The Dude Grows Show

STS question

Been a minute DGC! Calling out from the Red Dirt again with a question. I just finished listening to the panel show from the 5th of February and would like a bit of clarification on the subject of Silver Thiosulfate.

In the podcast one of the speakers (i don’t remember which one) said that STS was systemic. My understanding of systemic… anything means you apply/ contract in one area of the plant and the whole plant is effected. I have been flipping only one branch of a plant for pollen a few times now and there has been 0 sacs form anywhere STS was not directly applied. So this begs the question, IS Silver Thiosulfate sedentary or systemic? I would think that if it were systemic the entire plant would produce pollen rather than just the selected branch. This is just my experience with STS and would like to know more from a scientific point of view.


3 responses to “STS question”

  1. Soup Avatar

    I’ve also noticed that sometimes a few branches dont get reversed or dont get fully reversed when I’m spraying with sts. While the sts does find its way into the plants tissues, I dont think its fully systemic.

  2. NayHay Avatar

    As your observations noted, likely not systemic, although I consider the whole plant (and soil) tainted with silver when I spray it to be on the safe side. The silver definitely gets inside the plant, how far it moves is debatable.

    Silver is used to take the place of copper, and copper is an immobile nutrient. That only means that once the nutrient finds its way from the soil to where it goes in the plant, it stays there.

    If you want to get the whole plant to express male, you really need to spray every bit of it. Even then, some plants manage to get some copper, produce ethylene, and female flowers.

    1. Joheim Avatar

      I’ve never flipped a whole plant. Mainly because I only had 1 seed and they were autos. Even with the (photo) seed run I’m in right now I won’t be flipping a whole plant. All I got were females so I’ll be flipping a branch on each of the three to get as much diversity as I can from 3 ladies.

      I’ll admit, I’ve smoked the untreated parts of the plant with no apparent ill effect, but I don’t share that material. I’ll risk me, but no one else. Normally the chaff just gets made into edibles.

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