The Dude Grows Show

Month: January 2024

  • Ethylene?


    Found a pretty sweet article on ethylene as and how they affect your plants. Very similar to the new mill winter frost. ethylene encourages maturing by accelerating the aging process of the plant. Turns out its a naturally occurring thing within the plants. Studies show that seedlings exposed to ethylene gas prior to germination have…

  • Progaurd or airoclean 420

    Progaurd or airoclean 420

    What’s up DGC. I was recently considering purchasing an air purifier system to help ensure I don’t get pm every once in awhile it seems to pop up and I would really like to buy a unit that could help eradicate the problem. I was looking at a pro guard unit and another unit called…

  • Diatomaceous Earth as Silica Supplement

    Diatomaceous Earth as Silica Supplement

    I am currently using Ninurta Ag’s PotentSi, a liquid form of MSA with 1.54% monosilicic acid listed as being derived from Silicon Dioxide!  Quartz!  Sand!  Crystals! I am going to share some knowledge and my rationalization on why diatomaceous earth as a silica supplement does work, and share the potential drawback that I encountered while…

  • Heater in grow tent intermittent issue

    Heater in grow tent intermittent issue

    Hey Dude, Scotty, Grambo and Banner. I have a 5×5 with a floor radiator heater that has seemed to of worked great for a few days after my plants freezing and a near death experience. I set the heater to 75F and it would maintain 81 degrees. After a few days of it working fine…

  • Biochar


    Hey DGC maybe you can help me out with this one and save me a couple hours on Google. I got a couple bags of composted biochar I don’t know much about biochar and I’m wondering if it would be a good soil amendment and alright to use in the tent.