The Dude Grows Show

Why are the leaves tacoing?!

What’s up DGC! I have to plants of the same strain and both in the same soil mix and watered on the same days. One of them is tacoing REALLY bad and I don’t know why! Any help on what to do would be appreciated! First two pics will be taco’d plant and second two will be other healthy plant.


10 responses to “Why are the leaves tacoing?!”

  1. jmystro Avatar

    I’d be checking for bugs eating roots or some other root stress like pH that just started. Doesn’t look heat or humidity related.

    1. SirTokesAlot420 Avatar

      I ended up moving the light all the way up and moving them away from the tent vent and they bloomed back out so I’m guessing it was light intensity and/or to much wind exposure

      1. jmystro Avatar

        Ah, focus’d heat. That make’s sense why only the top is curling. If the room was too hot, all the leaves would curl. If the light was too intense for too long, they’d start to yellow over time. You caught it quick and that’s why they recovered so quick. Too much wind will cause the entire leaf to claw down.

  2. Chad.Westport Avatar

    I noticed that it was 81 on the ground in the tent. The temp at canopy level must of been cooking. Glad you sorted it out, nice work.

    Was the fan blowing hard on those plants from the tent vent? I’m curious if direct hard wind would cause that, I know it will mess with its transpiration.

  3. SunnyinBectopia Avatar

    Is this the same plant you wrote in about with the twisted funky growth? If so maybe Mystro is on to something. I am a fan abuser and I don’t ever notice this kind of look from it.

    1. SirTokesAlot420 Avatar

      So this plant I’m question is the other plant that I am growing not the one I posted about the weird growth but that one is coming along nicely as well:) I am almost positive it’s light intensity and heat I moved the light all the way up and after their sleep cycle the leaves are no longer tacoed but when I wake up in the morning after they’ve been under the light for about 16-17 hours they are tacoed again. I am using an Hlg 135w r spec could it really be to intense when it’s all the way at the top probably 3-4 feet from canopy?

      1. BakedBaker Avatar

        Do you have a dimmer? Maybe lower the intensity so you can move your light closer. I’d hate for this to happen when they are taller. But perhaps more vegetation would help to absorb it?

        1. SirTokesAlot420 Avatar

          Baker your a genius!! I didn’t even think of looking if the driver had a dimmer!! I’ve now dimmed the light down and moved it back to its original position and I’m really thinking that will fix the problem! I will update as soon as I notice a difference! Thank you so much for the replies!

          1. BakedBaker Avatar

            Glad we could help. Hopefully that works out and gives you space for upward growth.

        2. jmystro Avatar

          LED dimmers are an amazing feature. 😉

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