The Dude Grows Show

Category: Cloning

  • Clones dying 2-3 days after transplant

    Clones dying 2-3 days after transplant

    Hey dudes! I’m having an issue I’ve never experienced – my clones are dying anywhere between 2-5 days after transplant into my 70/30 coco. Some totally wilt over limp and others show signs of low humidity stress (the leaves curl up to a crisp on day 2-3 after transplant) The clones are rooted in rockwool…

  • The Fundamentals of Cloning

    The Fundamentals of Cloning

    Greetings fellow propagators and aspiring propagators of the DGC. The purpose of this piece is not to tell anyone how they should clone cannabis or the way I clone is better than any other. I want every grower, in every situation, to understand the fundamentals of cloning so they can apply them to their prefered…

  • How much light should I give my clones?

    How much light should I give my clones?

    A. For freshly cut clones, give them ambient light only. Do not put freshly cut clones under direct light.  When you see roots, THEN you can gradually give them more light. When you see new growth, you can give them full light with the rest of your plants in vegetative growth.  The light cycle for…