The Dude Grows Show

How much light should I give my clones?

A. For freshly cut clones, give them ambient light only. Do not put freshly cut clones under direct light.  When you see roots, THEN you can gradually give them more light. When you see new growth, you can give them full light with the rest of your plants in vegetative growth.  The light cycle for clones should be 18 hours on, 6 hours off.

I get this question frequently, so I decided to set up an experiment, to demonstrate.

I cut a tray of clones, and started them inside the clone dome, (with my usual technique) but this time I put them near a 4 bulb, florescent T5 light fixture.  After two weeks, we can see how the light, affects the health of the clones.  The leaves that are too close to the light, turn yellow and eventually get crispy and die.

If your clone’s leaves turn yellow, don’t make the mistake of giving them more light.  Actually, it’s the opposite; they are getting too much light.

When un-rooted clones get light, leaves attempt to photosynthesize, but they cannot uptake nutrients. This makes leaves cannibalize themselves, and turn yellow. You’ll also see those leaves cup, in order to conserve moisture. Here is an example of what it looks like. Notice how the right side of the tray is getting too much light, and the clones are suffering.

If this happens to you, throw away the clones in poor health.  When clones are stalled, it takes weeks before they recover and get into rapid growth.  Give your clones a quick start, top often, and in about 45-60 days, you’ll have a biggon, ready for flower.

Come back to the dude grows every week.  I’ll be posting step by step cloning instructions, and how to prepare your plant for flower.  Keeping it short and bushy like you see here, will produce a wide canopy with dozens of large tops.


  1. Jackson Avatar

    Looks like another well written article by The Capn?

  2. Appalachian Dank Avatar
    Appalachian Dank

    Yet another easy answer at an opportune time. I ran into an issue w two “mothers” dropped of all emergency like w no idea what’s grow’n on w any of it. No idea on soil composition or feedings or any of that… oh and they didn’t look too great either. Chlorotic patches, signs of pests, thin branches… basically the floral equivalent of an opiate addicted pole dancer, not the product of a happy and stable environment. Anywho, I get Candi back on her feet again, things are looking up, rehab is working then BAM! bitch pulls an Amy Winehouse on me, relapses back into old habits and starts to yellow on me from the bottom up, quickly. I drop in some dyna grow N2 feed, trim shit back yet again and wait. The trend continued so Im worried about lockout. The soil and what’s been tossed into it are a mystery but lockout would explain the lack of uptake. Yes, I’m going to pick up some recharge for my next go around… sigh. Hey, when you compared the soils bacteria to our digestive bacteria… yeah, when you wipe out the good bacteria in someone w say vancomycin and give them a case of c. dif where the awesome super helpful bacteria are replaced by some lazy, tough motherfucker… can that happen in the soil as well? What is the c dif of the soil… the soil dif? Anyway, back to the real point, instead of trying to flush the soil I uh… well I cut that bitch into pieces and put her in some rock wool. Im afraid I made a mistake and just lost a plant. Should I have just flushed?

    1. THECAPN Avatar

      >>>starts to yellow on me from the bottom up

      A.D. My stoner translator is broken, but I think I get what you’re trying to say. I don’t think you have a lighting issue here. If you’re plant is yellowing from the bottom up, that’s usually a sign of root rot, or extreme lockout of all nutrients. Flushing agents can cause a nutrient lockout too. One common mistake a see people make, is planting a small plant into a huge pot. The problem with this, is you can’t water your plant often enough. If I were you, I would have put the plant into a smaller pot, fed a mild 300ppm nutrient solution at 7.0, with lots of run off, and then topped it off with a nice dose of Recharge. Then, let it go until the pot feels light again. Remember, your pot should feed significantly lighter between waterings. If it doesn’t, your pot is too big, you’re your watering too often. Consider lightening up your soil mix with perlite on the next round.

  3. Anonymous


  4. Anonymous


  5. Anonymous


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