugars from the roots. These sugars mix with minerals, salts and other organic matter for the bacteria to consume and release back as available nutrition in any media.

Endomycorrhizal fungi: Mycorrhizal fungi in Recharge also form a symbiotic relationship directly with roots. There are endomycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi, endomycorrhizal penetrate the roots of plants with their hyphae while the ectomycorrhizal grow only on the surface of roots. Only endomycorrhizal fungi can form a relationship with cannabis. Glomus species of endomycorrhizal fungi are what’s in Recharge. Glomus aggregatum, Glomus mosseae, Rhizophagus irregularis (formerly Glomus intraradices) and Glomus etunicatum. Fungi provide structure, protection, water and minerals. The vegetative body of fungi is called mycelium. Mycelium forms thin, hair-like filaments called hyphae to help decompose leaves and other organic matter. The hyphae can also penetrate or pass around a root’s outer cell layer to bring in more water and minerals directly into the root. Endomycorrhizal fungi release organic acids that dissolve phosphates and sulfates from organic matter to a form roots can uptake. The roots receive extra surface area and structure, water, minerals, vitamins and amino acids from fungi in exchange for carbon in the form of sugars. 

Trichoderma attacking a plant pathogen (Rhizoctonia sp, cause of root rot). A narrow hyphae of Trichoderma coil around wide hypha of Rhizoctonia, the latter will collapse and die. Trichoderma is a biological control agent. SEM Magnification: 2350x. Trichoderma fungi: Another type of beneficial fungi in Recharge called Trichoderma doesn’t form a direct symbiotic relationship with the roots. These fungi are nature’s industrial decomposers. Trichoderma reesei and Trichoderma harzianum in Recharge will also combat pathogenic fungi. Trichoderma breaks down dead roots and other organic matter to sugar for bacteria and endomycorrhizal fungi to consume. Trichoderma reesei are capable of producing cellulase, an enzyme that converts cellulose into glucose sugar. Fungal colonies can be massive but bacteria are tiny. Bacteria are some of nature’s smallest mineral storage totes. They love to eat simple sugars like the glucose from the cellulose fungi are decomposing and at the same time consuming minerals too. They make a great team in Recharge.

Amino acids: Amino acids are the building blocks of life and the nitrogen cycle plays an important role in their creation. Amino acids build plant tissue by creating hormones, enzymes and proteins. Amino acids act as chemical messengers sending signals between cells. The amino acids in Recharge help the plant not have to make its own, using much less energy to grow. Bacteria and fungi along with all the other life in healthy soils create a diverse ecosystem capable of providing plants with all the necessary requirements for vigorous growth.

Humic and Fulvic acids: Humic and Fulvic acids are organic claws that grab and hold minerals in your media creating what’s known as a mineral complex. Both of these two organic acids come from humic substances released from soil as it breaks down. Humic and fulvic acids can break salt bonds like calcium phosphate. Even minerals attached to carbon like the calcium bicarbonate in our water. Humic acids are too large of a molecule to penetrate root cell walls but fulvic acids are small enough molecules to slip right in. This saves the plant energy by not relying on ion exchange. Great for foliar applications too.

When and How to Use Recharge: 

Using Recharge During Germination and Cloning:

The germination rate of seeds and the formation of their tap roots can be aided by the humic acids in Recharge. The best time to start using Recharge is when roots are initially forming. You want to inoculate the roots with bacteria and fungi right away so the beneficial colonies can expand as the roots expand. The amount of Recharge used per gallon and the volume of solution used per plant will increase slightly as roots fill their container. How much volume and how often will depend on your growing media. You can adjust the pH of your solution prior to adding Recharge. Recharge will initially raise the pH of your solution, but you do NOT need to correct it. The microbes in Recharge are able to actively feed plants at a wide range of pH levels. The small volume used is not enough to change the pH of your media. Use Recharge solution within 24 hours. Recharge mixed in 5 gallons (19 litres) of solution will treat 80 plants, 1 gallon (3.79 litres) will treat 16 plants and ½ gallon (1.9 litres) will treat 8 plants at 8 ounces each. For best coverage, apply Recharge solution to your media after it’s been watered and not when it needs to be watered. The microbes will disperse through the media better when it’s already wet.

Seedling and Clone Usage Rate:  Mix Recharge at ½ tsp (2.5 g) per gallon of solution. How much solution to mix will depend on the number of plants to inoculate. Recharge can be used at 1-2 gram per gallon in conjunction with rooting hormones and mineralized cloning solutions when preparing cloning media. Do not create a thick Recharge sludge to soak media or roots as the alkaline nature of the kelp in Recharge could stress the young roots. Do not use Recharge in an aeroponic cloner.

Seedlings and Clones in Soil:  Use 4-6 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each seedling or clone’s stalk every watering for the first two weeks with little or no runoff. Waterings in soil are less frequent so you can use a little more volume depending on starting container size.

Seedlings and Clones in Coco/Soilless:  Use 2-4 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each seedling or clone’s stalk every watering for the first two weeks with little or no runoff. Recharge can be applied every 2-3 days. Recharge should not be used with irrigation or in hydroponic reservoirs.

Seedlings and Clones in Inert Media/Water Culture:  Use 2-4 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each seedling or clone’s stalk every watering for the first two weeks with little or no runoff. Recharge can be applied every 2-3 days. Recharge should not be used with irrigation or in hydroponic reservoirs. Recharge can be used to inculcate roots in clay pellet and water culture systems between reservoir changes.

Transplanting Usage Rate:

Mix Recharge at 2 tsp (10 g) per gallon of solution to minimize transplant shock. Water your plant before or after transplant with good runoff. After transplant and watering to runoff, apply 6-8 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each plant’s stalk.

Using Recharge During The Vegetative Growth Stage:

Vegetative Stage Usage Rate:  Mix 1 tsp (5 g) of Recharge per gallon of solution.

Vegetative Stage in Soil:  Use 6-12 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each stalk once or twice a week with little or no runoff. Waterings in soil are less frequent so you can use a little more volume depending on container size.

Vegetative Stage in Coco/Soilless:  Use 6-8 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each stalk once or twice a week with little or no runoff. Recharge should not be used with irrigation or in hydroponic reservoirs.

Vegetative Stage in Inert Media/Water Culture:  Use 4-8 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each stalk once or twice a week with little or no runoff. Recharge should not be used with irrigation or in hydroponic reservoirs. Recharge can be used to inculcate roots in clay pellet and water culture systems between reservoir changes.

Using Recharge During The Flowering Stage:

Flowering Stage Usage Rate:  Mix 1 tsp (5 g) of Recharge per gallon of solution. Recharge can be used until peak bloom. Just past half-way through flowering you can stop applying Recharge.

Flowering Stage in Soil:  Use 8-12 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each stalk once or twice a week during the transition into flowering with little or no runoff. Apply Recharge once a week after initial bud set until peak bloom. Waterings in soil are less frequent so you can use a little more volume depending on container size.

Flowering Stage in Coco/Soilless:  Use 6-8 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each stalk once or twice a week during the transition into flowering with little or no runoff. Apply Recharge once a week after initial bud set until peak bloom. Recharge should not be used with irrigation or in hydroponic reservoirs.

Flowering Stage in Inert Media/Water Culture:  Use 4-8 ounces of Recharge solution around the base of each stalk once or twice a week during the transition into flowering with little or no runoff. Apply Recharge once a week after initial bud set until peak bloom. Recharge should not be used with irrigation or in hydroponic reservoirs. Recharge can be used to inculcate roots in clay pellet and water culture systems between reservoir changes.

Recharge in a Foliar Spray:

Mix ½ tsp (2.5 g) of Recharge per gallon of solution. Recharge can be applied once or twice a week as a foliar spray through the transition into flowering. Do not spray Recharge on your plants after initial bud set. 

Enhance Your Compost Teas with Recharge:

Recharge can be mixed using ½ tsp (2.5 g) per gallon to your existing Active Aerated Compost Tea recipes. You can also brew Active Aerated Compost Tea with just Recharge and Water. Start with 1 tsp (5 g)  per gallon for a mild tea. Ready to use after 15 mins. Do not brew longer than 24 hrs.

Recharge For Field Crops:

Recharge can be applied as a soil top dress for outdoor cannabis and hemp field crops at a usage rate of 4 lbs per acre. 1 oz (2 tablespoons) covers 650 square feet.

How I Mix and Apply Recharge:

I have a 16 oz bottle with a modified top with a straw attached. I use the bottle so I can easily measure each plant’s dose. I don’t like to just pour the solution through the media. I like it to slowly trickle out the straw.


36 responses to “RealGrowers Recharge Cannabis User Guide”

  1. SunnyinBectopia Avatar

    Thank you. I should have looked …… 💋

  2. Coach Steve Avatar

    Bless you, Jmystro 🙏🏼

  3. bnr_dgc Avatar

    this is amazing!!! Thank you J Mystro!!!

  4. jmystro Avatar

    Thanks everyone for the support. 😉 After using Recharge in my garden since 2014, I felt like I could write something helpful. I’m not the marketing guy. lol. I told Scotty I’d help Recharge users use it properly, without wasting it. Gotta love an owner with a great product that doesn’t want the typical “Use it full strength past harvest marketing bullshit” you find sometimes.

  5. DK Avatar

    Good stuff J! Curious why only 6-12 ounces in soil? That isn’t much when a plant is in a 5 gallon pot. Wouldn’t it be beneficial to drench the entire root system with Recharge?

    1. jmystro Avatar

      Great questions DK. These recommendations are based on what’s typically needed to initially inoculate or reinoculate established microbe populations. You bring up an important point about drenching. It’s best to apply Recharge after you water or use a nutrient solution. This way the media is already wet and the microbes in Recharge can easily be dispersed through the media. I’ll add more info to my post to point this out. 12 ounces could give you run off after a plant’s been watered in a 5 gal but not in a pot that needs to be watered.

      1. DK Avatar

        Makes sense and helps me with my other question regarding mixing Recharge with nutrients or watering it solo. Thanks!

      2. Maryjane Calyx Avatar
        Maryjane Calyx

        Well I’ve been doing a poor job of using this product evidently. I have been mixing it in to my h2o once a week and in it goes. I had no clue you did it separately/after the watering. Jeebus…
        Thanks as always.

  6. Maryjane Calyx


  7. Trike Bender Avatar
    Trike Bender

    6-12 ounces in 5 gallons.
    -So how much recharge solution for plants in 100 gallon bags?

    1. jmystro Avatar

      The volumes recommended are for the typical indoor use with plants in less than 40 gallon pots. When your growing trees in large containers you’re going to need more volume. A mature plant in a 100 gallon pot should only need about a gallon of Recharge solution. You’re not using Recharge when your plant needs to be watered. You use Recharge right after you’ve watered your plants. 500 gallon pot = 5 gallons of Recharge Solution. 1000 gallon pot = 10 gallons of Recharge solution.

  8. DanFourTwentyLeader Avatar

    anyone have link to recharge for canadians

    1. jmystro Avatar

      The links are at the bottom of the post. Sorry I only had the text link before. I added a Recharge Canada graphic so it’s easier to notice.

      1. DanFourTwentyLeader Avatar

        thanks jmystro…..recharge on its way…1st time user…canadian

  9. 4genokie Avatar

    Should I immediately apply the recharge after watering or should I wait a day or should I wait a few hours to apply recharge?

    1. Coach Steve Avatar

      Apply WITH your watering. Either by itself or mixed in after your nutrients and after you adjust pH. Use Recharge immediately after mixing, but don’t water twice.

      1. tturchi23 Avatar

        Would it not be beneficial to mix the recharge with water, let it aerate in pH’d H2O for a day then feed? Or would this be ok for bottled nutes and not powders?

        1. Coach Steve Avatar

          Recharge has targeted soil microbes ready to use after mixed, aerating and letting it sit may not end up with the same balance as microbes compete.
          I’m no expert on any of this, but that’s what they have explained a number of times on the show. It’s nice to be able to get the info straight from the owner.
          If you do a search here for Recharge, you’ll find a lot of discussion about it.

          1. jmystro Avatar

            Steve knows…

      2. 4genokie Avatar

        Thanks ,on a normal watering I’ll give it 1 ml of silica blast 2 ml of cal mag and then I mix a half a teaspoon a recharge with it thanks for the information

  10. Anonymous


  11. scothershman Avatar

    I jadded some recharge to my clones that are sitting in 4inch rockwood cubes. The next day they were drooping like they were over wartered. Is this temporary or did I cause some damage?

    1. HizHighness69 Avatar

      Scothershamn, I’m assuming everything went fine. did they perk back up after water? Focusing on forcing the wet to dry cycle and keeping the foliage wet with a spray bottle is my 100% go to (of course with a heat bed and an incubation chamber).

  12. martianpirates Avatar

    Curious as to how to apply recharge to seedlings growing in coco.
    Because in coco you water to runoff, the coco is saturated so any additional liquid added will force more out the bottom. If you applied it immediately after fertigation could this potentially flush away the nutrients you have just given?
    Or is it better to mix recharge with your nutrient solution and use with every watering of the seedlings?

    1. Coach Steve Avatar

      Microbes don’t wash out.

      1. martianpirates Avatar

        I meant the nutes

        1. Coach Steve Avatar

          You can mix with the nutes, add last. If you applied Recharge with just water you don’t have a reason to have runoff at that time. You can do either way.
          If applying Recharge separately, wait for they need water again rather than on top of your last feeding.

  13. Sun Flowers Avatar
    Sun Flowers

    Going to use a sample pack of RECHARGE that came free with SHN order, thanks for this product guide. I use 70% coco/15%perlite/15%vermiculite and use a 3 part. I dont use any composts or meals, but I hope to see some benefits from the kelp, mollasses, amino acids, humic acids and fulvic acids as well as the microbial additions to the mix. Should I add some sort of organic amendment to get the most benefit from RECHARGE? I am hesitent to use organic inputs inside, but I do permaculture outside and move rabbits, goats,and chickens around on our property to prepare beds and gardens and see how much the plants thrive due to the nutrient/microbe rich soil.

    1. microbes4trichomes Avatar

      Can I use Recharge to charge charcoal?

  14. Anonymous


  15. luke61 Avatar

    Thank you J
    very good article lots of very good info broke down so easy to understand. Answered my question’s
    Cool Hand Luke

  16. DixieDankFLA Avatar

    Scotty let me tell you how recharge stepped my grow game up to the next level. Without it I don’t think anything would have survived the summer here. I’ve got two nice biggish girls lol. One indica one huge sativa. Grown in Fox farm ocean Forest with aerated water. outdoor with Dr Earth flower girl dry amendments recharge and Beastie bloomz. I am now sitting in the week 6 of flower. About to complete my first real outdoor harvest and boy am I happy with the results yet. Thank you for making it that much better as well as easier.

  17. Bacon Avatar

    I’m a recharge fiend. I love the results but am curious to what percentages of micro nutrients are available in it. Any help coach or J?

  18. Donkeydicknugg Avatar

    Recharge gives me those donkey dick nuggs scotty speaks about

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