The Dude Grows Show


Shalom one and all!! Living in a prohibition state is a tight rope walk. Appreciate the discussions on keeping the grow secret. Keeping it on the down low. Would enjoy and benefit from more tips, hints and mindful steps to keep the grow hidden.




5 responses to “Underground”

  1. Budwin Jones Avatar

    Grow-hibited state grower here with literal cop neighbors. I grow indoors. I use carbon filters and I have a backup filter. I’ll never be without a spare filter. Create a routine and keep everything as clean as possible. I lock the door to my grow (lung room and tents) even if it’s just me. I compost my defoliation/scrap back into garden soil which keeps trash accidents from being an issue. I peel labels off my trash (nute bottles, packaging) when I can as well. I also grow other plants around the house/garden so I don’t look suspicious carrying bags of Peat and stuff into my area. Most importantly DON’T…… TELL……. ANYONE!!! Not friends, not your family, not your dog and all in all just think and use common sense. That’s basically it unless you’re larger scale seller/grower in which case I would also recommend looking into solar power to keep the elec co from taking notice. Good luck!!

  2. Sunnyinbectopia Avatar

    Really being mindful about every thing you do. I would probably just buy it.

  3. JohnnyRn Avatar

    All points noted!! Thank you!!!

  4. NayHay Avatar

    Ditto Budwin Jones said. Think about backup plans now. Imagine if a stranger has to come into your house in 2 minutes from now. What can you do to overwhelm the indoor space with stank?

    I had an urgent plumbing problem that I couldn’t fix, so I decided it was time to refinish a table with full-solvent wood finish in the basement just before the plumber showed up.

    Fried onions are pretty good: keep some chopped and ready to go in the freezer toss in a pan as hot/fast as you can.

    I now keep covid masks by the front door. Should pigs show up and insist on entry, I think I could ask that they mask up for my protection, or I’d be happy to talk outside. Seems like a plausible excuse for our times.

    Good luck and have fun.

  5. JohnnyRn Avatar

    Thank you Nayhay!!! Good ideas, to implement!!!

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