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Dude Grows Show 2024 DGC Cup Preview
What’s Growing On DGC? The Dude and Scotty are Hanging Out Talking Cannabis News, Culture and Growing.
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Dude’s World
Both Jeff Bezos and the Koch Brothers are pushing to end cannabis prohibition? And I don’t know what to think about it. We’re already seeing big pharma muscling in on the Georgia market and it’s not good. What’s Bezos & Koch’s vision? And do I trust it? How long until Amazon weed delivery? over/ under 5 years? What’s Federal legalization backed by Amazon look like? Next day weed from anywhere in the country? Sounds cool. 50% vig, not so much. As much as we’re picking on the details… I want to go up 20,000 ft and just celebrate what’s happened to cannabis in the last 20 years/ generation in the Greatest country in the world THE USA! It might take a while, but we the people have the right to change the laws here! I was watching the Ngannou fight vs Fury fight from Saudi Arabia and saw how not free they were. BTW That preshow was absolutely amazing! Look at the way the boxers came out. No one would watch it with me… and that made it a little less amazing for some reason. The judging seemed rigged, but anyone who was in Saudi Arabia was scared to say anything, because they don’t have true freedom of speech. Everyone dressed the same. Had to clap for the king and prince (no booing allowed). I’d be so pissed if my government spent that much money on such an extravagant event. (but they can’t say anything). There better not be a hungry child left, before you start spending like that! As much as we bitch about some of the crappy weed laws here in the USA, watching the people in that arena reminded me of how great we have it here. Our country is founded on the idea of allowing the people to govern themselves. it is awesome that we can socially push our elected officials to change laws we no longer believe in . To get a law changed in USA, we start by changing our reactions socially.
EricReality – On a family cross country trip in our RV we were pulled into a boarder patrol checkpoint in the middle of New Mexico. I had just left Colorado and had stocked up as well as having heavy protection onboard. They had dogs and weird looking X-ray equipment. Nearly shit my pants but the agent just asked how many people were onboard and if we were citizens. Yes sir and he said have a nice day.
ATC_FOOL – Brett’s idea of allowing an entrant to promote their product in a competition is exactly what’s wrong with our Federal Government.
jerrygarcia9292 – Suggestion perhaps is to have all submissions fill out a general few questions on a card so it can be shared by you all, the hosts/comfortable public speakers, as the winners are announced. It would take immense pressure off of people who are not comfortable going up and speaking etc. Just a toke for thought.
Misterp8538 – Wow! Grambo is on fire today. Keep up the good jokes bro…great episode guys…
Kenabyss – Our weed may be stronger now. But I call BS on 10 times stronger. Testing back in the day put the strongest weed (Maui Wowie) at about 11%. The way they tested was whole plant. Now they only test flower. I’d be very interested to see the numbers testing under the same method. My guess is 2-3 times stronger
Uncle Knife – The Show was hitting on all cylinders this week. It was fully crystallized & frostier than a snowman’s taint. It smelled absolutely amazing like a sasquatch who stepped in skunk shit while ripping a gasser. It tasted even better than it smelled & the exhale was like being mugged by the terp burglar. The show was virtually lumber free & perfectly trimmed with zero crows feet. I look forward to our Saturday wake & bake’s every week. God Bless the DGC
Halloween Headline – Man in BC wearing a Bacon suit eaten by a bear. OMG Lol… Peace! Kenabyss DGC
sunnyinbectopia – If you don’t have anything for beneficial’s to eat, it is really quite a huge waste of money and time, and insulting to these poor bugs when they wake up and find nothing to eat.
Give them something to talk about next visit to the grow store
Audible recommended: Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work
I always made fun of myself for majoring in woodshop in high school, but with all the ai tech, building stuff might not have been such a bad skill to learn
Once AR glasses come out no one needs to know anything!
Is it Real?
Missing Dog on the Mend After Accidentally Getting High on Pot Brownies
Teenage cannabis users admit smoking joints before noon
Will terp porn get us in trouble with YouTube?
Hi-C sent me this: You know the dill
So then I dared to type in “weirdest cannabis pipe”
Ever since I mentioned Drakes chain I’ve been getting all sorts of stuff like this in my feed
Buesa Rhimes has got it going on
Help us build the Recharge store finder. Send Stick packs to your local store. Visit and Fill out the form. Tell us about your local grow shop. We’ll send free samples for them and you.
What’s Growing On DGC? Banner is Hanging Out Talking Cannabis News, Culture and Growing in this episode of Know…
What’s Growing On DGC? The Dude and Scotty are Hanging Out Talking Cannabis News, Culture and Growing. THIS…
Just wondering if you will have an Android App?
Dudes That Grow Show with pHive.8/New Millenium Jerin and Irie Genetics Rasta Jeff. Biggest Cannabis Growing Mistakes and What…
I’ve been using Roots Organic either OG, 707 soil (or if available for flower transplant Lush) and I usually…
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