The Dude Grows Show


Well, here we go again guys… Seems like after each panel show I feel the need to reiterate some of my handy ideas. This is a cat litter box with pieces of PVC cut and thrown in. I have some water dish soap and baking soda in it currently. I literally just walk up to it, go back-and-forth, rolling my feet over the PVC. As you can see from the bottom of my shoe, it really gets in there well. My feet are not getting wet though. I might not necessarily kill everything. But I ain’t making it easy to crawl off of my shoe, then crawl across the floor, then crawl up a grow table. This is for a routine in and out of my shop or going from the veg room to the flower room. If I’m working on a particularly cross contaminating situation, I will have it right where I’m working so when I leave the area I have already washed my. Feet reducing the amount of cross-contamination that could be going down. It’s super easy takes absolutely no effort and does not cost me in disposable chemical pads. I also have a diluted, rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. I spray feet and people down with that if they are coming in my shop. It drives quickly and does not fuck up their clothes. If they don’t like it, they can get the fuck out. I certainly get bugs here and there, not infestation. I can’t live my life with all of these different gardens and outdoor landscape without going crazy so I need to have these simple easy things to at least minimize. And it must be working. I also have one of these outside my back door of my house. It’s just too goddamn easy!


2 responses to “CLEAN YOUR FEET EASY”

  1. MidMOGrower Avatar

    Yeah, that seems like too much work for me Lol. I just get naked and go to my grow room lol.

    1. Sunnyinbectopia Avatar

      Ok that sounds like a lot more work….

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