The Dude Grows Show

Heater in grow tent intermittent issue

Hey Dude, Scotty, Grambo and Banner. I have a 5×5 with a floor radiator heater that has seemed to of worked great for a few days after my plants freezing and a near death experience. I set the heater to 75F and it would maintain 81 degrees. After a few days of it working fine like that it started kicking off and letting the temps drop down to 64 and then kicking back on and not turning off even past 90f. Idk what’s up with it but I slammed it around like am old tv that wouldn’t come in and it started working again like before. It’s been taken off but just thought it was really odd and wondering if others have shared experiences in intermittent issues the thermostats on heaters.  Thanks y’all Divine Pine Grower


2 responses to “Heater in grow tent intermittent issue”

  1. J Mystro Avatar

    Sounds like that POS needs to be on an external thermostat if the built in one is shit. Then just keep the unit on full blast and let another reliable thermostat power the unit on and off.

  2. Evil Coach Steve Avatar

    A pic of what heater you’re using or a link to it would help. Some heaters wont turn back on after a power outage, so those don’t work with an external thermostat.
    All internatal thermostats of any small heater I know of has a fixed deadband that may swing too far and if not sized right, will have trouble recovering and might not be designed to stay on full time.
    If it works on an external thermostat, get one rated for 1500watts.
    Oil filled heaters are best bet for a tent.

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