The Dude Grows Show

Month: June 2020

  • RealGrowers Recharge Cannabis User Guide

    RealGrowers Recharge Cannabis User Guide

    What is RealGrowers Recharge? All-natural organic RealGrowers Recharge is an ultra concentrated microbial super-pack formulated to charge any growing media with specially selected colonies of beneficial bacteria and fungi with humic, fulvic and amino acids that form a mutually beneficial relationship with the roots of your cannabis plants. Recharge’s targeted approach establishes beneficial colonies of…

  • Why are the leaves tacoing?!

    Why are the leaves tacoing?!

    What’s up DGC! I have to plants of the same strain and both in the same soil mix and watered on the same days. One of them is tacoing REALLY bad and I don’t know why! Any help on what to do would be appreciated! First two pics will be taco’d plant and second two…