The Dude Grows Show

Canna Butter: A Step-by-Step Recipe for the Most Effective Cannabis Oil

If you’ve tried making cannabis oil before and weren’t satisfied with the results, you’re in the right place. Making the most potent and effective cannabis oil, or canna butter, is an art that requires attention to detail and the right ingredients. This guide will walk you through a proven recipe that maximizes the potency and effectiveness of your canna butter.

Why Make Your Own Cannabis Oil?

Many people throw some cannabis into butter and let it cook for a couple of days, only to end up with a mediocre product. By following this detailed recipe, you’ll get the most out of your material, ensuring that every dose is potent and effective. Making your own cannabis oil allows you to control the quality and potency, providing a reliable product for medicinal or recreational use.

Ingredients Needed

To make the most effective cannabis oil, you’ll need:

  1. 1/2 Cup Coconut Oil or Butter: Choose refined to avoid coconut taste, or unrefined if you don’t mind it. Coconut oil is preferred for its high MCT content and health benefits.
  2. 1/4oz Cannabis Bud or 1oz Frosty Trim: Use the best quality product available. Only use trim with visible trichomes.
  3. 1 Teaspoon Soy Lecithin Granules: This ingredient enhances the oil’s effectiveness. Don’t skip it.

Step-by-Step Recipe

  1. Decarb Your Herb:
    • Preheat your oven to 215°F.
    • Finely chop your herb and spread it evenly in a small oven-safe dish.
    • Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes.
    • Allow it to cool with the foil on to retain the vapors.
  2. Add the Oil or Butter and Heat:
    • Melt your coconut oil or butter on low heat. Clarify if using butter by skimming off milk solids.
    • Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of lecithin over the decarbed herb, then pour the melted oil or butter over it. Mix well.
    • Cover with foil and bake at 215°F for 45 minutes.
    • Remove, let cool for 10-15 minutes, stir, add another 1/2 teaspoon of lecithin, and bake for another 45 minutes.
    • Cool, then freeze for at least 2 hours.
  3. Strain the Oil:
    • Strain the herb out of the oil using a mesh coffee filter or cheesecloth. Press with a spoon to extract all the oil.

Tips for Maximum Potency

Using and Storing Your Canna Butter


By following this recipe exactly, you’ll produce canna butter that’s potent and effective, maximizing the benefits of your cannabis. Whether for medicinal or recreational use, this guide ensures you get the best results. Ready to make your own canna butter? Follow these steps and enjoy the potent results!

This article was inspired by THECAPN


  1. altainta Avatar

    I am so glad you looked into Badkittysmiles method. she is really well versed in the making of oil. And now we have captains modified version. very good.

    1. diabetical Avatar

      Excellent guide. Will be using this when my lecithin granules arrive. 🤙🏻🤙🏻

  2. Special*k Avatar

    With all due respect, I’m sure this article will help many who would like to play around with cannabis cooking, however; I disagree with a few things and would like to let the listeners know what I’ve dialed down to over the past 14 years and 100s if not thousands of batches.

    The first thing I’d like to address: if you don’t have the money to invest in lab testing (which should range from $30-$70 per sample depending where you go and the results will be given to you in mg/g.) and resources to burn while you are in the trial phases (just like growing, you have to be willing to experiment and possibly lose something.)

    The dosing is the second thing that needs to be addressed. 80% of the edibles on the market are not thc mg content they claim to have. It was even in the ,Denver post earlier this year: edipure hard candies and gummies (100mg) only tested at 45mg. On the other hand incredibles 100mg bar tested at 140mg. Having to little may not work and having to much may be unpleasant: however, the only overdose affects consuming cannabis is paranoia and anxiety………which can get extreme.

    Another thing I’d like to address about dosing is that edible tolerance is extremely different than flower tolerance. It affects the body different because it travels through the back cerebral cortex instead of the front which is responsible for couch locking/sleeping. Just because you may have have a super high inhalation tolerance, digestive consumption is different; the following dosage recommendations were derived from merinol (which didn’t really do anything except give the early medical marijuana edible dosage re commendation.)

    Merinol comes in two doses: 10mg and 20mg, so early reccomended California doses were 15mg (the average.) obviously that will vary per person but it is a very accurate base. So if there was a 10x strength bar, that would 10x15mg=150g.

    I have some other high tech modifications I can share on the butter/oil making process if anyone is interested. I also formulated Formula on how to dial in on exact mg content and net wt that is in every edible that is be more than happy to share….:….. Just don’t wanna come off as a know it all

    1. chickagroove Avatar

      Hello!!! Please I would love to learn more from you!! :))

    2. barkingdogg Avatar

      I have a very high tolerance for thc, and more product (high grade) than anyone needs. When I do gummies, I do 125mg/day. I make my own cannabutter, and tincture. For me 250 mg is a nice Sunday afternoon with the family.

      Please, I want more. Maximize my potency.

      Thank you,

    3. shewhipsitup Avatar

      Hi love! I’ve just started making medical grade edibles for autoimmune patients (lupus, MS etc.) like myself. It is mostly a learning process and its been great but I would love if you would offer advice as to how I can best increase potency while minimizing flavor…its the whole reason I started! When we are sick we don’t want eat so eating grass is no help!

  3. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>you have to be willing to experiment

    Hey SpecialK, thanks for your comments. You are exactly right, there is always experimenting involved. And like I said about dosing, you must be very careful you don’t make yourself, or someone else, sick. I’ve spent an entire day in bed after eating just one brownie, that had over a teaspoon of oil in it. Too many people think it’s “cool” to give someone else an edible. And you’re right, everyone has a different tolerance to edibles. The most common mistake people make, is they eat some, wait 30 minutes, feel nothing, then eat more. Then they are BENT for hours. A few episodes back, Dude and Scotty mentioned an unfortunate story about a lady who did this, and then wrote some bad press about it.

    >>>digestive consumption is different

    Yes, it’s not just about “tolerance”. It’s about how long the oil stays in your stomach before it passes though, and how good your body is at absorbing it. However, I have found, the MAJORITY of people who have a HIGH smoking tolerance, also need to consume more oil to get the same effect. And people with a LOW tolerance, like me, only need about 1/4 teaspoon.

    I’ve had a few people message me and tell me they used the recipe to make oil, but the oil wasn’t very potent. After asking them questions, in every case, I’ve found out they cut corners by not using lecithin, not freezing it, not decarbing, or using vegetable oil.

    Let me point out, that the above article is not intended for making edibles and packaging them for other people to consume. The above is intended for the average person who needs medication, and has a very limited budget. This is the type of patient that normally uses about 1/4 oz of smoke per week, and by making edibles, they could possibly make that same amount of product last 3-4 weeks. Many of these people are disabled, and have little to no money to spend on lab testing.

    Of one gets, or grows consistent product, and follows this recipe, they should be able to make fairly consistent oil, with no special ingredients or equipment.

    1. Tazz Hunt Avatar
      Tazz Hunt

      If I where to use 14g in a cup of oil would I use double the amount of lecithine and follow everything thing else 🤔

    2. skyeholistics Avatar

      Thank you for recipe! I am wanting to make cannahoney. Would it be better to use this recipe or BHO? I have honey bees and I want to infuse the cannabis into the raw honey. Any advice would be much appreciated 🙂

    3. DanielPatrick Avatar

      My situation. My wife has cancer we have been buying RSO from an licensed seller here in California, I thought why not make it myself. I live in a mobile home park and am wondering how much is the herb aroma is going to be spread around the park as I cook this stuff down?
      Also how would you compare doing Butter as you suggest her as compared to the benefits of RSO.
      If they are practically the same I could see me doing small batches every few days right in my trailer.

    4. adamSpacetation Avatar

      I just found this thread but this method looks really great I’ve made my first batch and it does seem to be pretty strong, mine came out a golden or light brown color instead of my usual green when cooking on the stove. I kept my temperatures where the recipe said. What color are you usually getting? I did use some purple bud.

  4. Special*k Avatar

    ^^^^ very true and much respect to you once again for all your hard on the site Cap. If I was out in co I’d love to meet up with the crew and share some edibles and flowers.

    If anyone out there is open to lab testing and how to cut butter to desired ratio for recipe, here is a formula I came up with that even blew aunt sandy (oaksterdqams cannabis chef).

    -First take the gram content of oil/butter in your recipe and devide by the pieces it will yield to get the g amount in each piece.

    Example: 1/2c butter is 224g and you are going to make 36

    224/36=6.22 So each piece will have 6.22g in

    – now you need to find out what the mg/g count needs to be to reach desired dose.

    Take the desired ammount of thc you would like in the unit and devide that by the number of g of butter/oil in each piece

    Example for a 50mg edible
    50/6.22,= 8.03mg/g

    -Now you must cut your butter or oil

    Take the necessary mg/g you need and divide by the mg/g of your butter/oil

    Example to get butter that is 8.03

    8.03/19.3=.416. *on this part, round up to .00

    -cutting recipe butter………

    You take the original recipes g butter/oil content and multiply by the above percent

    Recipe has 224g butter


    Final step:
    Use the above ammount of medicated oil/butter and subtract that from the original recipe. The remainder ammount is plain butter or oil.

    That may never be needed by most but I’m sure there’s some one out there that what’s to dial in dosing.

    Once again, thanks Cap, Dude, and Scottie for all the work and keep the great stuff coming

  5. QuincyNonME Avatar

    There are a few issues with the methodologies described here.

    First, decarboxylation of THCa to THC: It is not necessary to cover the plant material when heating up to 240F. THC and other cannabinoids do NOT vaporize at that low temperature, so there’s no point trying to contain any vapors during oven decarb. In fact, you probably cause retention of terpenes that only make resulting product taste yukkie.

    Second, 1/2 cup of butter is approximately 110g. 1 stick of butter = 1/4 lb = 111g = 1/2 cup. A pound of butter is 2 cups.

    Third, lecithin: This is an emulsifier, which causes a fat soluble substance (cannabinoids) to be partially soluble in aqueous solvents. The gastrointestinal system will absorb fat content whether it’s emulsified or not when you eat it because bile salts are emulsifiers from the liver that are mixed with intestinal contents during digestion. So I’m not sure why this would affect the potency for anyone with normal digestive processes. Obviously, consuming edibles with a high-fat meal will increase the rate of absorption (quicker onset); this does not mean that consuming edibles without high fat is ineffective, it merely reduces the speed of absorption. By the time intestinal contents reach the large intestine, pretty much all fat content will have been absorbed in non-pathological digestive systems.

  6. Special*K Avatar

    ^^^^^IMO, The Best material for extracts/edibles is fresh frozen: Therefore it is literally pointless to decarb……… The easiest way to cook is to, place material in pot, cover with water, then insert your fat content. (the water is simply to ensure you don’t burn the oil). Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer.

    I’ve been to numerous industry cooking classes and have a plethora of cannabis books that I currently review. There seems to be a variance in the time frames necessary: some indicating that the longer the cook time, the better.

    I’ve tried hundreds of methods and time frames and came to the conclusion that 3-4 hours is beyond adequate. (You will need to stir every 20-30 min and may need to a little water as it evaporates.

    When a few hours have passed, you now need to strain the herb out the oil/water. There are many methods of straining from cheese cloth to strainers……. Do not use coffee filters……….If you can dedicate a separate mesh bag from a bubble set, thats butter!!!! No pun intended.

    Place the strained liquid into feeder so matters separate……… you can skim it as soon as gains density………I prefer to let it freeze then separate.

    Keep oil/butter frozen and thaw to use.

    ^^^^^About the lechitin: I have not tried that nor heard of that until this post and in Ed Rosenthal’s new book “Beyond Buds” so Cap may be ahead of his times………I’ll def be doing a side by side batch comparison and test both: if there’s no potency difference, i don’t find it worth using! i will update.

    The Only time I feel that decarbing is necessary is in alcohol tinctures that will be orally consumed and never heated up i.e.. lighter, oven, stove.

    you have validity but it also sounds like you’re a veteran……… I believe Capn’s whole article was to lace readers/listeners with food for though of ideas of what you can do with material that may not being used. It may get people to think outside the box and dabble with their own edibles.

    Either way, This was a dope article and I like its different people with different views interacting.

  7. THECAPN Avatar

    Thanks for all the great comments, guys / gals. I also thought the Lecithin, the de-carbing, and the freezing, (tips from badkittysmiles) all seemed not necessary. However, when do each of these things, it makes effect of the oil / butter much more intense, and will allow you to consume less, and achieve the same relief, thereby, making the most of your product.

    You’re welcome to skip any of these steps and the recipe still works, but the end effect will not be quite as strong. Heck, you can eat some bud on a peanut butter cracker if you want to skip ALL the steps 😉

  8. Jaytei Avatar

    Let me just say i have tried many different techniques and Decarbing and the lecithin has definitely made my oil more potent. I have heard of freezing and can not wait to try this recipe. Thanks THECAPN great job!!

  9. BlaznNative Avatar

    Is the cooking time the same if you wanted to do 2 cups of butter and of course 4 times the amount of the good stuff

  10. Special*k Avatar

    Canna confections, email me at

  11. hardy Avatar

    first I want to thank you captain for all your efforts sure have learned a lot from the captain’s corner. so I started on this recipe after work today the only modification I made to the recipe was sunflower lecithin
    only deferred from the recipe because I’m allergic to soy. It’s in the freezer right now.
    can’t wait to give it a try thanks again will give an update after finished

  12. Fragged Avatar

    Hey Cap – First, love all the articles, you do some great work!

    One question I have out of this article – Do you use dried or fresh frozen material (whether flower or frosty trim)? Have you tried both and does it make a difference?


  13. hardy Avatar

    Okay so here’s review time followed the recipe only variation was soy lithens first time I tried one teaspoon in a smoothie
    started feeling the effects within a half an hour nice mellow able to function get completely took the edge off.
    I do have a pretty high tolerance so the next time I tried to teaspoons

  14. hardy Avatar

    sorry hit the post comment button. as I was saying tried to teaspoons and wow guess I’m a 2 TSP guy cuz that’s right where I want to be when I’m in pain.
    it worked really well and lasted most of the day with a little nap at the end but the best part this when I woke up the next day my joints Felt awesome. I will not go for 3 teaspoons because I think that would take me to a very hairy scary place. thanks again captain

    1. CapnCannadaEh Avatar

      Hardy is absolutely the most legit review as my experience has been more or less identical. Might have to stop toking and drinking.. didnt know weed could be this good!!!
      DAY 2.. I couldn’t help wondering what happens if I go a wee bit further down the ol’ rabbit hole.. since I made a fantastic chocolate with this recipe I ended up going a whole lot further than a wee bit.. ate a whole damn cup.. maybe more…
      Not 100% on the onset time but let me tell you all I was so absolutely zonked after a couple of hours that I had to go sleep for 4 n a half hrs (had I used sativa that may not have been possible lol) the buzz was way too damn intense..
      O ya FYI this coming from a guy who smokes a q a day of some of the most potent stuff in the world 😴

  15. Michelle Avatar

    I have the same question as BlaznNative. What if I would like to make more at once. Cooking time if you are making 4x the amount? Using 1 once of shake.

    1. THECAPN Avatar

      Fragged: >>>Do you use dried or fresh frozen material (whether flower or frosty trim)?

      I don’t think it’s possible to use fresh frozen. It would get all mushy. I like to use material that is dried and cured, just like you would store your bud.

      Hardy: >>>I’m a 2 TSP guy cuz that’s right where I want to be when I’m in pain

      Glad to hear it is working for you. Amazing how it lasts SO much longer than smoking, eh? Glad to hear you worked up to your correct dose. Don’t do like I did and end up wasting an entire saturday, in bed with the spins.

      Michelle:>>>Cooking time if you are making 4x the amount?

      You can double or triple the recipe, however I would make it once using the normal amounts, so you can “get the hang of it”. If you mess up, you don’t want to waste too much material. Regardless of the amount you use, the cooking times and temps will all be the same.

      Happy “Baking”, you stoners! ha ha ha

  16. Dylan Avatar

    Going to try this recipe sometime this week.

    Have a lot of keif, wondering what ratio I should use and should time/heat be different for this recipe?

    My first attempt I decarbed and did butter on pan and strained… effects didn’t seem noticeable. 2nd time I tried water+butter, 4 hours, lots of stirring. . . that one seemed to have worked but still no where near other edibles I’ve tried. Not sure what I can be doing wrong.


  17. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>Have a lot of keif, wondering what ratio I should use and should time/heat be different for this recipe?

    Dylan, you can follow the same basic recipe with kief. Use about 5-7 grams of kief, and use about two tablespoons of coconut oil. You will see the empty trichome husks left over in the bottom of your dish. Nothing to worry about.

    Personally, I love making it with kief. The end result tastes better.

    >>>My first attempt I decarbed and did butter on pan and strained… effects didn’t seem noticeable. 2nd time I tried water+butter, 4 hours, lots of stirring.

    You’re not following the recipe. Follow the recipe from start to finish and it will turn out very potent.

  18. Don Pattenaude Avatar
    Don Pattenaude

    Cool Cap’n, I will be trying this recipe in the next few days. This will be great for canna caps.
    Thanks for the great article.
    Don P.

  19. mista dankhead Avatar
    mista dankhead

    Very potent best oil ive made and i will never change the recipe.
    Follow all directions people!
    i used pyrex baking bowls.
    my oven temps swayed almost 90 degrees
    so everyone should check their oven temps before baking. Get a QUALITY oven thermometer and watch it to see how yours does. However my toaster oven held perfect temperature and heats up quick and is probobly cheaper to run.
    toaster oven highly recommended .
    5 star recipe

  20. Don Pattenaude Avatar
    Don Pattenaude


    This is the first recipe i have ever followed to the TEE and honestly I’m glad I did.
    This is the best most potent oil I have ever produced using Kosher Kush.
    I actually made about 60 canna caps with it for my wife and can’t wait for her to try them.
    Thanks for a very precise article.

  21. Special*k Avatar

    Are any of you guys actually lab testing results ? Declabing and all this other stuff is like politics and religion: everyone has their own opinions. 4-5 dgc members have reached out for recipe help and like I’ve told everyone one of them; unless you are going to test your butter/oil, you have no clue how strong it is, the mg content in it, what exact dose you had, and no way to keep consistant doses coming. I’m not to technology savy but I will try to post some lab results on the site and see if I can get it to go. As always, if anyone has any further questions, feel free to email me………. I’ll get back.

  22. earl Avatar

    New to thia whole process, but will it still be effective if I used mids?

  23. lunchdump Avatar

    Hey Cap’n. Neat relevant article, appreciate the detail.

    One thing I thought I’d mention is that Coconut Oil doesn’t come as solid or as liquid, rather its physical state is based on temperature. If you put it in the fridge it’ll become solid; if you heat it, it’ll turn to liquid.

    In fact, it can be mixed 1:1 with chocolate chips and that’s how you make magic shell that hardens on ice cream!

  24. amada jose Avatar

    My husband that was highly infected with cancer of the lungs, he was even given days that he would live is now as healthy as a new born baby with the help of Dr Rick Simpson and his high Grade Cannabis Oil. Warm greetings to Dr Rick Simpson whom acquire the Cannabis oil medication from which was used in curing my husband lungs cancer within 90 days of treatment as said by Dr Rick Simpson, you can contact Dr Rick Simpson on every medical challenges his for more help. Once again I want to Appreciate Dr Rick Simpson and his wonderful Cannabis Oil which saved my husband Wife. We are now happy family with my husband back alive strong and healthy. you can contact Dr. Rick Simpson on every medical challenges his for more help.

    Mrs Caroline Doepoh

    1. Don Pattenaude Avatar
      Don Pattenaude

      Dear Caroline,
      Thank you so much for sharing your story with the viewers. The staff at the DGC is very happy for your husbands recovery and wish you and your family positive thoughts in the future.

  25. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>Are any of you guys actually lab testing results ?

    Hello and thanks for your comments again, Special K.

    I just want to emphasize AGAIN, this recipe is intended for the regular, “at home” consumer. Strain type, and pheno, will govern the THC content, but most importantly, cooking method and ingredients can make a HUGE difference with the potency and bio-availablity of the oil (regardless of the THC content).

    For example, you can take a small bud (with a high THC content), put it on a peanut butter cracker, and eat it. You will get SOME form of effect. However, if you take that same bud and process it, as I have outlined in the recipe, the effect will be 10 times greater, when using the same amount of product. This recipe is designed to give users a long lasting effect (up to 8 hours), but most of all, it makes the MOST out of your material, since it only takes a small amount of oil to achieve the same effect. A 1/4 oz of material can be made to last weeks, instead of days, for a frequent smoker.

    Unfortunately, most of us don’t have a lab in our home town who will give us a THC / CBD analyses on the oil we made with a 1/4 oz of weed. If even if we did, this isn’t a case where we would want to pay for that analyses. If you were making and packaging edibles, then yes of course, you would need an analyses done.

    As I said in the recipe, if you use the same starting material over and over, and follow the recipe perfectly, you will get fairly consistent results. But it is a good idea to “test” the potency yourself, before making cookies.

    Lastly, it is important to remember, all edibles are not created equally. Two different edibles with the same THC content, may affect differently. And, just because one person can eat 2 cookies and feel great… doesn’t mean the second person should start with two cookies. Edibles affect people, differently, depending on our metabolism, how long the oil stays in our stomach, and many more factors. Always use caution, so you don’t end up sick in bed all day, like I did, after 1/2 teaspoon of oil. Meanwhile, the Capn’s mistress (who also ate 1/2 teaspoon) was “happy” for hours!

  26. Lt. Dan Avatar
    Lt. Dan

    It seems like only 1/2 a cup of oil isn’t enough to cover an ounce of trim?

  27. Colt Avatar

    I have a question! Probably a dumb one but when you put the addendum of the “extra sleepy” , do you reheat after you freeze it for two hours or do you repeat the the heat and reheat process immediately. Looks like it is saying after a two hour freeze though and then refreeze after the heat and reheat. Then follow up with thawing to be able strain free of bud particles.

    1. amiglitz Avatar

      I personally do two round but I freeze after the second and combine the first batch. I think it is redundant and a waste of time to freeze twice. Also I crush the herb after the first round rather than removing after 45 minutes.

  28. Rye Avatar

    Just curious, how does baking compare to cooking on the stove top with water. Yours is the first post that suggests baking it instead of cooking on the stove top.
    Also, why should one not use a coffee grinder? This is something else unique to your post.
    This will be my first attempt and I can’t wait, but I’m also curious about the reasons behind each method.

  29. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>It seems like only 1/2 a cup of oil isn’t enough to cover an ounce of trim?

    That’s a good point, and I usually add a little bit more until I can get good coverage. But I try to use as little as I need to.

    >>>when you put the addendum of the “extra sleepy” , do you reheat after you freeze it for two hours or do you repeat the the heat and reheat process immediately.

    After freezing, heat it for about 1.5 hours, then freeze again, then heat and use.

    >>>how does baking compare to cooking on the stove top with water

    Good question. With baking, you can get a more consistent temp of the oil. One of the key parts here is going as warm as you can, without cooking the THC out of the oil. The the stove top, there is no way to control the temp.

    >>>why should one not use a coffee grinder?

    You can use one if you want, and your oil will be just as potent. However, with a coffee grinder, you are practically making powder out of it. That plant material won’t be able to be filtered out, and it will taste really bad. The stuff tastes really bad already! Also, using the coffee grinder… I feel like there is a ton wasted on the sides of the grinder.

  30. Henny Bogan Avatar
    Henny Bogan

    About how stinky should I expect my house to be while using your recipe? And will the smell be gone within 24 hours?

  31. lou Avatar

    Trying this out tonight ill take them tomorrow after work and ill post the results……. I really hope this works as ive wasted about 1/4 oz of some fire trying other recipes although this is the first ive tried with the soy lechin and the others were crock pot methods!!!! I look forward to posting some positive results!!!!

  32. Anne Avatar

    If the weed goes black in the oil in the oven, is that still fine? It looks burnt — but the oil is still slowly getting darker. It’s quite submerged in the oil, so I don’t think that it really is burnt.

    Thanks for sharing!

  33. Josh Avatar

    Hey I am looking to create this butter/oil but with winterized BHO (I have copious amounts of it!). Wondering if any alterations are required during the decarboxylation process? Eventual goal is too mass-produce and package consistently potent edibles for local collectives in my state. Thanks!

  34. THECAPN Avatar

    >>About how stinky should I expect my house to be while using your recipe? And will the smell be gone within 24 hours?

    In my opinion, it is not too bad at all. I would allow 3 hours before inviting guests.

    >>>Trying this out tonight

    How did it turn out, Lou?

    >>>If the weed goes black in the oil in the oven, is that still fine?

    It shouldn’t be black, but very dark dark green. I suppose if your material was very old, it might look black. No worries, it should still turn out ok.

  35. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>I am looking to create this butter/oil but with winterized BHO

    Josh, give me a few days and I will post another recipe on how to do this with BHO. It is amazing, my friend! And best of all it has VERY little taste. The coconut oil tastes pretty bad.

  36. Selasie777 Avatar

    Thanks for this recipe!!! It is truely the best ive found yet. I see you said the coconut oil taste bad, if you get the right kind of coconut oil it will not taste so bad. A good coconut oil should be a little sweet with a slight woody taste (like a fresh piece of coconut meat). I use Carrington farms, its the best I’ve found (besides making it yourself, which is not to hard if you have access to a source of fresh coconuts), and also the cheapest. Almost every other store brand I’ve tried has that nasty intolerable taste that I can’t stand, and I’ve tried many because I use it for my teeth so the taste is important haha. Thanks again though broda, this is my new sleep medicine!!!

  37. Henny Bogan Avatar
    Henny Bogan

    Thanks Capn!

  38. lou Avatar

    Ok guys I got a little frustrated after my first few tries….. but i found the sweeg spot!!!! Not sure why but my bud seems to have more moisture than most……. I have to decarb at 250f for 55 min using the same method you suggested covering the container with foil. Thats all it took and i follow the rest of your recipe and Ive got some really potent caps…… thanks so much for this and for anyone having problems keep at it till you find your sweet spot….

  39. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>if you get the right kind of coconut oil it will not taste so bad

    Thanks for the compliments and I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s not the coconut oil that tastes bad, it’s AFTER it’s infused with cannabis, that makes it yukky! However I’m getting ready to post a new article that will taste much better, and knock your socks off.

    >>>I have to decarb at 250f for 55 min using the same method you suggested covering the container with foil.

    If you don’t have an oven thermometer, I’ve found most ovens are 15-20 degrees off, so that may be the problem. And make sure your starting bud is dried at least two weeks before using it. Trim can be used sooner because it dries quicker. Either way, I’m glad to hear you found the sweet spot that works for you.

  40. lou Avatar

    You got it. I bought a thermometer today and it was by about 30 degrees….. im not sure how long the pot I buy takes before it gets to my hands…….. I wish they’d just legalize in my state for christ sake…… some of us are really in need of this stuff let me tell ya Ive had Crohns disease for 7 years and this stuff is a life saver at the right dosage. Stomach pain alleviated for at least 7 -8 hours or constant if I keep up doses.

  41. Apprentice Avatar

    Really like the techniques used in this article, they all seem to have a reason for being excecuted and I cannot wait to try this! I have been making oil in the oven for about two to three months now. Everyone that tries my edibles says they’re the best they have ever had so this should only make them better! Always used coco oil, just one question. Do you have a reason you stay at 215? I’m going to do it next time because it worked for you but my method is 240 for an hour decarb uncovered on a dinner plate, then put in a mason jar with as much oil as it takes to cover the bud, then in the oven at 240 for 4 hours stirring every hour. At the 4 hour mark I cut the oven off and let it reach room temp, when i get ready to strain I then put oven back on to heat the oil to 240 again to lower viscosity then strain. Like I said everyone loves them but I can’t wait to try your methods!

  42. Marco igor Avatar
    Marco igor

    I and my family is happy to share this great news to everyone for good work done by cannabis oil and also thank Dr Elita Mariano for treating my mother brain cancer with cannabis oil.

    please if you have any loved once who is sick of cancer do contact Dr. Elita Mariano with this email address::

    Marco igor

  43. Oxymora Woodvetch Avatar
    Oxymora Woodvetch

    Making today exactly as you prescribe however i am curious why you don’t add water to the oil, pot mix. I found the water pulls the water solvable bits that don’t taste good and the good stuff goes into a really tasty oil. What are your thoughts?
    Thanks for a great post and comments. Yay!

  44. Happi_cloud420 Avatar

    i am planning on using your recipe and i was wondering if there was anything specific i was looking for in the soy lecithin such as certain percentages of this or that and do they only make soy? If not, do you suggest any other type? thanks for the recipe, ill let you know how it turns out. super excited seeing that i enjoy both ingredients to the max =^.^=

  45. Janet Blair Avatar
    Janet Blair

    Just found this page due to Wake and Bake Cookbook (great blog, I’m sure recipes ROCK too). Thanks for so much information for a novice butter maker (but 420 friendly since 1971) What should I do if it’s just leaf with a few tiny buds, use more? I love the idea of using a river to press, they are great anyway! It’s really dry, should I freeze the leaf until I can make it? ? Looking forward to using lethasin sp? Thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge so freely!!

  46. Janet Avatar

    I meant potato ricer not river!

  47. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>Do you have a reason you stay at 215? I’m going to do it next time because it worked for you but my method is 240

    240F is about the temp where you may start break down or “cook” the medicine. It will still work, but I would aim for 220 to be same.

    >>>i am curious why you don’t add water to the oil, pot mix. I found the water pulls the water solvable bits that don’t taste good

    I’ve never tried that. I don’t want the material to get “wet” because then the oil may have a harder time extracting the medicine. But hey, you might be on to something there! Let us know how it turns out.

    >>>anything specific i was looking for in the soy lecithin such as certain percentages of this or that and do they only make soy

    Any kind of granulated soy lecithin should work fine.

    >>>What should I do if it’s just leaf with a few tiny buds, use more?
    Leaves with no trichomes on them won’t provide much benefit to your oil, except make it taste bad. I would try to remove them first. If you don’t have enough material, you can 1/2 the recipe.

    >>> It’s really dry, should I freeze the leaf until I can make it?

    I wouldn’t freeze the material for more than a few days because it might get frost on it. Treat your trim, or whatever material you are using, just like bud. Keep it at 60-62% humidity.

  48. peachygurl Avatar

    I made this last week according to directions & it was noticeably better than any other ways I’ve made it!
    THANK you for all the great tips & views!
    I’ve been wondering if it’s ok to store the finished product in the fridge or freezer until needed or what would you recommend for storage?

  49. Dlight Avatar

    Quick question…..would this be an acceptable receipe for making lotions as well? If not, any recommendations?

  50. Jogau Avatar

    Excellent information, thanks I will certainly try this

  51. dt Avatar

    Any subs for the soy lecithin, I am so very very allergic to soy but everyone seems to state it makes it much more potent. I have chrons and ankylosing spondylitis (spine is fusing, chronic pain) and only have mids available to me. Any suggestions on a good ratio for mids, for a potent oil, I want to try a small batch first. Thank you

  52. THECAPN Avatar

    >>> I am so very very allergic to soy


    I searched google and found this: “Soy lecithin does contain trace levels of soy proteins and these have been found to include soy allergens. However, apparently, soy lecithin does not contain sufficient soy protein residues to provoke allergic reactions in the majority of soy-allergic consumers. Many allergists do not even advise their soybean-allergic patients to avoid soybean lecithin when it is included as an ingredient on food products. From this practical standpoint, we can surmise that most soybean-allergic individuals do not react adversely to the ingestion of soybean lecithin.”

    Also, look up “Sunflower Lecithin 1200 mg Soy-Free”.

    You can make the recipe without the Lecithin. The Lecithin doesn’t actually make it more potent, but it makes the medicine more available to your body, in turn, your body absorbs more of it. So it is more effective with the Lecithin.

    >>>Any suggestions on a good ratio for mids
    Chop up your mids with scissors and and use a small bowl. Use just enough coconut oil to cover the material. About 1/4 mids to 1/3 cup oil.

    Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

  53. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>I’ve been wondering if it’s ok to store the finished product in the fridge or freezer until needed or what would you recommend for storage?

    I’ve kept it in the refrigerator for 6 months and it seems to be as good as it was when I made it.

    >>>would this be an acceptable receipe for making lotions as well?

    Funny you should ask that, because when I first started making it, it was for lotions. In my case, it didn’t work for the disorder I was trying to treat. For arthritis, yes, you can follow the same exact recipe. For other disorders, I don’t know. Arthritis patients tell me they notice relief when using it.

  54. BluesPiano Avatar

    After doing 40+ hours of research on canna oil & recipes, I made my first oil & two batches of brownies following your directions & had excellent results. I used 1/4-1/2 oz. (I don’t have a scale) of very high quality bud. I decarbed, used soy lecithin & froze & reheated twice

    I used Ghirardelli Triple Fudge Brownie mix, which calls for a 1/4 cup of oil, & made mini muffins w/ paper liners. My yield was 42 brownies & 1/2 of one kept me pain free for 4-6 hours w/ a very pleasant high. I gave some to several friends & it took 1/2-1 1/2 to take them where they wanted to go.

    1 – An oven thermometer is a must because my oven temp was off by about 20 degrees too hot. Mine cost $7.
    2 – I didn’t notice a strong or unpleasant cooking odor while making the oil, maybe because I wrapped foil around the pyrex dish twice & had it completely sealed.
    3 – I used generic coconut oil & except for a slight chlorophyll taste, the oil didn’t taste offensive or very bad.
    4 – Because of the variables of making brownies including different mixes, yields, over baking & under baking, I’ll make canna capsules next time & will post my yield & results.

    1 – Since brownies get stale in just a few days, I freeze them. Using the triple fudge mix they melt in your mouth & are delicious when eaten frozen. Either fresh from the oven or frozen that day there seems to be consistent high potency. After they are thawed for several hours & then refrozen they seem to have lost much of their potency. Does anyone have comments or similar results?
    2 – Can canna capsules be frozen & thawed without loss of potency?

    Thank you Captain, my Captain.

  55. Sfx Avatar

    Is the freezing step for 2 full hours necessary?

  56. BluesPiano Avatar

    Sfx – The Captain’s recipe (including freezing over two hours) gave me excellent results. I froze it twice, thawed it twice & added another 1/2 tsp. of lecithin between the two. Yes, I deviated from his directions but I wanted to get the most bang for my buck that I possibly could. A 1/2 oz of high quality bud costs me $150 here in central Florida so I can’t afford to skip steps & wanted to get all of the benefits that I can. Sfx, do what you want, but two+ hours of freezing time worked for me. Time is money, but I’d rather take this extra step & say, “Wow,” than to skip it & say, “Yeah, it was OK.”

  57. Rye Avatar

    The best recipe ever. Came out perfect the first time! Thank you for sharing!
    I used Nutiva refined coconut oil and Now Lecithin Granules

  58. BigBoyBodangle Avatar

    I just made some following the directions exactly. Used just over 4 oz of coconut oil to an oz of dry trim and buds. Unfortunately, even with my 6 ton press with the hot material in a nut milk bag, I could only recover 2 oz of oil. Did I do something wrong or is that typical?

  59. Chevoon Avatar

    I plan on using this for baking cookies. The recipe calls for 1 stick of butter, and it says it makes 36 cookies, but I’m going to make them bigger and make 24. Would they taste bad if I used this butter for the whole recipe, or should I only use half cannibutter and half regular butter?

  60. Chevoon Avatar

    Also, does anyone have any idea what temperature and time to bake the cookies?

  61. THECAPN Avatar

    BluesPiano questions:

    First of all, thanks for sharing your comments and your experience. It helps everyone here.

    >>> After they are thawed for several hours & then refrozen they seem to have lost much of their potency.

    Sorry I can’t help you on this one. I have not tried that. I don’t make edibles that get stale anymore, for exactly that reason. They get stale.

    >>>I could only recover 2 oz of oil.

    You will lose a ounce or two of oil in a full ounce of trim. I usually add an extra ounce or two of oil to compensate for that.

    >>>Is the freezing step for 2 full hours necessary?

    Yes, if you want to maximize the effect.

    >>>Would they taste bad if I used this butter for the whole recipe, or should I only use half cannibutter and half regular butter?

    Use the dosing tips at the end of the article and do what you think is best.

    >>>Can canna capsules be frozen & thawed without loss of potency?

    Are you making hash capsules? If so, there is no reason to freeze them. They will keep at room temperature.

    >>>Also, does anyone have any idea what temperature and time to bake the cookies?

    This is not a recipe for cookies. This is a recipe for oil

  62. BigBoyBodangle Avatar

    Thanks for the reply.

    Do you add the extra oil at the beginning or the end of the process?

  63. Bloop Avatar

    What does properly decarbed bud look like?

    Mine was still green after 30 minutes. Oven temp was accurate. :/

  64. thekind78 Avatar

    You the man!!

  65. Newbie420 Avatar

    Hey I just tried this recipe for the first time last night. I read somewhere in the comments below directions that the bud will absorb a lot of the oil so instead of 1/2 cup I used slightly more, closer to 1/3 cup my end result has capsules that are a green tint but i yeilded over 120 00 gel caps. Will this drastically effect the potency?

  66. Newbie420 Avatar

    Closer to 2/3 cup** of oil sorry

  67. @ndr3a Avatar

    I didn’t read the comments first – opps. And made this a day and a half after harvesting outdoor crops. The result is about to go in the freezer. Before I eat, what happens if i don’t let the buds dry for two weeks; what made you say that?

    Also curious about the h2o bath, and freezing with the oil/water in order to strain the oil from the bad taste/chlorophyll/trichromes. have heard good and bad about it. Capn, do you have any addtl info since the last post? Or, are you pretty set with this recipe, and won’t consider the h2o alteration?

  68. kclovtx Avatar

    what if i have purchased product that is already dry? is the decarb process still necessary? my brother is visiting from oregon next week and i’m cooking for him. i have never made cannibutter or oil so i don’t want to screw up. thanks.

  69. Clavo Avatar

    The oil recipe works great. And, my wife and MIL use it as a topical for their arthritis and fibromyalgia(sp). Is there any flavored/scented oil that could be added to help reduce the smell yet still be edible?

  70. brown elvoose Avatar
    brown elvoose

    I just used your recipe to cook and holy shit, I have to be careful with this stuff. Thanks for posting this!

  71. dreggz Avatar

    Hmmm 1st thing thnx capt. Im inspired and about to make a batch but nobody has answered the big question?? Wouldn’t you loose thc in the oils the plant material absorbs during the process??
    Y arent u using water in ur process capt..???? plz man, my current conclusion is that u all use water nd im dumb for asking but plz verify my stupidity asap… and if my buds cured properly do I need to decarb it??
    Aww btw freezing ur fresh harvested bud in a glass jar is a great and easy way to dry and cure ur bud…

  72. Ci Avatar

    Can you substitute the powder litichin for liquid..?

  73. Spaceman Avatar

    I followed this recipe, made a batch, and refrigerated. My intent is to just eat 1/2 teaspoon doses as needed. I don’t want to cook it into anything. Since it is quite hard in the refrigerator, how do I safely bring it to liquid state to measure out 1/2 tsp. doses? Do I melt the whole bottle and just dip out 1/2 tsp? If so, won’t continual heating and refrigerating the whole batch degrade and ruin it? Thanks for your help and ideas on this.

  74. Melissa Avatar

    I am new to this to the point I have only bought medible. This will be my very first attempt to making something myself, but the guy at the dispensary said since I was just looking for it to sleep I should just make it myself as it is too expensive to buy medibles for this reason. Anyway, he gave me 1 gram of hash, can this be Used in replace of the bud/trim? Do I use the same amount of hash compared to the bud? Thank you.

  75. Charles Avatar

    First off awesome site, plan to join. I’ve been making the RSO with 190 for a few months , the return is smaller but very strong, to the point of panic attacks if to much and im an everyday smoker for 48 years,lol. I made this last night using a 1/4 of top shelf medical bud and it didn’t come out as dark green, more lighter than I thought it would and I froze it twice with the extra heat cycle for the sleep meds. Just took 1.5 mil which is a little less than a 1/2 teaspoon and felt it in 45 mins. I have two questions , 1. I can’t swallow any pills or capsules ( throat cancer ) so im just putting a syringe in my mouth an swallowing it, so I won’t be putting it in caps so can this stay at room temp or does it have to be kept in the fridge, i used Organtic Virgin unrefined expeller pressed coconut oil. And my second question is will this have the same cancer fighting effects and the regular Rick Simpson thick RSO oil ?
    So how to store it if not putting it in capsules.
    Also found a little trick for pressing all the oil out of the material, I took a 60cc syringe and pulled the plunger out and a Volcano solid valve screen will drop right in and spoon your material in the syringe put the plunger in and press as hard as you can , I got the whole 1/2 cup back minus maybe 1 mil.

  76. George Avatar

    I use 10 grams bud in coffee grinder until fine. Heat just like directions for 30 minutes. Melt coconut oil and add 1 tablespoon cold-pressed sunflower lecithin and mix. Add to herb and reheat for 45 minutes. Freeze and let thaw.
    I use mostly non-sweetened dark high grade bakers chocolate, and maybe 20 percent regular brown 80 percent brown chocolate, and organic raw cocoa nibs (I tried to eat this superfood plain but it tastes like cocoa scented twigs, the chocolat really makes these things tasty. Heat in double boiler until melted and add herb mixture. Pour into silicone candy molds and people have been telling me they are the best edibles they ever had. Oh yeah, top each filled mold with 1 white chocolate chip for beauty. These things are like having a couple of strong drinks an hour until bedtime and are extremely potent! That extra 2 grams does the trick.I don’t like sugary tasting candies but this recipe is just right.

  77. THECAPN Avatar

    Sorry I’ve been MIA, guys!


    >>Do you add the extra oil at the beginning or the end of the process?

    You can add a little extra at the beginning of the process.

    >>>What does properly decarbed bud look like? Mine was still green after 30 minutes.

    It looks like same, just a little more crispy.

    >>>my end result has capsules that are a green tint but i yeilded over 120 00 gel caps. Will this drastically effect the potency?

    No, not much. You still need to test potency and bio-availability to your body and dose appropriately.

    >>>what happens if i don’t let the buds dry for two weeks

    Your oil won’t be as potent, and the mix will be really MUSHY. The end result will probably taste worse and be more green. But please let us know if it turned out.

    >>>are you pretty set with this recipe, and won’t consider the h2o alteration?

    I have not tried the h2o freeze thing. It makes sense that it would make it slightly more potent, but I can’t believe there would be that much water to pull out.

    >>>what if i have purchased product that is already dry? is the decarb process still necessary?

    Dry is not the same as decarbed. If the weed is 6 months old, then it is more decarbed than weed that is 2 months old. Either way, decarbing will always make it more available to your body.

    >>> Is there any flavored/scented oil that could be added to help reduce the smell yet still be edible?

    Keep your edible oil, separate from your topical oil. Add a little pre made salve to the oil.

    >>>Wouldn’t you loose thc in the oils the plant material absorbs during the process??

    The plant material has the thc oil on it to start with. You’re using the coconut oil and heating it, to transfer the oil from the plant to the coconut oil. Yes, you will lose some goodness in the material when you throw it away. You could eat that material and it would be really potent! But really yukky.

    >>>Can you substitute the powder litichin for liquid

    I would not, but try it and let us know.

    >>>how do I safely bring it to liquid state to measure out 1/2 tsp. doses?

    Scoop out what you want on a warm spoon. Melt it slowly on a warm stove or similar. Don’t microwave it.

    >>>he gave me 1 gram of hash, can this be Used in replace of the bud/trim? Do I use the same amount of hash compared to the bud?

    You can use the same exact recipe for making hash oil. Use just enough coconut oil to cover the hash. I use about 2 tablespoons per 5grams of hash.

    >>>I won’t be putting it in caps so can this stay at room temp or does it have to be kept in the fridge

    Room temp is ok. The fridge will extend the freshness of it for months.

    >>>will this have the same cancer fighting effects and the regular Rick Simpson thick RSO oil

    Yes. The process is very similar.

  78. George Avatar

    My latest batch of medibles. One half of single chocolate works perfect for sleep dose. I then tried a whole one and it was entering into very high territory, with the attendant stoniness and next morning fog. With high grade bud the cost is approximately 80 cents per dose (with $150 ounce weed). The lecithin really helps in allowing the medicine to be readily absorbed by your system. This site has really helped my tuning in of this medicine.

  79. George Avatar

    OK, I did some measuring. My chocolates were made in borrowed silicon candy molds. The one chocolate I tried (shaped like a plus sign (+)) weighed 22.4 g and cut in half is 11.2 g. First day I ate the 11.2 g piece and it worked very well for sleep. The next night I ate a whole 22.4 g piece and it put me in “the can’t remember my train of thought” mode after a few hours and although I slept well I am still groggy after nearly 18 hours, so that is too much even though I am off work today. Remember I used 10 g of good bud and I ended up with 53 pieces of chocolates. The other shapes are: Penguins@
    18 g per candy, Stars@ 14.4 g and Hearts@ 18.2 g. I will try to find smaller cavity molds to get about a 12 to 14 g dose per serving. Also, I only had a little unsweetened bakers chocolate left so I used mostly Hershey’s semi-sweet chocolate chips and the candies are too sweet for my liking. Still, I ended up with nearly 70 doses @ 14 g apiece for $50 worth of cannabis. Hope this info helps.

  80. Andr3a Avatar

    Response to June 9th thecapn & original post May 17th @ndr3a.
    Re: non cure buds.
    If this is less potent, sign me up! And can I nominate you for the Nobel Peace prize!
    But yes like you daid, green mushy and tastes terrible. Also I’m afraid less than 30 days later I have mold, even with the mason jar/fridge storage. So there is that. Now I know to read the comments before I try again! Another batch is on its way. My sprouts popped up yesterday! 😉

  81. Cap'n "O" ...Another Pirate Avatar
    Cap’n “O” …Another Pirate

    OK, I’m fostering to set up an edible business, and I’ve been searching the web for the formula for how much g/mg thc is in each cookie/product. I had my butter tested, (required), and I stepped back and figured the math… here it is: say your butter has 8.0 % THC per g/mg after tested… and you want 50 g/mg per cookie…So 50/8.0= 6.25 grams of butter per cookie to have a 50 g/mg bar. Now I’m making 25 cookies, so 6.25 x 25 = 156.25g/mg that’s how many grams of butter you would need for whole batch to have 25 bars at 50 g/mg each. Look up a conversion program to convert that to cups etc., Good Luck Pirates! Cap’n “O”

  82. Zipp Avatar

    2 simple questions..

    1) Is Decarboxylation crustal to added potency?

    2) After I run a batch of coconut oil, would I continue to add potency by running the same oil again with new material or for lack of a better term “Double Baking”?

    Thanks in advance for answering.


  83. Brian Avatar

    If the recipe I am making is 20 doses(10 teaspoons). I could just halve this recipe and use an eighth of bud and 1/4 cup of oil, right?

  84. Kate Avatar

    Captain – you mentioned you originally made this recipe for topical lotions. Is the lecithin helpful even if you’re not ingesting but using topically instead?

  85. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>With high grade bud the cost is approximately 80 cents per dose (with $150 ounce weed). The lecithin really helps in allowing the medicine to be readily absorbed by your system.

    Thanks for your comments, George, they really help everyone. 80 cents a dose. wow!

    >>>1) Is Decarboxylation crustal to added potency?

    George said it above: “The lecithin really helps in allowing the medicine to be readily absorbed by your system.”

    2) After I run a batch of coconut oil, would I continue to add potency by running the same oil again with new material or for lack of a better term “Double Baking”?

    Yes you would add potency. However, you would be better off to make another batch, it is quite potent already. What I mean is… make two separate batches will produce more doses, than running the same oil again.

    Good questions, Zipp!

  86. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>If the recipe I am making is 20 doses(10 teaspoons). I could just halve this recipe and use an eighth of bud and 1/4 cup of oil, right?

    Yes you can half the recipe. But it is better to use the full recipe. Oil is always left in the material that you can’t get out. So the less material you use, the more % of oil you will lose in it.

    >>>Captain – you mentioned you originally made this recipe for topical lotions. Is the lecithin helpful even if you’re not ingesting but using topically instead?

    This is a great question and I don’t know the answer to it. My guess is YES, it still makes it more available to your body to absorb. Since it works in your stomach, it probably works on your skin too. Please keep me updated with your progress of topicals.

  87. Josh Avatar

    Followed all directions and used a quarter of my best dank and 15.5g of my sugar stems pureed by a coffee grinder in 3/4 cup of oil in a 9×13 pan. Ate 1/16 of it and I must say it is the best I’ve ever done. Used sunflower lecithin instead. Thanks for the recipe. Awesome.

  88. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>pureed by a coffee grinder

    Hi Josh and thanks for your comments. When I first started making the oil, I did the coffee grinder things too. But I felt like too much plant matter was turned into dust and got into the oil, making it taste bad. However, it was some of the most potent stuff ever! So for the readers here… you CAN grind it in a coffee grinder but it is not necessary, and could cause your oil to turn out very green and not the best taste (not that any of it tastes great).

    Again, josh thanks. And if you make it again without grinding it, let us know how it compares.

  89. Vontello Avatar

    How can I flavor the oil?

  90. George Avatar

    Making a new batch and had to come back to re-remember the instructions! My friend who grows my supply threw in a couple of 1/4″ thick 3″ round pressed hash discs (the stuff he scrapes off his fingers when harvesting his buds, sort of a medium/light brown color) to my ounce of buds. This time I have 10 gms bud and 2 grams hash to prepare. I wanted to say that I don’t strain the mixture at all but just add everything to the melted chocolate and stir well. No one has ever complained about the taste and all say it is delicious! Saves the straining step. Perhaps the unsweetened chocolate and cacao nibs mask the “weed” flavor? This site has the best info I had yet found on edible making. The Cap’n is a hero for sharing. I must say that I did the freezing method twice as recommended and it definitely helps. I am just a personal user who will give some chocolates to a few friends but mainly use it for myself. I have found the edibles from dispensaries to taste too stale or “tootsie roll” like for me. Homemade is far cheaper and tastier.

  91. Dale Avatar

    Thank you so much for the recipe CAPTAIN. My wife benefits most from the CBD cannabinoid, does this process extract the CBD from high CBD content strains or are the temps to high?
    Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  92. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>I read in a scholarly article that decarboxylation is best carried out in a two stage heating process.

    Hi Mike,
    Once you have made a few dozen batches, following the recipe from the scholarly article you read, AND, you’ve made a few dozen using this recipe, feel free to come back here and give us your feedback. For now, in order to reduce bloat and not confuse the recipe, I’m removing the comments that are based on something else you read. BTW, my recipe uses a 2 stage decarb process.


  93. THECAPN Avatar

    FYI spammers… stoners… I delete all non relevant comments, and stories about how RSO healed your grandma of cancer.

  94. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>I wanted to say that I don’t strain the mixture at all but just add everything to the melted chocolate and stir well. No one has ever complained about the taste and all say it is delicious! Saves the straining step. Perhaps the unsweetened chocolate and cacao nibs mask the “weed” flavor? This site has the best info I had yet found on edible making. The Cap’n is a hero for sharing. I must say that I did the freezing method twice as recommended and it definitely helps.

    If you can stand the taste of eating bud, then you will certainly get more yield from the recipe by not straining it. If it really does taste good, you must have a magic touch! Thanks for your comments and also letting us know that freezing it twice helps.

  95. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>does this process extract the CBD from high CBD content strains or are the temps to high?

    I have not an expert on CBD, but yes you can use the same recipe. The process of soaking up the medicine into the coconut oil is the same. At these temperatures you are safe to not “cook” off the medicine.

  96. Ream Avatar

    I’m currently waiting for my oil in the freezer and I was wondering if I can leave it in all night.

  97. Rafiki Avatar

    I just deemed it necessary to comment…..
    I have made canna oil using a cold extraction method (took about three months), combined with some heating to carboxylate after the extraction. I tested my oil last night and it was better than expected. I was content. I then came across this post this morning by accident and decided to add some lecithin to the already made oil, and then heating just long and hot enough to get it mixed in. I tried the exact same dose as last night (about an hour ago) and I can only think of one way to describe the result….. F’ing fantastic!
    The lecithin most definitely makes a huge difference! Do NOT skip this!!!

  98. GARY MCDONALD Avatar

    HI Capn

    with the reheating for extra sleepy oil are we also repeating the soy lecithin
    and adding another 1/2 teaspoon each time? Thank you

  99. BluesPiano Avatar

    I see so many people asking, “What if I do this or that?” I’ve made 15-20 successful batches using Capn’s recipe so I encourage you to follow it & experiment after trying it to see if you can improve it.

    I’ve made some minor adjustments to his recipe that have worked best for me & I have a few observations.

    1) I’ve tried cheesecloth for filtering but have had the best results using a permanent coffee filter with a screen made of stainless steel & is gold colored. There is virtually no loss of the precious oil.
    2) Many have asked about the decarb process & want to skip steps, DON’T do it! I heat & freeze the oil three times & add a 1/2 tsp. of soy lecithin each time. Maybe it’s overkill but I want to get the most out of an expensive product. Yes, it can be frozen overnight with no loss of potency & I’ve done it. I don’t understand folks who want to skip or shorten this step because a few hours of time are worth it & will make a better product.
    3) I’ve made brownies & cookies using Capt’s oil but have had the most success with brownies. I use Ghirardelli Triple Fudge Brownie mix & it requires 1/4 cup of oil for each box & they taste delicious. So, I get two batches using Capt’s 1/2 cup of enhanced coconut oil.
    4) I make mini-muffins using paper liners & one box/batch yields about 36 mini brownies. One brownie keeps me pain free for 4-6 hours & takes me where I want to go. My friends have about the same results eating a 1/2, one or 1 1/2.
    5) I freeze my brownies after baking so they won’t get stale. You can eat them frozen & they melt in your mouth. BUT, if they thaw & you refreeze them they seem to lose some of their potency.

    I hope you find some of this helpful.

  100. BluesPiano Avatar

    I forgot to add that I use only high quality bud. Though I live in Florida I have access to medical marijuana from California. I like that best because I can lookup the strains & have predictable results. I’ve found my local growers are only interested in high THC content & cultivate bastardized strains.

  101. Spencer Avatar

    I have been researching all night for the best recipe and this seems to be the one. Thank you

  102. Derf Avatar

    Although I used olive oil, I followed the recipie exactly. The oil is separating in the refrigerator. A thinner clear layer sitting on top of a much thicker cloudy layer. Could this be the separation of the olive and THC oil?

  103. Toon Avatar

    When reheating the frozen oil should the oven temp still be 215 F? Also is there a time frame or should I just check the viscosity every so often? Thank You!

  104. anonymous Avatar

    Thank you so much for posting this. I’m one of those “disabled” people who take marijuana for the crazy pain. I have CRPS (also called RSD) and cannot move some days without this oil. I have been putting mine in capsules which helps me get the exact measurements I need. Three capsules will give me overall less pain with no real “fuzziness”. I do notice that I tend to be a bit on the sad side when I take the oil but compared to the electrical pain that shoots through my body in a minute-by-minute basis, it isn’t a big deal. Thank you for helping us to make the best oil. I have tried a lot of experiencing and I cannot smoke. It made me choke and cough and I just couldn’t make myself do it on a daily basis. Vaping was okay but didn’t seem to work long term. Oil is amazing. I take the three capsules and within an hour and half, the effect sets in. The overall tenseness and pain lessens and I can think again. The result lasts for about 3-4 hours and so I time these throughout the day. The only truly terrible pain is in the mornings since I don’t wake myself up to take these or if the capsules perhaps take a little longer to set in.

  105. Charles Avatar

    >>>does this process extract the CBD from high CBD content strains or are the temps to high?

    Most bud out there is high in THC but low in CBD. I buy the CBD oil from and add a pin head dab to my oil at dose time and it make’s a big difference. The straight oil will hit me to hard and then get the panic feeling if I take to much but adding the CBD oil to my regular oil makes it sleepy oil, in 45 min’s i’ll be nodding like I took a lude, lol Plus the CBD has great medical values as far as calming nerves , and it’s the CBD that also helps people with seizures.

  106. JA Avatar

    I can’t wait to try this recipe! I am wondering if you have a recipe for making the kind of oil you can smoke or use in a vaporiser. Thanks, JA 🙂

  107. tex Avatar

    I’m using some co2oil in an edible. having trouble dissolving the Soy L,w/coconut oil. Any tips for what I’m trying? Thank you!

  108. TwistedOne9x Avatar

    >>>Have a lot of keif, wondering what ratio I should use and should time/heat be different for this recipe?

    Dylan, you can follow the same basic recipe with kief. Use about 5-7 grams of kief, and use about two tablespoons of coconut oil. You will see the empty trichome husks left over in the bottom of your dish. Nothing to worry about.

    Personally, I love making it with kief. The end result tastes better.

    I have a question regarding the above question and answer. Wouldn’t 5 to 7 grams of keif be roughly equal to 1/2 oz of bud since the keif is essentially just concentrated resin? That being the case with only 2 tbl of oil (1 oz) your oil would be roughly 4 times stronger than normal. So a 1/2 tsp dose would be like taking 2 tsp of the regular recipe.

    If I am off track here let me know and in what way please.

  109. j Avatar

    i was decarbing my herb and its now black. is it still usable?

  110. JAWs Avatar

    This site rocks, Capn! I tried your recipe but I’m not too near any hippy/health food stores so I threw in about 4 soy lecithin capsules that I bought at a drug store. My non-analytical response is that the capsules definitely made a difference. I will definitely put the granular lecithin on my shopping list to try next. Thanks, dude!

  111. kandi Avatar

    For all who have attempted this recipe, would it be worth using 1/4 doses, or stick with 1/2 & 1 tsp doses? In reference to casual users.

    Obviously open ended question that depends on many variables, just looking for general opinions.

    Using myself as a base line wont work, and the person these are for (ill family member) will not be here for a few weeks. I’m going to see if some friends want to be test subjects, just really trying to figure if the 1/4 tsp is worth bothering with or not.

    I DO NOT WANT someone to overdo it, which is why I’m think to err on the side of caution, looking for functional working awareness (which yes I know is going to change from person to person).

  112. Ian Pierre Avatar
    Ian Pierre

    Is that just for pain relieving or will it get me high? I have never seen any recipe like that and since I have tried several recipes and none of them worked I will definitely try this one. I will use a coconut oil I made myself at home.

  113. Ian Pierre Avatar
    Ian Pierre

    I’m from Brazil and I will have to skip the lecithin part for two reasons:

    This thing is really expensive down here (I could buy 100grams of marijuana with the cash) so does coconut oil and that is why I have made myself

    The second thing is that I have never felt the effects of edibles using many other recipes. So I will follow this one and see how it goes, if it works well without the lecithin I will definitely buy it next time.

    Thank you, by the way.

  114. That Guy Avatar
    That Guy

    I love this wonderful thread. I’m going to experiment, but first I want to share some random observations I hope you will find interesting.

    Fist Decarbing:
    It is not absolutely necessary to decarb if the butter or oil is properly heated. Water helps prevent the burning of the THC in the cooking process and is a great tool if one wants to avoid decarbing time.

    That said why not get the most out of your herb and decarb then dissolve in any lipid or MCT filled food or drink.

    Second Covering:
    I want my sweet and savory edibles to be delicious so I think avoiding airtight covering in oven or on range is important. I understand the need to save herb from burning in an imperfect oven, but airtight foil is not the way. I would suggest slits in the foil at the very least.

    Third Lecithin:
    Lecithin is probably also unnecessary but why not make sure as much THC emulsifies as possible. I know my liver isn’t what it used to be.

    Last Everyone:
    I hope you all try new recipes with unexpected foods yet to enter the edible kingdom. This is an awesome article and discussion, but has anyone who tried this recipe with coconut oil gotten a product with a fatty layer on top and liquid on bottom?

  115. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>i was decarbing my herb and its now black. is it still usable?

    how warm did you go? Remember to use a oven thermometer to make sure it doesn’t get too hot. You may have cooked it.

    >>>would it be worth using 1/4 doses

    Kandi, yes, I would rather eat one cookie, wait 90 minutes and then eat another if I need it.

    >>>Is that just for pain relieving or will it get me high?

    The effect depends on the strain.

    >>>why not get the most out of your herb and decarb

    If you don’t decarb, you are wasting product.

    >>>airtight foil is not the way

    If you don’t keep it covered, the material may dry out too much, and the end product won’t be as potent.

    >>>Lecithin is probably also unnecessary

    Lecithin will help your body absorb the medicine much more readily. If you don’t use Lecithin, again, you’ll need more oil to achieve the same effect.

  116. bob Avatar

    I see that several people are making canna caps with this recipe. How are you loading the capsules? Do you just put the oil in an empty capsule? If so, what are you using to fill the capsule? Or are you mixing the oil with a thickening agent to use a small capsule machine? If so what are you using to thicken the oil?

  117. Hickton Avatar

    Hi. Can I put about half a teaspoon of the oil into a cup of hit white or green tea with a dash of honey? Cheers.

  118. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>How are you loading the capsules?

    With a baby medicine syringe. NO need to thicken it up.

    >>Can I put about half a teaspoon of the oil into a cup of hot white or green tea with a dash of honey?

    Yes, it works and will deliver the medicine fine. It is a little difficult to get the oil to mix with the water.

  119. BigFellah Avatar

    I wondered if you should adjust temperatures / decarb time / cooking time for smaller amounts

  120. Jenine Avatar

    Sounds like an awesome recipe going to try it now. However I would like to add that Soy Lecithin should NEVER be used. Soy is a GMO product so please be sure to use Sunflower Lecithin ONLY!!! Lecithin also helps cross the blood brain barrier for even better efficiency. You can find Sunflower lecithin in liquid or granule form in most health food stores 🙂 I prefer the liquid as you just melt it right into your coconut oil for even distribution.

  121. Kathy Collinson Avatar
    Kathy Collinson

    My usual method has been 2 oz of weed and 2 cups of coconut oil, 2 tbsp of lechiten,.. into the magical butter machine.. Yield 2 cups of oil when strained. I keep the leftover strained stuff and add it into the next batch.
    My cookie recipe calls for 1 cup of butter..I use a whole cup of my canna-oil in it…I get about 45 medium size cookies and 1 seems to be potent enough for the needs..
    The calculation to figure out how many grams / cookie is too mind-boggling for me..

  122. Jake Avatar

    In step two you put
    “Then shut off the heat and let cool.”
    Does this mean to leave in the oven after turning it off while it cools down or take it out of the oven and turn it off.

  123. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>I wondered if you should adjust temperatures / decarb time / cooking time for smaller amounts

    No, use the same times.

    >>>use Sunflower Lecithin ONLY

    I have only used Soy. So I cannot promise the result will be the same if you use Sunflower.

    >>>In step two you put
    “Then shut off the heat and let cool.”
    Does this mean to leave in the oven after turning it off while it cools down or take it out of the oven and turn it off.

    Either one is fine. Just be careful not to shock your dish and crack it.

  124. THECAPN Avatar


    For those of you who tell me about your other recipes, using crockpots or whatever, that’s great. However, in order to keep this article on track, non relevant comments will be deleted. I’m happy this thread has so much action, but I need to keep the bloat down and stay focused on the subject. If you have questions about other edible methods, email The Dude, and he will fwd to me.

  125. Jake Avatar

    First off, I just want to say that every other time I attempted to make edibles I always cook it too little or too much. This recipe helped a lot with that and making me feel comfortable using so much product. Don’t listen to the negative feedback on here, if you’re a beginner at this then you should follow this recipe step by step. I did the additional step adding another half teaspoon of lecithin, oh man. Have fun guys!

  126. Steve Avatar

    Thanks for the recipe. I made it once, almost exactly as laid out here. I think I decarbed a little hotter than I should have. 1/2 teaspoon was the perfect amount for a nice dose. I could have had more but didn’t need to. I have trouble sleeping and this has been a huge help and much healthier than drinking some booze to help sleep.

    That being said I am about to make another batch. I will decarb exactly as instructed here.

    My main question is about estimating the mg of THC consumed. I know this varies by strain and other factors but do you have a base line? For example using this method generally extracts 80% of the THC available in bud? That way, if we know the THC % of the bud we can calculate how much we’re consuming. I know some edibles I’ve purchased have been labeled as 10 mg of thc which has been perfect. They also kicked in more quickly than the oil.

    Do you know why it takes longer for this oil to kick in than cannabis infused gummy candy I’ve purchased at a dispensary? The candies take about half an hour to kick in and the oil has been taking 1-1 1/2 hours. Could that be due to decarbing a little too hot? I went for a little while around 200 then at 300 for a few minutes. I don’t recall the exact temps and times I just know I went at a higher temp that in your instructions for part of the process.

    Thanks again!

  127. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>if you’re a beginner at this then you should follow this recipe step by step

    Amen, brotha!

    >>>1/2 teaspoon was the perfect amount for a nice dose. I could have had more but didn’t need to. I have trouble sleeping and this has been a huge help and much healthier than drinking some booze to help sleep.

    That is great feedback, thank you!

    >>>My main question is about estimating the mg of THC consumed.

    It doesn’t matter, because it’s all about the delivery method. The same mg of THC, using this recipe, will be 5x more potent than using a less effective recipe. Don’t get hung up on THC content. Also, edibles affect people differently, because of their metabolism and many other factors.
    While 1/2 tsp may be good for you, it might not even phase another person, and would put me sick in bed for hours. You did well by finding the right dose. What is good to know, is that if you make it again using the same recipe, the final result should be very similar.

    >>>Do you know why it takes longer for this oil to kick in than cannabis infused gummy candy I’ve purchased at a dispensary?

    Decarbing at 300 could literally “vape” the material. It’s possible some of it got vaped up, but obviously it’s still working. Decarb at 215 next time and then start with 1/4 tsp.

  128. Steve Avatar

    Excellent point on the THC. One reason I wanted to know the mg of THC is to be able to compare to edibles at stores. For example if I know 10 mg is what it takes to get my desired effect, if it would translate to 10 mg of store bought edibles. Though it’s not apples to apples as you mentioned. It’s not just like saying your homebrewed beer is 6% ABV, learning how much of that it takes to get the desired level of intoxication, and then scaling that up/down for buying beer commercially. Like you said it’s the delivery system. Interesting..The other reason I want to know is because I want to know that I’m getting the most out possible and view it a bit as a score on how well I did making it, even though it may not REALLY matter 😛

    This time I used my toaster oven which goes from 200 to 225 and nothing in between so I went with 225, hoping that 10 degree increase wouldn’t hurt (and that the toaster oven is even accurate). After freezing and warming up again I put 1/2 teaspoons in a bunch of molds and will try it out tonight. Aside from the temp, this go round I followed the process step by step. Thanks!

  129. Steve Avatar

    I’ll also start with 1/4 teaspoon this go round.

  130. eddie Avatar

    I’ve never has luck with edibles until I tried this recipe, Used ABV and I’m blazed af.

  131. George Avatar

    It’s been a while since I’ve commented but I have an important discovery. On my 3rd batch I stupidly thought I remembered the recipe and put in a whole cup of coconut oil rather than 1/2 cup as recommended. For some reason everyone (including myself) found the potency very much higher using the exact same amounts of other ingredients as before. I also find that eating about half of my usual dosage caused me to feel the effects faster (?) and I slept better than ever with absolutely no morning after side effects. I get up between 2:30 a.m and 3:30 a.m. nearly everyday and don’t have any evidence of “weed hangover” whatsoever. This means I am getting a little over 100 doses per 11 gms of cannabis! I have experimented with eating a full 16 gm weight chocolate and the effects took longer to kick in and I was a little groggy the next morning. I don’t know why but it is very economical and works for me. All measurements are done with a Dial-A-Gram triple beam scale and my cannabis has been the same exact type every time (My friend vacuum seals his crop and it is now over 2 years old but still works great. At $150 an ounce it is cheaper than his new crop which is $200 per ounce and I am rather a cheapskate). This site has absolutely the best recipe out there for edibles bar none. A big thanks to the Capn.

  132. Steve Avatar

    I’m not sure what I did to mess this batch up.. I may have inadvertantly made the “extra sleepy” version. I followed all steps (225f instead of 215 though). Used 14 gram of bud and 1 cup of the same kind of coconut oil pictured above. I THINK it was a little lighter in color than the last batch. After freezing it overnight I warmed it up just enough to liquify it and put it into some molds. I put the molds in the freezer and when I tried to get them out most of them broke.. I realized they were too thin (1/2 tsp doses) and brittle, and the molds had shapes that made them weaker too (stars with beams.. it’s what I had). I had some molds of just circles and those didn’t break. I warmed up the ones from the molds that were breaking..again.. and made some more that were just circles. I didn’t have as many molds of those though and didn’t want to spend the time to mold, freeze, remove, pour more in, etc.. So I made 36 good molds, poured the rest in a container, and froze it.. Now as I write this I realize that I essentially heated them up twice after freezing, and froze them twice after that as well..

    I took 1/2 a teaspoon (I know I said I’d try a quarter..) and after about 2 hours I just passed out for about half an hour.. woke up.. felt a little high but not much. I went to bed and slept really well.

    Now my question(s):
    So..with all the heating and freezing, do you think I just made really strong sleep medicine? I didn’t bring it up to 225 again..Just heated it on the stove enough to strain and mold. Do you know what the additional heating and freezing actually does to make it more “sleepy”?

  133. THECAPN Avatar

    >>Excellent point on the THC.

    Hey Steve, I edited your comment as requested. And yes you are correct. The MG content may be a general guideline but definitely not a “fore sure” way to meter your dose. But I would certainly be interested as to how a “store bought” edible compares.

    >>I’ve never has luck with edibles until I tried this recipe, Used ABV and I’m blazed af.

    Are you still blazed? the effects last a long time.

    >>>>put in a whole cup of coconut oil rather than 1/2 cup as recommended. For some reason everyone (including myself) found the potency very much higher using the exact same amounts of other ingredients as before

    George, thanks for your comments. One thing to keep in mind, is that you might be getting “better” at making the oil. I found that as I got better at it, it became more effective too. And it may also be the way you are eating it, or what kind of food you are eating it work. Regardless, that is great news you are sleeping well and no hangover. Your “weed guy” isn’t going to like you anymore because you don’t come around after making the oil ha ha.

    >>>Do you know what the additional heating and freezing actually does to make it more “sleepy”?

    Yes I have seen the same behavior. The longer you cook at 220, the more sleepy it will get. So you heated it one extra time. The other possibility is that this batch is stronger and it simply knocked you on your butt. Try 1/4tsp and let me know how that works. The good news is you should have enough oil to last a LONG TIME! When you get the oil out of the mold, how to you consume it? Are you melting it in tea or what?

  134. Dan Avatar

    First time blogger here so bare with me..

    I’ve made a lot of butter and have been reading a lot into making coconut oil. I’m pretty picky so this was the first recipe I’ve come across that actually looked good and had decent reviews. I stuck to the recipe exactly here and even added the extra 45 mins of baking and I must say this is the strongest butter/oil I’ve ever had. Directly After straining I put the oil into a box brownie mix ( 1/3 cup oil ) and got 16 brownies. 1 brownie made my anxiety and shakes go away completely, feeling good.. and after getting too anxious and not waiting for the first one to kick in, I ate another and when that one kicked in I passed out trying to watch a movie with my fiancé.
    Long story short, thank you for a good recipe and to anyone trying it, stick to it. “technique” is Key.

  135. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>I must say this is the strongest butter/oil I’ve ever had.

    Thanks for the comments, Dan, and glad to hear it worked out for you. You are lucky you didn’t make yourself sick with the second one! The extra 45 minutes of cooking probably made it a little more sleepy.

  136. Steve Avatar

    I’ve just been taking it the same way I did the first batch which is topping it with honey. then down the hatch.

  137. Steve Avatar

    I’ll take it earlier tonight too, so I know I’m not just already super tired when it kicks in. It took about 1 1/2 – 2 hours last time. Does the “extra sleepy” way provide more medicinal assistance do you think? In regards to health, CBN, all that jazz?

  138. Steve Avatar

    So I thought you were crazy about 1/4 tsp especially seeing as how it was lighter in color this time and I had a 1/2 tsp the other night and it just put me to sleep (I was already a bit tired).. That being said I took 1/4 tsp a few hours ago. It took a while to kick in..Maybe close to 2 hours?.. But I’m now enjoying a super mellow, smiley but not idioticly goofy high. Super chill, no anxiety, and just.. Nice.. While my body is getting the healthy anti cancer etc effects. Thanks!! I usually have a really tough time sleeping unless I’m wasted on something which led to drinking quite a bit at night. I’ve cut way back on drinking alcohol since taking the oil.

  139. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>Does the “extra sleepy” way provide more medicinal assistance do you think?

    It may provide more pain relief, at the expense of knocking you out.

    >>>I’m now enjoying a super mellow, smiley but not idioticly goofy high. Super chill, no anxiety, and just.. Nice..

    Glad to hear it. Now you have twice as much medicine! It is so hard to zero in the right dose but I agree there is a sweet spot, with edibles, where it feels so good and you will get the giggles and start laughing at everything.

  140. George Avatar

    I was too tired to make chocolates so just drizzled a 1/2 teaspoon on a chicken quesadilla ( shredded cheese, 12 cloves fresh garlic, lots of cayenne powder and 1 large tortilla folded in half). Cut it in half and had dinner ready for 2 nights. Those suckers packed a punch with only a quarter teaspoon per dinner! This oil stuff is wonderful and I never bother to strain it and the taste is great. The reason I quit inhaling cannabis is a few years ago I vaped some and thought I was having a heart attack for about 10 hours. I wouldn’t let my wife call the doctor and rode a hellish night. Found out is common with “older” users. Well edibles, instead of getting you high as you are will get on smoking and then the slow comedown, slowly creep up (like having a few cocktails an hour) and the effects are totally delightful. Not sure if this comment will be deleted because of being somewhat irrelevant to the topic but it is the way edibles effect you, a buildup rather than the instant high of smoking.

  141. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>Not sure if this comment will be deleted

    Thanks for the comments, George. Your comments ARE relevant here. Glad to hear the recipe worked so well for you. What I find amazing is that we can take 1/4 oz of bud, and turn that into 96 long lasting doses! Good job!

  142. Jeff Winett Avatar
    Jeff Winett

    Traditionally I have simply ground 1/4 oz. of high quality bud and incorporated it into a cookie recipe (peanut butter based), and baked off 24 cookies. I have always been happy, as in every night of my life 🙂
    Your recipe however has been an eye opener for me, and I am happy to share that my rendition of your recipe is cooling before it’s dwell in the freezer. While my heart wants to simply “fridge” the butter overnight, I’m following THECPN’S directions, so the freezer it is. If inclined though to say why the freezer works better than the fridge, I’d be most interested in hearing.
    I would like to be another voice in inquiring about “sleepy oil”. I may very well end up with a stronger fat from extracting versus simply grinding, so I may never do this..however, I do have one question. Could “sleepy oil” be created by 2 longer than 45 minute baking stints? Or could I do 3 or 4 (45 minute) bakings, before cooling and freezing?
    As a side note, I thought I would share that after I mashed the herb (after the first 45 minutes in the oven) with a spoon, and used my clean finger to get the butter off the spoon and back into the pyrex dish, that of course my finger went into my mouth. YUMBO! 🙂

  143. Auntie Kush Avatar
    Auntie Kush

    Aloha from Kauai.
    First time baker using your recipe. Tried the MB2 and just cant do 2oz at a time….way too expensive. It is still cooling before freezer. I have decided I am not going to strain her, I am going rogue.

  144. Auntie Kush Avatar
    Auntie Kush

    I will be storing her in the fridge after the freeze. Is okay?

  145. Snowflake Avatar

    Hi everyone! My husband and I always use badkitties recipe and we are looking for a gummy candy recipe that we can use our coconut oil in. Any suggestions? PLZ HELP! and ty

  146. Mark Avatar

    Hey, could you use the same process but with heavy whipping cream or cream cheese?

  147. Hannah Avatar

    I have never done this before and im making the oil to make brownies tonight, if my box of mix says 24 brownies would i use 12 teaspoons of oil or would i go off what the box says like 3/4 cups of oil and use that much or half it? Sorry just dont want to ruin them!

  148. THECAPN Avatar

    >>> Could “sleepy oil” be created by 2 longer than 45 minute baking stints? Or could I do 3 or 4 (45 minute) bakings, before cooling and freezing?

    Yes you can do either. 2 x 90 minutes or 4 x 45 minutes. I should not make a difference.

    >>>I am not going to strain her, I am going rogue.
    Aloha. You Hawaiians on Kauai go natural, don’t you? ha ha. If you can stand the taste, go for it!

    >>>I will be storing her in the fridge after the freeze. Is okay?
    Yes it should last for months.

    >>>we are looking for a gummy candy recipe that we can use our coconut oil in

    The coconut oil probably won’t work. Use my recipe for making edibles with BHO.

    >>>Hey, could you use the same process but with heavy whipping cream or cream cheese?
    No, use butter if you’re going to use it in a recipe that specifically calls for butter.

    >>>if my box of mix says 24 brownies would i use 12 teaspoons of oil or would i go off what the box says like 3/4 cups of oil

    Use 3/4 cups of oil total. 12 teaspoons of canna oil, the rest, regular vegetable oil.

  149. Hannah Avatar

    Okay great i made the oil last night just mixed brownie batter now! What should i set the oven to to bake the brownies it says 36505 for 280-31 minutes, but i know that will burn the thc off ill post results when they are done! Im so glad you shared ypur recipe!

  150. Phyllis Avatar

    Followed recipe to the letter, check heat of oven canna oil turned out light green with zero high. Have made canna butter with same weed, canna butter was great. What could I have done wrong . Reviewed my step several times, any idea?

  151. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>What should i set the oven to to bake the brownies

    It is ok to go ahead and follow the recipe. They will still be plenty potent. However, for your next batch of edibles, you can try something that doesn’t go stale as quickly as brownies; try making some peanut butter cups. They last months in the refrigerator. Just don’t let your in-laws reach in and grab one!!!!

    >>>What could I have done wrong
    There must be something different; I’ve never had anyone report this. Are you sure your starting material was the same as you’ve used before?

  152. Indica Ed Avatar
    Indica Ed

    Thanks for the recipe, going to try it out today. I was wondering if in the future I can use soy lecithin from a gel capsule instead of the sprinkles ?

  153. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>I was wondering if in the future I can use soy lecithin from a gel capsule instead of the sprinkles

    I don’t see a problem with that. But if you can afford to buy the sprinkles, we KNOW they are proven to work well.

  154. Eric Avatar

    Do I have to decaboxolate my herb to make Tea, not oil. The oil recipe is solid.

  155. Phyllis Avatar

    I think my mistake in making canna oil was I only pressed the weed about 5 minutes with the wooden spoon. Could that be possible?

  156. George Avatar

    I have using this recipe for a few months now.I do not bother to strain it and use one full cup of organic coconut oil instead of 1/2 cup. I have found that when using it on food as a “sauce” it is best to always add a tablespoon or more of organic sunflower lecithin sprinkled on the food to drizzle the oil on. By experimentation I have found this causes the effects to come on faster and more powerfully. Instead of a 2 hour or so wait it is now a 1/2 hour and I sleep great. This extra lecithin is in addition to the amount recommended by Capn in his recipe. Maybe this helps the absorption of the medicine? I recommend sunflower rather than soy lecithin for not only the taste but the iffy speculations about the safety (hormones, etc) of soy products.

  157. George Avatar

    Ooops! To be clear, I make the “butter” with the capn recipe (the addition of one cup rather than 1/2 cup coconut oil the only change for me). The product is then kept in fridge and if added to food the extra lecithin is just the raw powder sprinkled or mixed in the food before adding the melted butter. This next batch I am going to do the double freeze “extra sleepy” method to see what happens. This sure is fun!

  158. D Avatar

    I’ve been doing quite a bit of research in fear that I waste product and I’ve seen countless recipes that say to use water when making coconut oil with cannabis so that THC content doesn’t burn off, but I’ve also seen for a more potent results to use lecithin and absolutely no water my question in order to cover my bases would the recipe be just as potent if I were to use both ?

  159. George Avatar

    I just ordered 4 silicon candy molds with 30 peanut butter cup shapes each holding .5 ounces. I figure each 10 grams of decarboxylated cannabis makes a little over a cup of butter. There are 48 teaspoons in a cup so if I try 1/2 teaspoon per dose I have at least 96 of the mold cavities filled. Since I found that 1/4 teaspoon of the Capn’s recipe is still pretty powerful I can easily fill all 120 mold cavities and have a 3 month supply. I also ordered a 10, 50, 100 ml set of glass graduated cylinders, and a digital candy thermometer (for chocolate tempering). This way I can document accurately all measurements. We all need to thank this website, it is the best way to do a simple enhancement for edibles to make the most of your expensive cannabis.

  160. George Avatar

    I read D’s comment above. I can’t answer because using water is absolutely a no-no for chocolate making. If you haven’t yet tried the Capn recipe I think you will be pleasantly surprised. I am now a firm believer in his method because it has worked every single time I have used it. I have friends who do all kinds of different things with crock pots, “Magic Butter” machines, etc, yet they certainly are amazed at the small amounts of cannabis I use to make a good medicine. Just increase how much you eat if you looking for a super high.

  161. Ike- The Philosopher Avatar
    Ike- The Philosopher

    Followed this recipe exactly and am very pleased with my results. The oil has a dark green hue throughout and smells delightful. I made 36 chocolate wafers. Effects are satisfactory and long lasting (about 8 hours) after consuming a single wafer. Great job on the recipe.

  162. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>Do I have to decaboxolate my herb to make Tea

    You will get some affect if you don’t decarb. But Decarbing will make it more potent.

    >>>I think my mistake in making canna oil was I only pressed the weed about 5 minutes with the wooden spoon.

    No, I think 5 minutes is enough. You’re really just trying to mash it up and break trichome heads to release the medicine into the oil.

    >>>I have using this recipe for a few months now.I do not bother to strain it
    yuk, that makes my stomach turn thinking about it. But if you can tolerate the taste, more power to you. You’ll get every bit of goodness out of your material!

    >>>use one full cup of organic coconut oil instead of 1/2 cup.

    For edibles, I prefer to make a smaller amount of more potent oil, simply for taste reasons. But for you, I can see how the full cup would be beneficial.

    >>>I have found that when using it on food as a “sauce” it is best to always add a tablespoon or more of organic sunflower lecithin sprinkled on the food to drizzle the oil on. By experimentation I have found this causes the effects to come on faster and more powerfully. Instead of a 2 hour or so wait it is now a 1/2 hour and I sleep great. This extra lecithin is in addition to the amount recommended by Capn in his recipe.

    That’s a good observation and thanks for the feedback. I have had others tell me similar, that the lecithin makes it kick in faster. In general, it helps your body absorb the medicine.

    >>>recipes that say to use water when making coconut oil with cannabis so that THC content doesn’t burn off

    Good question. In those recipes, they are talking about a different “cooking” process (crockpot, double broiler, etc). Follow this recipe perfectly and it will knock your socks off. Using water is messy and not at all beneficial with this recipe.

    >>>I can easily fill all 120 mold cavities and have a 3 month supply.

    Read it and weep, stoners. George is getting a 3 month supply with only using 10 grams of material. That’s amazing, George, thanks for your feedback and I’m so glad you are benefiting from the recipe and your tweaks.

    >>>I have friends who do all kinds of different things with crock pots, “Magic Butter” machines, etc, yet they certainly are amazed at the small amounts of cannabis I use to make a good medicine.

    There are certainly 100 ways to make canna oil, and most of them will “work” to some degree. What makes this recipe so potent, is the details: decarb process, coconut oil, cook time and temp, lecithin, etc.

  163. ChristofYK Avatar

    Love the idea of the Lecithin. One question I have, and I know you have stressed that this is to be followed exactly…but wondering, if you have tried to dissolve the lecithin with coconut oil first while the herb is first decarbing in the oven? Then just mix your amount of oil with the herb to decarb a bit longer in the oven as stated above . . thanks!

  164. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>tried to dissolve the lecithin with coconut oil first while the herb is first decarbing in the oven

    I don’t see why that would be a problem.

    Special K, your comments are related to edibles, but not relevant to this article. We are not making edibles for commercial sale. The THC content is only part of the equation. A well made edible with a lower THC content, could be 10X more effective than a poorly made edible with 10X as much THC. These type of comments, on my thread, will continue to be deleted. When you get your own blog, then you can talk about edibles, however you like.

  165. damien Avatar

    I just wanted to start off by saying i’m excited to try this recipe, and i’m sure i’ll be one of the many to give a good review; just one question before i begin this venture, how deep will you “sprinkle” the herb in the dish for decarb?

  166. George Avatar

    Getting ready to make my first batch of “double freeze extra-sleepy”. This time I weighed out precisely 14 gms of cleaned buds, that is no stem pieces. Used cheap bladed coffee grinder to grind herb to semi-course powder. Did 1st oven heat, cooled and reheated with 1/2 Tbsp lecithin and 1 cup coconut oil, and cooled and repeated oven heating with another 1/2 Tbsp lecithin. Froze overnight. Today will do another reheat cycle set, and re-freeze. Will see how this batch turns out since I am using more bud this time.

  167. George Avatar

    Also, I now know I must “temper” my chocolate ( a mixture of 100% cacao dark baking chocolate, 80% cacao baking chocolate and semi-sweet chocolate chips for a very small taste of sweetness, and the 100% raw cacao nibs). I now have a cool digital thermometer spatula that should give me accurate temps. Into the silicon molds and to the fridge and we’ll see how it works tonight!

  168. Soul_ution Avatar

    Is there anything that I could use as a substitute for the soy lechitin? My body has an insensitivity to pretty much all things soy so I’m wondering if there’s an alternative method that would have the same effect.

  169. Cannabelle Avatar

    Best recipe since sliced bread. Heavy duty aluminum foil and a toaster oven regulated beautifully for me! ooey gooey canna butter cake came out perfect and potent! Thanks

  170. George Avatar

    I try to stay away from soy products and so I use sunflower lecithin. I am using Sprout’s powder 100% Vegan brand tho Amazon lists many others. I usually add an additional Tbsp in whatever food i’m consuming if just eating my oil with a meal. Otherwise I mix the oil into chocolate and then pour into silicon candy molds. Works every time.

  171. Jeff Winett Avatar
    Jeff Winett

    At the risk of being piggish, I would like to post on this magnificent recipe one more time. I have a question about the temperature for de-carbing. I’ve wondered about the 215° directive. With too much information on the internet, I’ve read that some folks will de-carb at 240° for 45 minutes. It would be very appreciated if you might share from your knowledge, what the extra 25° and the extra 15 minutes might do. I am SO close to your exact recipe being the only one I will ever make, and this last question should do it for me.
    My best wishes and thanks,

  172. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>how deep will you “sprinkle” the herb in the dish for decarb?
    Hi damien, no more than 2″ thick.

    >>>This time I weighed out precisely 14 gms of cleaned buds, that is no stem pieces. Used cheap bladed coffee grinder to grind herb to semi-course powder.

    George, go ahead and use those stem pieces. They have more goodness on them than you think! Grinding in a coffee grinder will cause more plant matter to get in, but it will still be SUPER strong medicine. Good luck.

    >>>Is there anything that I could use as a substitute for the soy lechitin?

    I think there is sunflower lecithin you can try?

    >>>Best recipe since sliced bread.
    Thanks for your comments.

    >>>I’ve read that some folks will de-carb at 240° for 45 minutes. It would be very appreciated if you might share from your knowledge, what the extra 25° and the extra 15 minutes might do.

    The longer and hotter you heat it, the more you decarb it and the greater chance you have at basically “vaping” your product. 240 is really borderline at almost cooking the THC right out of the material. Stick with 220 and get yourself a $5 oven thermometer.

  173. George Avatar

    I just wanted to second the Capn’s recommendation for an oven thermometer. Our “electronic controlled” oven weirded out and the costly service tech who just wiggled some wire and it worked also did a thermocouple temperature reading. Our oven was off nearly 20 degrees! We bought a $7 oven thermometer and now get accurate readings (same as what the tech found). I would have been at too hot a temp otherwise.

  174. Jeff Winett Avatar
    Jeff Winett

    Huge thanx to my/THECAPN. I cheated on you today, and found out the hard way. Your response confirms this. I did try a 240° temperature, and I swear on my life….when the herb left the oven, my very first thought was that this smells like weed after I’ve used a vaporizer. I had a fabulous harvest this summer, and I do not regret this 1/4 oz. experiment whatsoever! Your method….”215°”, may it live long and prosper in our little family of two.
    More appreciation, you will never know.
    Sincerely yours,

  175. Jean Avatar

    For following the extra “sleepy” oil directions, do you add additional lecithin each time per the first round directions, or just remove from freezer, let it warm up to room temperature bake 45 minutes, then mash it up again and bake an additional 45 minutes (not adding any additional lecithin) , then back in the freezer?

  176. Miceal Hawker Avatar
    Miceal Hawker

    Hey guys, I don’t digest chocolate very well and really try to avoid it at all costs. Does anyone have any non-chocolate recipes that turned out great with the canna oil?


  177. THECAPN Avatar

    >>> I did try a 240° temperature, and I swear on my life….when the herb left the oven, my very first thought was that this smells like weed after I’ve used a vaporizer. I had a fabulous harvest this summer, and I do not regret this 1/4 oz. experiment whatsoever! Your method….”215°”, may it live long and prosper in our little family of two.
    More appreciation, you will never know.

    Jeff, you “took one for the team”, buddy. Thanks for verifying this for me. Please let us know how the next batch goes.

    >>>For following the extra “sleepy” oil directions, do you add additional lecithin each time per the first round directions

    Yes I add a little more. But I’m not sure it is necessary. It doesn’t hurt to add 1/8 teaspoon more.

    >>>Hey guys, I don’t digest chocolate very well and really try to avoid it at all costs. Does anyone have any non-chocolate recipes that turned out great with the canna oil?

    You can use pretty much any recipe that calls for oil. Peanut butter cookies are great. I like to make edibles that don’t get stale, that way you can make a month’s worth at one time.

  178. Jeff Winett Avatar
    Jeff Winett

    Well, right now it is 8:30 p.m. in L.A. The time that I mentioned means that I’m presently “cookied”…but tonight it’s from baking with your intense coconut oil. Wow. This is like the best night I can even begin to share. You’ve done good. No, you’ve done GREAT. You’ve taken my typical cookie, and even though I am using the same amount of herb, you’ve taught me how to bring WAY more out of that herb.
    Cheers and eternal thanks 2 U….P.S. would love for you to partake in my unique baking talent. Stranger things have happened!!! Sincere here.

  179. Steve Avatar

    I made this for the third time this week. There were 4 changes from the last time I made it, and this is by far the most potent batch yet. Here’s some changes from my last go round.

    1) Decarb: I had done this each time before but I realize now I hadn’t done it properly. The last batch I made, the bud got some condensation while I had stored it prior to making the oil with it (was in the fridge or freezer, I forget which). It was a little damp when I started the process, so I think it just didn’t get dried enough in the decarb step. This time the bud went from supplier to me, to oil that night so it was good and dry when I started. Once it was done decarbing (followed your temp and time except my toaster oven doesn’t go to 215, it goes to 225, so I held it there), it was dark, toasty looking, but not burned looking. Much different than it had looked previously.

    2) Soy Lecithin: I scoured the web for some guidelines of usage. I found a post from someone who uses equal parts lecithin and bud. I used 14 grams of bud so weighed out 14 grams of lecithin. I followed your process by splitting the lecithin additions between both cooking steps, just using more lecithin. I think this came to about 2 1/2-3 tablespoons.

    3) I skipped the freezing step. I know your instructions say not to skip it and that it helps bond the medicine to the oil, but instead I just put it in the fridge, where, being coconut oil, it solidifed.

    4) I didn’t reheat it to strain. Making my last batch I did this too many times as I was tryhing to put it in molds that broke, tried to strain it, etc. I thought heating it again to strain could lead to adding sleepiness to it and I dont mind the bud in the oil as I used a coffee grinder and I felt like I’d get more out of it if I left it in.

    The result? By far the most potent oil I have made. From the first batch I used 1/2 teaspoon which kicked in within 1.5-3 hours, second batch I ended up taking 1/2 teaspoon and sometimes taking some more later..It wasn’t as strong. From this batch I have switched to just 1/4 teaspoon (I had tried smaller amounts of preivous batches as well with some, but not as much of as an effect), and within about 40-60 minutes it kicks in fully, and with about 1 1/2-2 times the punch as the last two batches at 1/2 a teaspoon.

    One thing that has also changed is the bud used which of course can have a big effect, but like you’ve said, process has a huge effect as well. This was purple kush, in nice, tight buds. I don’t know the name of the strains of what I used for the previous two batches though it was nice and hairy so the bud for all batches were pretty good.

    CAPN, have you tried more lecithin? Have you put it in the fridge instead of freezer? Keeping everything else consistent?

    Thanks again for this great guide and thread.

  180. Keren Avatar

    So I was reading some post regarding making canna oil and butters. I’ve made a few batches so far and have kinda tweaked the methods as I discover more research. With the experience you have what is the most effective way to extract as much out of my material as possible? So typically I make about 2cups of coconut oil at a time with about a oz of shake each time( more or less), the last batch I made I used 1.5oz. Ive tried it in a crock pot a few times and in a double boiler twice. I guess I’m trying to figure out the correct amounts to use and how to properly maximize the potency and use of materials. I use the oil batch for few different items at a time so the amounts of actual oil for each recipe is going to be different but I want a consistent outcome for each recipe. I have no real idea of how to accurately calculate the amount of thc in the oil as a whole and translate that information into individual recipes. Essentially I’d like to be able to break down the amount in the original batch all the way down to amounts per serving. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  181. damien Avatar

    THECAPN, thank you for your recipe, i tried it and as i expected i loved it! I like a deep couch lock stone so i made the extra sleepy version, and dang is it ever EXTRA sleepy! I think next time i will make both versions.

    I have a condition known as cyclic vomiting syndrome and was recently hospitalized for it, after five days of not being able to keep things down, tons of pain meds and other meds, i decided to have somebody sneak in some hard candy i had made from your oil. After slowly but glutinously devouring enough to put down the hulk my episode was relieved enough to get me back on the road to recovery. So again i would like to thank you for your time and effort, you’ve created so much more than just a great recipe!

  182. George Avatar

    I’m sad on one hand, because I can’t wait to make a new batch with “stem pieces” from buds. Makes sense to me. When I weigh plant material on an Ohaus triple beam scale, I know that 14 gms of uncleaned buds from plant weighs a significant amount more than “cleaned” buds. How happy to realize from the Capn’s advice that well, yes indeed, that extra matter I was throwing away would just add to the cooked goodness of this wonder plant. But on the other hand,I’m very happy my last batch looks like a near 3 month supply of daily sleep medicine as well as the happy feelings that come with weekends (I know this due to regular usage for my dose). I’ll still make my next batch with complete buds at 14 gms and see what happens. Anyone who hasn’t used the Capn’s recipe on this page is wasting prime ingredients.

  183. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>I am using the same amount of herb, you’ve taught me how to bring WAY more out of that herb

    Glad to hear it. As I’ve said before, it’s not so much the THC content, it’s how you prepare it to make it available for your body to absorb.

    >>>CAPN, have you tried more lecithin? Have you put it in the fridge instead of freezer? Keeping everything else consistent?

    I don’t know that the additional lecithin is beneficial, but it sounds like it worked out for you. I always freeze for best results. Refrigerator works too. Thanks for your comments.

    >>With the experience you have what is the most effective way to extract as much out of my material as possible?

    Hi Karen. Follow the recipe and you will get the best possible ending product. It is ok to double or triple the recipe.

    >>I have no real idea of how to accurately calculate the amount of thc in the oil as a whole

    The actual amount of THC is not important. The important part is following the recipe and making the THC available for your body to absorb. As long as you start with good material, your end result will be stellar. My suggestion is to start with smaller batches, and use about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per edible. Then try one edible at a time. After a few samples, you will nail down your proper dose.

  184. theleongd Avatar

    How do I adjust for making larger doses?

  185. theleongd Avatar


  186. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>How do I adjust for making larger doses?

    You can double the recipe, no problem

  187. Paul Kell Avatar
    Paul Kell

    DGC, You Are the Boss Man

  188. Pazzo Avatar

    I’ve been scouring the internet looking for a good recipe for cannabutter AFTER the decarb process cause I wasn’t sure how long to cook it for and I think this is it. I remember one time I fell asleep when making some butter on the stove and when I woke up and strained it and made some snickerdoodles (my favorite weed cookie) was the most amazing cookies I’ve ever ate so I think it decarbed itself somehow without me even knowing what “decarb” even meant at the time lol.

    I’m 100% going to give this recipe a try this weekend and i’ll post the results here. I’ve been growing for 12 years and other then one guy mentioning he “decarbs” his weed before he makes his butter I’ve never even heard about it from anyone else in person which seems crazy to me if it really is as important as it sounds. My last batch of cookies was horrible and I go so discouraged, I would have to eat at least 6 just to be “comfortably” stoned without having to smoke on top of it.

    One question I do have though is this: I have some bud that didn’t turn out well because of PH issues and what not but it is still technically smokeable but just crappy tasting. I’ve had it jarred for about 5-6 months now so should I decarb it for less time so I don’t lose any potency or should I just follow the recipe exactly? I’m planning on following it exactly but I figured I’d ask.

    Thanks again for this post as it has definitely helped me.


  189. johno Avatar


    can I just eat/swallow the oil directly not use it in cookies or something ?


  190. Mark Avatar

    If you double the doses, do you have to adjust the time too?

  191. Andrew Avatar

    Is there any benefit to using Coconut Butter over regular butter or Ghee?

  192. Lucas Avatar

    I’m really looking forward to trying this recipe! I do have one question though. During the steps that involves the oven, do you preheat the oven to 215F, place the container in the oven and then start the timer. Or do you place the thermometer inside the container, seal it with foil, and then start the timer once the inside of the container has reached 215F?

    I’ve been starting the timer once the thermometer inside the container shows the desired temperature and as you can imagine, this easily adds another 30 minutes of cooking time every time the oven is used and I feel it may have contributed to my failed batches. It would be really great to hear your take on this

  193. Sloppy Joe Avatar
    Sloppy Joe

    How about this method using ABV (Already Been Vaped) product? I know the decarboxylation process is likely no longer necessary, however I was wondering how much of product to use compared to the original recipe to acquire equal potency? Perhaps a 2:1 ratio? (7g fresh -> substituted with 14g ABV)? Please anyone who has tried this using vaped let me know how successful you were.

  194. Becca Avatar

    Honestly didn’t read through all the comments so maybe this has been asked and answered…. If intending to use this coconut oil in a pain relief (topical) salve what adjustments, if any, would you make to the process?


  195. andr3a Avatar

    Capn. Have you ever washed the oil with water after using your exact recipe and straining the herb? By adding water and refridgerating, then removing the water?

  196. George Avatar

    I got 120 doses for last batch and used the same mid-grade bud as always. Using 1/2 ounce the effects were really good. That would make three months of doses if using one per day. Since I sometimes do not take any on some days and some weekend nights eat two it still averages out as a very frugal way to use. I think that would be about 63 cents per dose? (at $75 per 1/2 ounce). I am thinking about purchasing some higher grade material for next batch just to see what happens. The latest batch works the same every time, there is no tolerance build up for me at least. If anything, perhaps because I keep my chocolates in the fridge they seem to get more potent?

  197. Lucas Avatar

    If you’ve followed the recipe to the letter and still feel that your oil is too sleepy, which time parameter is to be tweaked – decarb or oil?

  198. TinaBna Avatar

    Kudos to you Capn. I had amazing results with my first batch o’ butter by following your instructions to the letter. Being an avid baker & cook, I found it amazingly easy to follow and foolproof. I then went on to make 36 Toll House cookies with a twist. BAM Gave away half and froze a few. I am one happy lady :- ) And for all you “tweakers”, I wouldn’t change a thing.

  199. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>I’ve been growing for 12 years and other then one guy mentioning he “decarbs” his weed before he makes his butter I’ve never even heard about it from anyone else in person which seems crazy to me if it really is as important as it sounds. My last batch of cookies was horrible and I go so discouraged, I would have to eat at least 6 just to be “comfortably” stoned without having to smoke on top of it.

    You can eat a bud and get SOME form of effect from it. But by decarbing, it makes the thc more readily available to your body to absorb it. Yes the heating process does some form of decarb, but doing it in a dish works best. You know how your weed seems to become more potent after it cures for a few months? That’s because weed naturally decabs itself in the aging process.

    >>> I have some bud that didn’t turn out well because of PH issues and what not but it is still technically smokeable but just crappy tasting. I’ve had it jarred for about 5-6 months now so should I decarb it for less time so I don’t lose any potency or should I just follow the recipe exactly?

    Further decarbing will make it more potent. Or, make it more available for your body to absorb, so it will seem more potent, last longer, etc. Follow the recipe.

    One question I do have though is this: I have some bud that didn’t turn out well because of PH issues and what not but it is still technically smokeable but just crappy tasting. I’ve had it jarred for about 5-6 months now so should I decarb it for less time so I don’t lose any potency or should I just follow the recipe exactly? I’m planning on following it exactly but I figured I’d ask.

  200. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>can I just eat/swallow the oil directly not use it in cookies or something ?


    >>>If you double the doses, do you have to adjust the time too?


    >>>Is there any benefit to using Coconut Butter over regular butter or Ghee?


    >>>>do you preheat the oven to 215F, place the container in the oven and then start the timer.


    >>>How about this method using ABV (Already Been Vaped) product?

    Vaping cooks off the THC so I doubt it would be worth your time.

    >>>If intending to use this coconut oil in a pain relief (topical) salve what adjustments, if any, would you make to the process?

    I have tried this before, with marginal results. I would like to know the answer to this question as well. I would go see what BadKittySmiles is up to these days. She doesn’t respond to emails or posts, but she may have new recipes on her web site.

    >>>Have you ever washed the oil with water after using your exact recipe and straining the herb?

    Impossible to wash the oil with water. I don’t see how that would be beneficial.

    >>>I got 120 doses for last batch and used the same mid-grade bud as always. Using 1/2 ounce the effects were really good. That would make three months of doses if using one per day.

    Way to go, George! Fantastic results. This is what it’s all about. Getting the most use of your material, especially for disabled people who need the relief and don’t have a ton of money to spend. ADHD medicine is $20 a day, this is .67 cents. I love it!

    >>>If you’ve followed the recipe to the letter and still feel that your oil is too sleepy, which time parameter is to be tweaked – decarb or oil?

    Decarb as usual. Cut the bake time by 1/2 on both rounds. It could be your starting material is very indica-ish too.

  201. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>Kudos to you Capn. I had amazing results with my first batch o’ butter by following your instructions to the letter. Being an avid baker & cook, I found it amazingly easy to follow and foolproof. I then went on to make 36 Toll House cookies with a twist. BAM Gave away half and froze a few. I am one happy lady :- ) And for all you “tweakers”, I wouldn’t change a thing.

    Listen to Tina, everyone! She knows what to do! Don’t try to cut corners. Follow the recipe and you will get the results.

  202. Steve Avatar

    I’ve had fantastic results with your oil. I added a little more lecithin on the last batch (equal weight bud and lecithin) and I think it turned out to work even better that way. Now, I’m wondering if it’s possible to not lose any positive results, but to decrease the amount of oil used. Do you think there would be any issue with using less coconut oil, so you end up needing to take less for a dose? I’ve been going with the ratio here (1/2 cup butter for every 1/4 oz of bud), and 1/2 teaspoon as been a good dose for me. If I use less coconut oil and still have enough to get the goods out of the bud, I could take less than 1/2 tsp. Thanks again!

  203. Chris Avatar

    Hi capn!

    I’m wondering if you have any ideas on why my first batch hasn’t really done anything or worked for me.
    I used a 8×8 glass Pyrex baking dish.
    2-3 sheets of foil to cover it well
    1/4 oz bud cut up with hydroponic scissors
    Oven was set at 215-220, with a oven thermometer so I could monitor if and made sure the temp stayed where it should.
    I used the same coco oil you have pictured up top.
    Also the same lecithin granules you have pictured above.
    I did the right scoops, 1/2 cup oil, the 1/2 tsps of lecithin.
    Did the initial decarb for 30 min, then added lecithin and oil and stirred, set for 45 min, and used a spoon to press down on the bud in the dish, then more lecithin and set again for 45 min.
    I froze it for 2 hours and 15 minutes, thawed the glass then put in the oven for about 10 minutes until the oil was liquified.
    I strained it with a coffee mesh strainer. I got almost a 1/2 cup back, i strained it better than I thought I would.
    I put it in a container, put a lid on and put it in the fridge.
    The next morning it looked fantastic. Smelled great! The bud was dark green after it cooked, not black some people mentioned.
    So my thoughts are, maybe I shouldn’t have put it in the fridge after I strained it and let it get to room temp instead?
    I read people decarb at 240ish, I wonder if I would have better luck at 235-240 degrees?
    I follow the directions to a T. I read everyone’s comments twice and made notes in a spiral, ha. The following day I had a 1/2 tsp in a cup of tea. Felt nothing all day. I then ate 1 tsp the next morning and felt nothing. I made brownies that same day and the box said 16 servings, so I used a tad more than 1/6 cup of my canna oil and balanced out the rest with vegetable oil. The recipe called for 1/3 cup oil. I ate two of those bad boys back to back and felt nothing.
    Where do you think I went wrong? The bud is pretty damn good stuff, had a good amount of thricomes(it was crystal-ly) on it too. I’m going to have try it again but I’ll prob use a 1/8 oz bud and 1/4 cup coco oil.
    I don’t smoke a ton to where my tolerance is sky high. It’ll take me atleast two weeks if not more to smoke a 1/4 oz.
    love the website and all that ya do man, just hoping for in our insight/opinions on where or why I might have gone wrong.
    Thank you sir!

  204. Hanover Fist Avatar
    Hanover Fist

    >>>How about this method using ABV (Already Been Vaped) product?

    Sloppy Joe, if you do try this with ABV do a google of “water cure ABV”. I’ve read that the taste of ABV-oil can be very disgusting without the water cure first.

    I’m making my first batch of ABV-infused coconut oil now. My ~25g of ABV became 14.5g after the water cure and then drying. I mixed it with ~1/2 cup coconut oil and 1 heaping Tbsp of lecithin.

    Thank you Cap’n for your recipe, because I’ll be adding a freezing step to my ABV process before reheat and straining. Your recipe as-is will be excellent for edibles when I want to commit buds to it instead of seeing what I can get out of my vape leftovers.

    From what I’ve read, there are still cannabinoids to be extracted out of ABV, but it’s more on the sleepy/couch-lock side of things.

  205. Hanover Fist Avatar
    Hanover Fist

    Results: A 1/2 teaspoon of my ABV-oil gave a nice body high and a little bit of a head high. There’s still some THC left. I have a pretty low tolerance so maybe use two ounces of ABV before the water cure for stronger oil.

    So if you can’t afford a quarter of flower and just have ABV, it does work. The taste is smoky and similar to strong coffee, but not horrible. I’d suggest it in an edible recipe with cinnamon or maybe in capsules.

  206. Butter Avatar

    Hey Capn!
    First id like to thank you for your recipe I am at the freezing process. I followrd yours and Badkittys steps as they are very similar i used extra virgin coconut oil with the soya lencinthe. I did however make a different style of batch. I used 14 gs of stems (not plant stem, but white crytally frosted stems that were inside AAAA buds at one point) I coffey ground it up to right before it became powder. I then threw in 4.5 gs of White Rasta and Pineapple Punch. I added a 0.5 of keif bringing me to a total of 19 grams. I then threw in 13 grams of keif which has been stored for a few years (meaning it is a darker brown, less sticky, less potent {i have pressed an heated it up into pure hash and a .2 gets you stoned but you need more like a .4 to get ripped. Now im at a total of 32 grams. I used 1 cup of coconut oil. Its in the freezer now, I want to get stoned for hours, but not sleepy. I want to use it more recreationaly than as a pain releiving medecine… Do you think I should dethaw and strain it now ( after cooking 2 times for 45 mins at 220) or should i dethaw and cook for a possible 3rd 45minutes to make sure its as potent as can be without putting me right to sleep. Im an everyday smoker about a gram a day. I followed everything, i readjusted the soya granule to a teaspoon and a bit more considering i used a total 30 grams of stock. I will definetly post final results/verdicts. Im just a last minute wonderer. Its 320am do I leave it freeze overnight wake up thaw and heat before straining or give it an extra 45 or 90 mins. thanks a lot in advanced

  207. 420bunny Avatar

    Can I keep the oil in the fridge or freezer after finished.

  208. Kiki Avatar

    I’ve tried … Follow instructions to the letter and , as Chris in few messages above, it failed… NO HIGH. I think that decarb. time is difficult to appreciate regarding to the potential moisture of the starting dried weed …

    Could you tell us please, the aspect of the weed after decarb. process. : color ? brown, light brown, golden green … Consistance ? Very crumbly ? Like AVB ?

    According to Lou’s messages above, she’s got results with a decarb. time of 55 min at 250F. Her oven was 30 degrees under… so for her, good results get with 220F and 55 min time (?!)

    Last question, the baking of cookies or brownies as mentionned in your recipe adds more time of heating to the oil ? No ? It will make a difference with oil directly put in caps ? Linked with my previous questions (and Lou’s comments, who’s using oil for caps)…

    Thanks for all, and sorry for my bad english.

  209. Glowrider Avatar

    I’m wondering what the potency of a dose is – seems there are many variables – is there some ratio or formula for figuring out how bud thc percentages equate with mg/g thc for this recipe?

  210. Butter Avatar

    scroll up for the calculation. someone posted it

  211. Sakranel Avatar

    Great results :))

    One question – What does it mean “sleepy oil”?

  212. Hanover Fist Avatar
    Hanover Fist

    >>> One question – What does it mean “sleepy oil”?

    The cannabinoids CBN and CBE have a sleepy effect different than the high of THC. CBN and CBE come from the breakdown of THC and CBD over longer periods of heat and time. Doubling the oven steps makes more of these sleepy compounds in your oil – better medicine for some conditions.

  213. B Avatar

    I had the same issue as Kiki and Chris. Followed the recipient to the letter and made brownies using the oil. I used 8tsp of oil for 16 servings. I had 3 the other night with very little…if no results. Any ideas? I used the same ingredients as in the pictures in the top of the article. Any help would be great. Thanks!

  214. Sakranel Avatar

    >>> One question – What does it mean “sleepy oil”?

    The cannabinoids CBN and CBE have a sleepy effect different than the high of THC. CBN and CBE come from the breakdown of THC and CBD over longer periods of heat and time. Doubling the oven steps makes more of these sleepy compounds in your oil – better medicine for some conditions.

    Thanks for your reply.
    But how is the high different when the oil is sleepy?
    Sleepy oil is a better feeling? happier feeling?

  215. Alison Avatar

    Are you using a fan forced oven?

  216. Jack Avatar

    Try decarbing with a decarboxylator – 100% potency

  217. Gaby Avatar

    I used 1/4 cup of oil instead of 1/2 cup, what do I do!?

  218. Jeff Avatar

    I’m trying this for the 3rd time now. The first two times used only enough for one strong dose (3/4 – 1 g) and it turned out great. Using for recreation and I smoke about 1g/day or so. I did everything in the recipe (didn’t “follow to a t,” because I understand the recipe, science, etc.) except for putting in freezer (which I am doing now using 1/4 oz batch). Anyway, thank you for the great recipe. First time I’ve done edibles – I eat the oil by itself and take 5-HTP and curcumin for good measure – and it’s great.

    For those of you for whom this recipe didn’t work, as someone suggested above, it likely has to do with the moisture in the bud, etc. Following directions/recipes is important, but much more important is having an understanding of what is happening when you follow the recipe – I don’t mean a technical understanding of the science (which I really don’t have), but making an effort to understand what is going on in the process.

    SO, my only question is: can someone please explain to me what purpose freezing it for 2 hrs has other than ambiguously stating that it “helps the medicine better bond to the oil?” Will you please explain how and why freezing it matters in helping the medicine absorb more effectively into the body?

  219. Sakranel Avatar

    Jeff, why are you taking 5-HTP?
    And why Curcumin?
    You just mix some of the oil with both of them and eat it with a spoon?

    Thanks 🙂

  220. Michelle Avatar

    Hey guys, I’ve recently just “freed” myself from the grips of my GI doctor for crohns disease. They’ve had me on pain killers for the past 15 years and I’ve had it. I started smoking and the relief of my crohns is uncanny… however- I need to be able to medicate at any time or place-

    can I use this recipe as a simple oil to drop a few under my tongue or is this recipe Only for edibles?! Any help would be appreciated. Loving my new rx free life 🙂

  221. Kiki Avatar

    Ok, thanks Jeff. So, let us know how you estimate that the THC-a is well converted during decarboxylation time please … by understanding the science of the recipe.

    IMHO, a description of the aspect of the weed (color, consistency…) after the decarb operation should help.

    And what about the additionnal heating time when you makes cookies/brownies vs raw oil caps ?


  222. Jeff Avatar


    I would bet the main problem people have w/ this (whether they know or admit it) is not setting the oven to the right temp (which I keep to about 215-225). I don’t how much moisture is in your starting product, but if you are having problems with this recipe because of moisture I would suggest getting properly dried product and making it with that to start and then you can see what the weed and the oil should look like and then decarb the stuff w/ more moisture longer until it looks like when you mad it with drier stuff.

    I’ve tried the recipe 3-4 times and used about 3/4 gram to get it down.
    I also cover pan with plastic wrap and then foil – it seals it better.

    Still would like an explanation of how and why freezing makes a difference

  223. Jeff Avatar

    …I made it 2-3 times w/ about a gram and then made using a 1/4. I’m going to get an oz and make 1/2 like this. SO much better (and stronger) than smoking.

  224. Mel Avatar

    Nothing much slows me down in this world except for an elaborate culinary process. This is one of them. The smells from the oven are really great.

  225. George Avatar

    It’s been awhile but I’m finally running out of my last batch of 120 count small peanut butter cup molded chocolates. I had given some to friends and they all wanted me to make mine more powerful. I eat them to be sleepy but they ate them to get stoned. 2 doses will get me stoned but 1 gives me great sleep and no “wake up stoned feeling” (bad for going to work!). I am going to make another batch soon and tweak my proportions to get more powerful medicine, perhaps only getting 80 pcs instead of 120 pcs. Still, that would bring my cost per dose to only a little over a dollar each, I can deal with that for a few months.

  226. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>Still, that would bring my cost per dose to only a little over a dollar each, I can deal with that for a few months.

    George, glad to hear you are getting so much out of your material. Personally, I like them not as strong, so I can enjoy a few candies.

    >>>can I use this recipe as a simple oil to drop a few under my tongue or is this recipe Only for edibles?

    Yes you can eat 1/4 teaspoon of the oil, but it tastes pretty bad!
    >>>Still would like an explanation of how and why freezing makes a difference
    Jeff, I’m a stoner, not a biologist 🙂
    Freezing the oil, is known to aid the break up the structure of your cannabinoids, which can increase their bioavailability. In simple terms, it makes it so your body can absorb more medicine. If you don’t want to freeze it, you don’t have to. It will work, without freezing. But I like to make it as potent as possible, so I don’t skip that step.

    >>>I used 1/4 cup of oil instead of 1/2 cup, what do I do!?
    use it as is.

    >>>Followed the recipient to the letter and made brownies using the oil. I used 8tsp of oil for 16 servings.

    Try eating 1/2 teaspoon of the oil you made and let me know the effect. Need to eliminate the process after you made it.

    >>>the baking of cookies or brownies as mentionned in your recipe adds more time of heating to the oil ?

    Yes, it can “cook” the oil a little more. Eating it without cooking it again is better, but most people have great results making cookies or brownies.

    >>>Do you think I should dethaw and strain it now ( after cooking 2 times for 45 mins at 220) or should i dethaw and cook for a possible 3rd 45minutes to make sure its as potent as can be without putting me right to sleep.

    I think you mean, “Thaw”. If you “de-thaw” something, that means you freeze it 🙂 Cooking and freezing over and over doesn’t necessarily make it more potent. But it will make it a little more sleepy. For the most potent, start with the best material, follow the recipe, and you’ll have great success here like most have.

    >>>chris: love the website and all that ya do man, just hoping for in our insight/opinions on where or why I might have gone wrong.

    Chris, try eating some of the plain oil (without mixing it) you made and see what is does. How is your starting material?

    >>>Do you think there would be any issue with using less coconut oil, so you end up needing to take less for a dose?

    You can use less and it will be more potent. But using less oil, will waste some oil that you can’t get out of the bud. So figure out a better way to strain and press the oil out of the bud.

  227. John Avatar

    I just made my first batch last night. I used a full oz of bud, cut up with scissors, all followed to the letter. BUT…after the freeze, I broke up my frozen cake of product, boiled for about 20 minutes, strained, and refridged until the oil was solid on the top of the water. Removed that, put in a pyrex custard dish, uWaved for 45 sec until liquified again, where some residual water was still visible under the budder. Let that cool, again, removing the budder “puck”, this time drying what little moisture remained with a paper towel, then put into another custard dish, re-nuked for 45 sec, and fridge til morning. At 3 am, my wife came out of bed to have a bowl of cerial, and it was solid and ready for use. It is a beautiful pea-green. She injected it into her vagina after it melted in the syringe (she has fibromyalgia, and is plagued by unwanted muscle spasms in her groin and elsewhere), and within MINUTES, told me she had relief! During the process of dumping from one container to another, etc, there were opportunities to lick my fingers of oil. I KNOW I had less than a 1/4 tsp of oil ingested throughout the process, but by the time I went to sleep, I knew I was mildly high, just from that small amount.

    I have about 3-4 oz of powdered leaf trimmings without visible trichomes that, when baked, get me BAKED. Will try using them and see how THAT goes next.

    What I’d like to know is HOW is it when she dumps a 1/4 oz of her bud into a smoothie and blends it, without even heating it first, we get ripped for the entire DAY. How is that even POSSIBLE when I haven’t even heated it UP? I am sure this budder is going to be a much more efficient use of her grows, so thanks for this excellent post, and comments. Next batch is going to be Jack Herer, sometime this spring.

  228. jeff Avatar

    Thanks for the response – it doesn’t matter why it works, but this recipe works great.

    – I know it is mentioned a few times here, but I suspect that some ppl for whom this recipe didn’t work it may be because they did not take it on an empty stomach. I have taken it on a not-so-empty stomach and the difference in the effect was considerably less than on an empty stomach – hope that helps someone.

  229. charitza Avatar

    I am interested in making this exact recipe but swapping the herb for wax.
    How many grams of wax would you use for 12oz of coconut oil.
    And is it more potent than just green?

  230. Tecansil Avatar

    Part of the reason I’m following this recipe is the consistent feedback from The Capn, I’m following the recipe step by step to make my first batch.

    Tight budget and an unwillingness to (potentially) waste so much herb has led me to scale it down to a much more reasonable “disposable” amount.

    Ill do my best to give an update on how it goes, I’m planning on doing the refreeze a few times, a few members of my household have trouble sleeping so, I’d like something strong.

    My only question is, is tolerance with edibles and smoking two different things?

    Is it a tolerance to the method of intake? Different chemical reactions being activated in different areas of the body, as opposed to a THC tolerance.

  231. Cave Avatar

    I am in progress of completing the recipe… currently thawing the butter in my pyrex jug..

    I made 2 small choices that differ from the recipe.. first was i went with 140gms (not 118) and I used clarified butter to ensure I didn’t burn it (my first attempt at making butter I used the stove top and i burnt the milk solids… managed to catch it before it was completely ruined)

    Still, it led me to this recipe!

  232. THECAPN Avatar

    >>>What I’d like to know is HOW is it when she dumps a 1/4 oz of her bud into a smoothie and blends it, without even heating it first, we get ripped for the entire DAY. How is that even POSSIBLE when I haven’t even heated it UP?

    That’s a lot of week in a smoothie. That’s why you’re getting high from it. Due to the natural decarb process, the more aged the weed is, the better it will work.

    >>>I am interested in making this exact recipe but swapping the herb for wax.

    See my other article here:

    >>>My only question is, is tolerance with edibles and smoking two different things?

    Yes, very different. Some people seem to “soak up” the medicine much better than others.

  233. Sierra Lizzi Avatar
    Sierra Lizzi

    Have to try making cannabis oil with a MB machine! Been making my cannabis oil and cannabutter with it for awhile now and LOVE it! Truly worth getting one… I don’t make cannabis oil or cannabutter any other way now. The most simplest and easiest way to do! Here’s a link that will save you $25 on one. Worth it!!

  234. Dr Food Avatar
    Dr Food

    I used an Aeropress coffee device for the final step (with the fine mesh as the filter) and it worked so well, people might want to buy one just for this use. It’s got a plunger like a giant medicine syringe so you can really capture all the oil and press it out of the dried plant material.

  235. Z Avatar

    I have tried this recipe, the effect was insane with just only 7g of week.
    Extremely potent, we did not know how potent it was, hence each of us took around 4 teaspoons of it (equivalent to 3 brownies each).
    We were bent as hell which lasted for almost 12 hours, try to take it in moderation next time, nonetheless, good recipe!

  236. James Avatar

    amazing recipe! i cut the recipe in half and used 3.5g as a test run. the results were very potent. easy recipe to follow and it is now my go-to!

  237. josh Avatar

    tried making this three times. followed it step by step. bunk.

    no effect at all.

    i’m hoping it’s just due to possibly crappy weed but even with this crap weed firecrackers seem to work just fine.

    Something about this process doesn’t work.

  238. dru Avatar

    hey all,

    I made butter today with 4 sticks.. but I used 3 Tablespoons of sunflower lecithin by accident (meant to use 2) will this hurt my butter?

  239. George Avatar

    Dru, I always use more lecithin and the more I use the more potent the product. I just ran out of my 3 1/2 month supply (used 12 grams of mid-grade bud) of small Reese’s peanut butter cup type silicon molds. I filled 120 cavities and still had a lot of oil left and so would add it to foods. My new batch I’m making has 16 grams of bud and I’ll be using new molds with bigger cavities with approx 2.5 times the volume. These will be strong ones! I also use sunflower lecithin and use up to 6 tablespoons per batch, it really makes the product available to your system.

  240. dru Avatar

    yeah i used a half oz of some absolutely ridiculous stuff and am making just 2 cups of butter so it should be a pretty good batch. i also decarbolyxed or whatever. looking forward to it!

  241. George Avatar

    I also have never strained out the oil and found that with my chocolates no one notices the “taste”. However, the green wax glob that wasn’t fully used in the chocolates I would take a spoonful or so and put it in whatever food I was eating and although the taste doesn’t bother me, it is noticeable. I am a health nut so my taste buds are used to strange flavors though. My chocolate recipe somehow completely disguises the taste and no one can detect the fact that they are strong medicines packed with a wallop. People can’t believe how such a little amount of bud can deliver so much effect. Smokers go through what I use for 3 months in a couple of days, this recipe of the Capn is an extremely healthful and frugal way to use this herb.

  242. Dave Avatar

    Well, it was potent, but I’m pretty sure the lecithin resulted in my substantial weight gain while consuming this batch of oil. Is it possible that the small amount of lecithin in the oil, made it possible to absorb the fat in the other foods I was eating on the same day?

    Anyway, since I don’t ‘need’ to get the most from my oil, I’m gonna omit that dient in my next batch.

  243. KevO Avatar

    I don’t have a conventional oven. Will a toaster oven work? Or will this change the temperature and time for cooking since the coils are closer to the product?

  244. insearchofmornings Avatar

    What size pyrex dish do you recommend? The ones I have already are much larger, they’re for lasagne and such, so if I’m buying one for this, I may as well get the most efficient size. I’m in the UK so I need a measurement I can convert to litres. Thanks!

  245. Drew Avatar

    I’m very happy with the oil that I made using your instructions. Thank you!
    I would like to make a tincture. Is there an easy way to mix in some non alcohol based liquid so the oil would flow through an eye dropper or similar?

  246. fiona Avatar

    hi, i’ve looked through your comments section hoping not to repeat what someone else already asked, but i don’t think i can find my specific problem. i followed your directions EXACTLY, as you emphasized a couple times how important that is. when mixed into hot tea, and when taken straight, this just doesn’t seem to work. i understand oven temps vary, so that could be why; i also used the combo of an 1/8 with a high THC content mixed with an 1/8 with a high CBD content. both are medical grade, straight from the dispensary. i’m not used to CBD strains, so maybe this does work and i’m just not used to this different effect. or, lastly, it occurs to me that you meant for this oil to be used in baked recipes? should i throw some into a batch of brownies and see if that makes a difference?

    either way, it seems like this recipe supplies relief to a lot of people that need it, so thank you very much for sharing!

  247. Sri Lakshmi Avatar

    El Capitan Crackers,

    Sending you back to school bro.
    The temperature of boiling water in a double boiler is 212 degrees f. That’s 100 c.


  248. shai Avatar

    Hi all, unfortunately, for various reasons, the slow cooker is the only way I can make canabutter. I am trying to make it more potent however. My question is, will decarbing the weed, and adding leichin help if made in this manner? I already freeze it after.

  249. skunkmonkey Avatar

    Hey man, awesome method! Followed it to a t and theyre strongest ive ever had. Didnt strain it tho, keep the goodness. Made 36 cookies so 1tsp in each. Normally infuse by steaming and need 4 to get me roasted. I had one last night and was almost spinning lol glad i didnt try 3 like i wanted to. Thanks man

  250. Mike Avatar

    I thought I’d tell our first experience making cannnaoil. I got 7g of something called “OG XL” (couldn’t find it described anywhere). It’s a very tasty lightish-green bud with a fair amount of trichomes, very aromatic and did seem tl match the “OG” smell. First, tore it into small pieces, and decarb’d it at 240 F for 60 minutes. We turned the heat down for a bit when I saw some wisps of smoke rising from the bud, but then I read somewhere where a little smoke was ok. Then we crushed it into a medium powder and double-boiled it in 2 cups of canola oil.

    *DOSING NOTE: I estimated the 7g (7000mg) of bud at 15%, or 1050mg of thc. At 10mg/dose that’s 105 doses, so I figured 4 batches of 20 brownies each would be 80 strong doses. We’d had Zootz candies bought in Washington state (5mg) and one of our brownies is a little stronger than 2 candies, so we think the dosing was pretty accurate*

    We poured canola oil into a double-boiler and stirred the weed powder in. Stirred every few minutes for 3 hours. There was so little vegetable matter that I was able to pour most of the oil out without straining, and just had a couple Tbsp. of greens to squeeze out. The oil was slightly discolored, brownish, but had no weed taste.

    We baked a batch of brownies using 1/4 the total or 1/2 cup oil. As I alluded to, they worked good – my wife is a fairly novice smoker and one made her feel very good, mellow, and horny 😉 One did the same for me, and I’m a chronic smoker (one reason we did this is to reduce my actual smoke intake as I smoked for 27 years and have had pneumonia 9 times in my life and it was giving me asthma). I can’t wait to have my mom taste one – she said she’d never smoke again, but she’s also said she doesn’t think there’s any way to get the taste out (in the 70s a friend of ours made some brownies by sprinkling ground weed in the mix!!!) – she will be amazed, they taste like totally normal brownies. I was worried that cooking it would reduce the “total stoning power” of the 7g but I think it’s about the same, just of course a longer tmax and half-life (time to peak plasma concentration and duration of action).

    *POST MORTEM: I’ll use a more saturated fat next time – we didn’t find that tidbit of info until it was already cooking in the oil. I’ll decarb longer, at a slightly lower temp (260 or so). And eventually we’ll branch out into different recipes, but for now the brownies work so we’re sticking to them*

    *Medicinal analysis: I have bipolar disorder and, while medicated but on as little a dose as possible, have racing thoughts and severe insomnia. I also have stenosis and a ruptured disc, and other arthritic problems in my lower back, and was taking 8 percocet a day + 4 5mg methadone. I was so zoned, I got off it 2 years ago and feel so much better…but the brownies are a miracle drug. The bud seemed indica-dominant, but with some sativa effects, which is what the salesman at the bud store in Washington advised us to get and worked. My wife has severe arthritis, especially in her hips, and migraines. Yesterday morning she said it felt so good to wake up in no pain (we ate one before bed ;). I concurred; my back spasms are gone, the morning ache was gone, the various twinges I get throughout the day weren’t there, my mind was quieter and I rested better – didn’t really sleep longer, but it was quality sleep and my insomniac wife slept better than she has in years – I felt good physically! :).

    I’d like to thank the people here whose recipes and techniques I copied. I hope my description helps someone 🙂

  251. shinnvid Avatar

    This is your captain speaking please follow all directions to the letter and you will have a very pleasant flight. Just don’t go whataburger and get food poisoning hours after reaching cruising altitude.

  252. shinnvid Avatar

    Mad props cap. You made a believer outta my girl who says…. “i can’t get high on edibles!” Didn’t mean to post twice! I used close to 60 g’s of frosty trim followed the directions with the exception of straining out plant material. Thanks again man Your bringing bomb doses at Wal-Mart prices lol.

  253. Phillip Avatar

    Hey all, I’ve never posted in one of these forums. However, I recently used this recipe to make a batch of coconut oil. Wanting to know how potent it actually was, I sent a sample in to one of the local labs for testing. I just got the results back tonight and figured I’d share with everyone here. The results showed that THC-A was at 4.6 percent, while delta9 THC was at 4.2 percent. CBN was at .2 percent. If my numbers are right, then for every 100 milligrams of coconut oil I ingest, I should get 4.2 milligrams of decarboxylated, active delta9 THC. If that’s right, then I would need to consume 250 milligrams of oil in order to get just over 10 milligrams of active THC. Pretty damn good in my opinion, especially considering the fact that I have roughly 200 grams of oil sitting in my fridge right now. However (and this is why I wanted to post on this), it would seem that I only halfway decarboxylated my material, since an equivalent amount of THC is still in its unactivated, acid form. This makes me think that decarbing for at least a full hour would be much more sufficient in getting at all the goodies.
    I’ll probably do another batch of oil, only this time I’ll up the decarbing time to an hour, maybe even an hour and a half. Lab testing isn’t that expensive, so I’ll get another batch tested to see how it turns out.
    Any thoughts?

  254. Oliviagjf Avatar

    Just made this last night and followed the directions to a t. Woke up this morning decided to eat it straight to see the effects before baking it. I’m about 30 minutes in and my headache is gone. I’ll post more after waiting a few hours and seeing how well they do in an edible. Really excited since this is my first time! I have to use the oven because my stove tops are NOT reliable at all. No matter the setting they will try their best to burn the shit out of everything you cook.

  255. jay Avatar

    Hey doc, upon reaching the freezing step I realized there was no way to fit the container that’s been in the oven in my freezer. Had to put it into a smaller container. Will this effect anything?

  256. Fred Avatar

    Just like the above poster I have some questions regarding how you all deal with waste.

    I use one rectangular pyrex for decarbing and I then transfer my trim to another smaller round pyrex that I then add my oil and lecithin to. When it’s time to strain it I do it into a plastic container which is then used for long-term storage in the freezer. I’ve always been weighing the oil before and after the process (I also use the final weighing as a guideline to establish correct dosage)to determine how much oil goes to waste. My worst case so far landed in a 25% weight difference, which I consider to be way too much. I try to use as few utensils and containers as possible, but I suspect the cheesecloth absorbs a whole lot, not to mention the amount that’s running down my arms when I’m trying to squeeze that last amount out of the cloth.

    Any ideas on how to mitigate this further?

    Another question directed to the OP. BadKat chooses to freeze her mixture halfway through the process, between the first and second 45 min round. Would that not make more sense than freezing it at the end and then just heat it enough to be liquified? I actually tried it today without freezing it at all to see what kind of difference it makes. Last time, due to a mistake, I froze it overnight, thawed it the next day and then had to put it back in the freezer for another 24 hours and then straining it. Is it so sensitive that that would make a noticeable difference in potency?

  257. Ty Avatar

    Okay so I did this process but left in freezer all day than extracted it and strained it now I have about 2 cups of coconut Cana oil i used pretty bomb chron for it is stead of shake now how do I make poitent treats that will make over 200 bucks back at 10 a piece but each piece gets u zonked

  258. George Avatar

    Going to try my 1st dispensary bought cannabis “Louis XIII” an Indica strain that rate very high on the med scale for “insomnia, stress, etc” and is supposedly a little over 20% THC. My last batch of mid-grade cannabis lasted me over 3 months and I slept well every night. We’ll see how this high priced stuff works.

  259. George Avatar

    The King Louis XII, being an Indica was a raging success! Unlike my previous batches, all made using a friends mid-grade Sativa hybrid, these don’t give the active mind racing Sativa’s can cause. I went ahead and drizzled about a teaspoon on a quesadilla. It did take about an hour before effects were felt but it steadily couch-locked me and I slept until 6:30 am. I am always awake by 2 to 3 am everyday and I went to bed about 9 pm. I now see the benefits of an Indica for sleep and relaxation as my body felt totally relaxed. The teaspoon was way too much so I will try again with a much smaller dose. Just had to test it to see it’s potency. I did do the heat freeze thing 3 times so that may have had a lot to do with it. The King Louie was $120 for 1/2 ounce and I used 7.5 grams for this batch.

  260. Outlaw_Z Avatar

    Hi there! First thank you for all your effort’s….
    I want to ask something: the cannabutter is effective equally as hemp oil???
    P.S Sorry guys you maybe answer this question here on the previous comments, but I haven’t read them all because I don’t have time…my father is dying from lung cancer (final stage).
    Thank you.

  261. George Avatar

    1/8 teaspoon works quite well from my latest batch. I had repeated the one teaspoon test and was really “stoned”. That is not my intent (I just need to be able to sleep) and since 1/8 teaspoon worked very well this will be another at least 3 month supply. Strange how the stuff just gets more potent to me after being stored in refrigerator. I feel the effects in as little as 20 minutes now.

  262. Ephie Avatar

    do i need to decarbif im using abv? could you maybe post a recipe for abv coconut oil? ive used this recipe a bunch and have really liked it but im a lil uncertain on the switch between the green and abv.

    1. Oliviagjf Avatar

      I used avb and didn’t decarb it. It was so potent I just doubled the bud.

  263. Sherfu_marcus Avatar

    This! This is what I was looking for! Thank you THECAPN and all for such rich information. I’ve read through the initial blog, and most-of-all the comments, and from that, I’ve attempted the same thing everyone else has done, or should’ve done: follow the directions to a tea (full disclosure: I didn’t do that.)

    If I don’t understand why I’m doing something, I often don’t want to do it. I also love not following directions. So for example: “don’t coffee grind your product!” which I’ve read a bunch, on the internets.. but never listened to, and It wasn’t until following this process which allowed me to really experience why you shouldn’t grind on your product. It’s NOT cute! (I’ve now totally flip-flopped my position, and will never coffee grind my medicine again.)

    Because following directions is a challenge for me, I wanted to start by sharing the ways in which I purposely differed from the exact process.

    1. I halved the recipe. Not really a difference at all, but it’s important cuz of the size of the equipment I use (small mason jar, glass measuring cup, small scoopy silcone friend, etc.) 1/8 oz medical magic, 1/4 cup raw organic cocnut oil, 1/4 teaspoon of lecithin two times!
    2. I used SUNFLOWER lecithin in LIQUID form instead of granulated soy lecithin. Two deviations! Liquid sunflower lecithin has the consistency of honey, and will probs be a headache for most, but for me, it is the ONLY form of lecithin I will use for this particular process. Why? It feels rawerer. I like the slow-motion-pour-onto-an-overflowing-fourth-teaspoon action. I also like licking food residue off culinary tools. It’s not sweet! But the honey consistency makes my brain happy. Really, it’s cuz I like channeling Winnie the Pooh. That’s why. Oh, and I avoid soy products.
    3. I used a half-pint mason jar for the heating container, WITH the canning lid on it! IN the oven. I know that’s bad, but I’ve already stated my willingness to deviate from popular course. Once I cut up my product into the half-pint mason jar, I put the two-piece lid on, snug, and heat-bath that in a 2 cup capacity pyrex deal. They fit so good together! It was meant to happen. The water doesn’t quite reach the metal rim when the jar is submerged in the bath. I use the same half-pint mason jar for decarb and all the heating steps.
    4. I didn’t own an oven thermometer before discovering this blog. Now I have one, and have learned my oven runs pretty accurate, to slightly higher than the set temperature. So I adjusted my oven’s temp down to 210 F before beginning this journey. 210 is the “money spot” for my particular oven. Speaks to having the right equipment to get the right information. Also, it tickles me that 210 is half of 420.
    5. Because I did everything in a heat bath, and water’s temp doesn’t get higher than me, and other more serious reasons, I prolonged all the heating times including the initial decarbotroning step. About an hour for the decarb, an hour to an hour and a half for each of the 4 heating steps!
    6. I froze it all over night. I had to sleep! Yes, the directions do say “or longer”, but I sleep for like 10 hours easy. So 10 hours longer? ..Sure! I did! Listen to me, I put glass in the oven.. responsibly no doubt. Any who, if you do do the freezing over night make sure your freezer ain’t too frosty! Leaf that to the bud yo!! #punrich
    7. I use a nut milk bag for straining. Again, no big difference. I do prefer using a nut bag over cheesecloth because nut bags are super fine, and synthetic, so It doesn’t absorb the oil like cotton cheesecloth does. I get a pretty hippie nut bag with no added chemicals. I dunno, maybe they can make synthetic materials out of granola now? When I’m ready to strain, I take the metal lid off the mason jar and put a nut milk bag tightly over the jar opening with a double wrapped rubber band to hold the nut bag in place. I then turn the jar over so the oily contents strain into a funnel that empties into a clean, small sized spice jar, which is inside a larger pint size mason jar for vertical stability; and then I walk away. I wait and let gravity work. The longer I wait the less messy squeezing I do. I try and keep the oily product in one spot on the stainer bag so after squeezing I can dump the product back into the jar that originally contained the stuff, and put it in the fridge to use in an olive oil heat bath later. Residue! You put a slight “kick” in my salad dressing.

    Everything else I did right in terms of following the directions. I know I did it right cuz taking a 1/2 teaspoon dose is enough to feel it nice and strong for most of the day. Sometimes that’s too much and I’ll take half of that in the morning and the other half in the evening. I use heart molds that will no joke leave you geen with envy. Melted into a ginger butternut squash soup!? Fuuurget about it! It brakes my heart knowing there are people out there wasting the full potential of the medicine.

    I’d say, one of the most important, of many important steps, is mashing on that mixture in between heatings. Personally its super satisfying: crunching up that bud. But it also feels important; like your releasing things both in your product and in your psyche. It’s another side reason to why I don’t coffee grind my stuff anymore. It destroys my enjoyment of this crucial step.

    I’m trying to fully understand the science behind this magical process. I consider myself to be a scientist at heart so this nerd contemplation is fun. So questions are asked: How come when I did a similar-but-inferior process before, with the same amount, I ended up with a much weaker result? Lots of thoughts on that, and there’s plenty of information in the blog and comments to help answer my, and maybe your question too. Instead of my contemplative answer, I’d rather express just how helpful it’s been finding this site for my own, heart filled, passionate, scientific journey, for potently rich answers. Leave no stone unturned. Spin a lot after consuming. No, don’t do that.

  264. Thelauz Avatar

    I followed this recipe to a tee.. Only difference was I doubled oil.. 1 cup.. With 10 grams Weed.. Everything else done exactly and it worked amazing.. I’m a long time smoker and I was baked for 12 hours.. Slept like a log for 9 and had amazing lucid dreams.

  265. Ryker Avatar

    If I make one cup of Coconut Oil using 14 grams of medicine, will I be able to make a potent batch of brownies that calls for 1 cup of coconut oil?

  266. Daniel Avatar

    What do you mean by “extra sleepy” oil?

    1. Mike Avatar

      I think, given the graphs shown, thc level peaks at about 20 minutes in the oven and them trails of slowly, while cbd contributes to increase. Cbd doesn’t really get you both, but it causes sleepiness and relieves pain, among other things. Kentucky, the state sure South of me, has legalized cbd oil but no other forms of cannabis. (extra random info 😉

  267. D Avatar

    Hey so I followed this recipe to a t except when I melted the coconut oil before mixing I put in microwave for 20 seconds. Then proceeded to mix with the weed and put in the oven.

    II cam back here to see if it was alright and sure enough wasn’t. So I put some of the coconut oil in the container I bought that was already liquid in the mixture then in the second step instead of putting more lethicin in because I already put lots in I put in some more of the normal coconut oil.

    Just feezing now and should be done in about an hour, do you think the edibles will still be alright?

  268. C Brisket Avatar
    C Brisket

    Happenin’ Capn
    Can this recipe some how be modified to use in the MBM (Magical Butter Machine)? If so how would someone Modify to use in MBM?
    I have made three runs in the MBM using 3 different methods.
    1st 4hr run in MBM butter = so so
    2nd oven decarb 240 for 50′ 2hr run in MBM butter = better
    3rd 2 8hr runs a day for 3 days (slo n lo method) in MBM = same as above
    each time using an Oscar of Sour D
    I am going to try this recipe this weekend using only a Quad
    “Compliments to the Chef”

  269. Jamie Avatar

    decarboxylation…is it possible to put thermometer inside cast iron pan w/lid or inside crock pot and decarboxylate at 215 degrees..225, I have an old wedgewood stove w/non working oven. I know i’ve read some recipes where people bake bread in crock pots, in dutch ovens (cast iron). Thanks for posting this

  270. Jamie Avatar

    is it possible to put thermometer inside cast iron pan w/lid or inside crock pot and decarboxylate at 215 degrees..225, I have an old wedgewood stove w/non working oven. I know i’ve read some recipes where people bake bread in crock pots, in dutch ovens (cast iron). Thanks for posting this

  271. Lil' Green Pill Avatar
    Lil’ Green Pill

    Thank you. I made this recipe, the only change being the amount of coconut oil which I doubled to 1 cup.

    I used 2 silicon candy molds with tiny hearts to make pills. Each mold has 55 cavities leaving me with 110 heart shaped pills. I also added 12 teaspoons to the obligatory brownie mix for 16 servings next time only 8 teaspoons. I thought I wanted it stronger but what it meant was that I couldn’t enjoy 2 small brownies comfortably.

    I suffer from bipolar disorder, social anxiety, insomnia, arthritis, agoraphobia and ADD. I had determined that smoking was not the best route of administration for me. I required a method that was slow acting and long lasting not sudden and fleeting.

    At this time I’m still gauging my dosage. It’s looking like 1/2 pill in the a.m. and again at bedtime. I use this as dietary supplement along with tinctures of St. Johns Wort, white willow bark, Valerian root(bedtime) and ginger root.

    I live in a non legal state, this is where irony meets the absurd. I have been out of work for almost 10 years.. terrified, suicidal just barely hanging on. My meds did nothing to help me regain normal social function. Now I’m off all meds…feeling like I’m ready to rejoin life again and all the jobs I want to apply for have drug testing.

  272. Robert Avatar

    Does this recipe still work if all of the ingredients are halved? This is my first time making it and I don’t want to make a big investment and have it not work out.
    But if I do get the results I want, I’m also wondering if it works the other way, as in doubling all of the ingredients. Or is it safest to stick to the exact measurements every time? Thanks!

    1. Thelauz Avatar

      I’ve done this recipe several times.. Once with half Oz in 1 cup of oil.. And I also did a quarter oz in 1 cup batch.. Both batches did the job.. But the batch with more Weed was stronger.. But i am also assuming that it does reach a point where you could have too much weed for oil ratio at which point you’d be wasting it.

  273. Sierra Lizzi Avatar
    Sierra Lizzi

    You need to try making cannabis oil with a MB machine! I’ve been making my cannabis oil with it for awhile now and LOVE it! Truly worth getting one… I wouldn’t make cannabis oil or cannabutter any other way. It’s so simple and so easy to do! Here’s a link link that will save you $25 on one. Worth it!!

  274. George Avatar

    Making a new batch with 12 g of “Grand Daddy Purp”. My last batches have proven extremely successful with 3 total heat-freeze cycles. This is a “sleep” medicine and although I have made potent chocolates they would still take over an hour usually to feel effects.I finely chop bud material into a fairly fine consistency and do not strain. I have found that the finished product has a taste that does not bother me. My preferred way of using is to scrape about 1/4 tsp or less with spoon and stick under my tongue. Within 10 to 20 minutes a definite effect is felt and I will be sleepy within the hour and get a great nights sleep everytime with no residual effects. IMPORTANT! I take my dose at least a half hour before eating and with my apple cider vinegar/ water drink. If I eat before taking my dose it greatly increases the time until effects are felt and also reduces the perceived potency. I am a great fan of this site and if you follow the basics steps listed by the Capn you will not believe how potent and economical his recipe can be. Will post update after this strain is ready for use (highly Indica strain).

  275. Anyone Avatar

    CAPN you said it could last for months. what about a year? Does the THC degrade or just disappear over time? Have a batch here in the freezer for at least 12-13 months wondering if it’s worth it to try and taste it?

  276. Experimenter Avatar

    This is my first time using this recipe and I am very excited. Like many before I have had some successes and failures with previous recipes. However for this recipe I followed directions, Instead of heating for two 45 min intervals mixing half of the licithen in every 45 minutes then freezing. I heated for a total of 3 hours before freezing mixing lecithin in every 45 minutes then did the 2 hour freeze. Does the 2 separate freezes matter or is it more about the time in the oven that is the key to creating the most potent oil? Thanks

  277. George Avatar

    My 12 gm batch of “Grandaddy Purp” is a raging success! Approx 1/16 to 1/8 tsp of the green “wax” under the tongue allows me to sleep all night. Effects are felt within 10 minutes of taking and I can sleep within a 1/2 hour. I did 3 heat/freeze cycles and keep product in refrigerator. An efficient use of my first dispensary (actually delivered to me) ounce. This will be at a least 6 month supply.

  278. DeerMeat Avatar

    My first batch I’m trying I used 7g of rosin chips. I was careful when pressing the bud (mids) to not go too high of a temp or too long.

    The yield in estimating at 15% so the left over chips had wax still on. I’m assuming rosin chips to have slightly more thc left than ABV.

    Anyway, followed all directions and I felt a little tingly for 15 mins maybe then nothing.

    Did the freeze, reheat…nothing.

    On my 3rd freeze cycle…probably nothing.

    I’m in the 1.5tsp dosage so I figure the rosin chips/starting material are the problem. Perhaps I’ll try again with 14gs. I check oven temps very often and tried to hovered very near 215.

    Wife and I like to vape wax so that’s why tried with the chips. Next month I’ll try with straight bud. I have a high smoke tolerance so extending the supply would be awesome.

    Very fun despite not getting desired results. I feel happy to have finally tried it.

  279. It's 420 somewhere Avatar
    It’s 420 somewhere

    I had a birthday 2 weeks ago, so I’ve been smoking for 20 years now & I wanted to make some brownies. After much reading & research I decided to try your recipe & Did Not regret it!!! I used low grade herb & it wasn’t even a good one. But they were Awesome !!! I only spent $40 & I spend 2 weeks stoned all day everyday like i was smoking the good stuff. Thanks so much for your recipe !!!

  280. UnderShade Avatar

    I followed this recipe to a T. Used 1/4 oz of super-frosty bud… Nothing. Even after eating 4 tsp on an empty stomach. Super bummed. Wouldn’t recommend this to anyone wanting to get high. Sorry Cap- nothin’ personal.

  281. Herp a Derp Avatar
    Herp a Derp

    I’m a medical user & also very new to making edibles or infused cannabis oil. I’ve tried this method a couple of times now, using powdered sunflower lecithin (since I saw a couple of people ask about using powder). My oil/butter has turned out awesome each time, even before I started weighing out my plant material. I’ve made infused oils with both bud & frosty leaves. I’ll never waste any bud on this process again unless it’s for occasional recreational use (unlikely) as I’m able to get just as good a product from *much* cheaper leaves.

    I’ve now made infused coconut oil, infused extra virgin olive oil & infused clarified butter (adding lecithin to them all). Not one batch was a failure or disappointment. I’ve been using all 3 in edibles & topical pain products. All are far better than I expected, especially with me being such a newb. I do have a lot of experience infusing regular herbs into oil bases as I’ve worked with them for over 20 years, but this is a somewhat different herb, so I was very unsure of my ability to make a potent cannabis infused oil. I’d highly recommend getting a decent scale off of eBay for under $20 that weighs to .01 grams, which I eventually did.

    One batch of coconut oil I made in the oven (as per instructions above) using 2c of coconut oil & about 7 grams of plant material. The other batch I made in the MB machine (after decarbing & adding lecithin). I did do a couple of extra heating/freezing cycles as suggested to make my product more potent/’sleepy’.

    I also made infused olive oil in the MB machine (at 130° for 4 hours) after decarbing/’lecithin-izing’ my plant material as instructed above. Used 14 grams to 2 & 1/2c good quality olive oil (you can tell if yours is decent by putting your bottle of oil in the fridge overnight; it starts to solidify a bit, it’s decent olive oil). This infused olive oil seriously kicks my ass. 1 tsp over my spaghetti was overkill, although still very nice. 1/2 per dose is more than enough for me.

    For my actual infused butter (cow’s milk butter), I clarified my unsalted butter (what I prefer) first (heat the butter, let sit in the fridge til milk solids – the liquidy stuff underneath – separate, pour that off & set aside the clear butter), decarbed my plant material as instructed & added lecithin, then added my decarbed plant material/lecithin to my clarified butter, then simmered that over a double boiler for about 2 hours (covered the whole time), froze, reheated over a double boiler for another 2 hours, froze again, let come to room temp, then stuck it in the fridge. Didn’t bother straining this either. My butter is a beautiful dark, dark green & tastes amazing on everything from toast to scrambled eggs to sautéed mushrooms, as well as in my peanut butter chocolate chip cookies (1/4c infused butter & 1/4c infused peanut butter in these, plus regular peanut butter). 1 cookie (1tbsp of cookie batter per cookie) is the perfect dose for me.

    I’m glad I tried exactly as instructed above first as I’m now pretty confident in my abilities to make a great product for my own medicinal use, whether I’ve got my MB machine available or not. I do prefer the MB machine coconut & olive oil batches simply bc the machine pulverizes the plant material so finely that I don’t even bother straining it for use in food. My edibles still taste amazing & have an extra punch to them, making them great for keeping me asleep. I don’t even notice there’s any plant material in my cookies/muffins at all. If I’m using my oilve oil for salves, I do strain the amount I require for that purpose bc nobody likes a scratchy salve. I use the *unstrained* olive oil for cooking purposes. It tastes absolutely amazing over spaghetti & meatballs (kind of like cremini mushrooms), in hummus, over lasagna, mixed into garlic mashed potatoes etc. Wasn’t expecting it to taste so good, especially since I really do NOT like the taste of cannabis. Can’t help it, it just *gags* me.

    Regardless of which base oil/butter I’ve chosen to infuse my decarbed & lecithin-ized plant material into, I’ve successfully made an excellent end product which I’ve been cooking & baking with & slathering on myself in the form of salve. If somebody as new to this as me can pull off killer oil/butter/whatever for their edibles & topicals, anybody can. Just follow directions as given, like I always say to the hubster who loves to briefly scan instructions & skip steps….and then unsurprisingly has stuff fall apart on him. If you choose to skip steps, logic would dictate that you’re obviously not going to end up with very good results. Forget anything you were taught before, then fully test this method out. You won’t be sorry.

    Thanks so much for this blog post ???? I’ve managed to cut my cost on producing my own edibles & has negated my need to buy them elsewhere. I also always know what degree of effect to expect, have easily been able to figure my perfect dose out without having to calculate the hell out of stuff & am able to use plant material that’s literally 10x cheaper to produce my medicine. That’s HUGE for a medical user who requires daily/nightly doses. I’ll be passing on this info to others every chance I get & even demo-ing it for friends & family who are medical users.

  282. Herp a Derp Avatar
    Herp a Derp

    Forgot to mention, my 2 & 1/2c of olive oil ended up costing me roughly $25 to make (all in, including oil, lecithin & plant material). I used to pay $25 per 1/2c of coconut oil, with infused olive oil costing even more from the medical dispensaries I would buy from. That’s a MASSIVE savings!

  283. Sweetness's specialty treats Avatar
    Sweetness’s specialty treats

    I’m using lecithin now and it is so much better but my question is I have a bunch of butter that I made previously with out lecithin can I melt down that butter and add in the lecithin to make it stronger or is it to late

  284. Paul Avatar

    I found this article and read through sooooo many comments. So to the Capn…after making this with the Coconut Oil, how do you store the infused Coconut Oil, and how long can you store it (granted you have leftover oil after using it to make edibles). Thanks in advance and you have an amazing site and great recipes!

  285. blasted Avatar

    followed recipe, well almost, decarbed weed first for 60 minutes at 240, my oven was off by 40 degrees, so everyone check temp with cooking thermometer, this is my 3rd batch all buds (mids) 40 a quarter stuff.
    used 7 grams to 1/2 cup coconut oil, followed recipe and these have been the best ever, 1/2 teaspoon and im lit af for 6-8 hours. i never fail to get medicated off this and i take 2 doses per day, my tolerance must be thru the roof as ive been doing this 7 days a week for 2 months and still get medicated off a 1/2 teaspoon. trust me this recipe works. but like i said i did change the decarb time.

  286. George Avatar

    My last batch simply won’t get used up! I take a small spoon and scrape my greenish “wax” that’s in a small Pyrex bowl in fridge and just a few shavings under my tongue and in 10 minutes effects are felt and if needed I can go to sleep all night within a half hour. At this rate I have a years supply from 12 gm of Grandaddy Purp Indica! And that includes some weekends where I use thrice the amount for “recreation”, movies, music, etc. Keep working out your recipes and this Capn site will save you thousands of dollars!

  287. Elizabeth Avatar

    Is there an alternative for Soy Lecithin? I am highly allergic to all Soy 🙁

  288. SOUP Avatar

    I use Sunflower Lecithin 🙂

  289. Aimie Avatar

    Can you just take a 1/2 teaspoon of the oil straight without cooking it in something?

  290. Mitchell Marjerrison Avatar
    Mitchell Marjerrison

    I use a metal screen coffee filter to strain the mixture. After squeezing as much oil out as I can with an old round potato masher, I put the mixture in the coffee maker, and run about 3/4 of a pot of water thru. The hot water extracts the last of the oil from the mixture. I pour the canna-brew into jars, and the oil floats to the top, hardening as it cools. Good to the last drop! Thanks for the recipe!

  291. Kiara Flores Avatar
    Kiara Flores

    I followed the process exactly the first time, with wonderful results. This time, I am instead of granulated soy lecithin, I am using the liquid from the soy lecithin capsules (sticky icky stuff), melting it in with the oil before adding it to the good stuffs. I’ll let you know how it worked!

  292. Ralph Avatar

    I followed the recipe pretty closely with a few deviations. I initially used 1 cup oil and 2 oz shake, but found the oil wasn’t adequate so I upped it by eye until it was completely covered. This was after the decarbing and first bake, so I the process was like this:

    1) Decarb
    2) Bake
    3) Add oil + lecithin
    4) Bake
    5) Add lecithin
    6) Freeze

    I ended up using 3 tsp of lecithin.

    The end result is that it’s very powerful. A friend (high tolerance) and I (low tolerance) each took 1/8 of a teaspoon and it was enough to have a strong effect on him and a very strong effect on me.

    I’d like a weaker dose than 1/8 of a teaspon, is it possible to gently heat it and dilute it with more coconut oil until a gentle dose is either 1/4 or 1/2 tsp?

  293. Julie Seward Avatar
    Julie Seward

    Hi, I am new to this and it’s very confusing when I go to the dispensary to buy. Nothing has the silver strands of frost on them, all the product they have for sale is just tight, green, and compact, no silver. I don’t know what to buy so I asked for really good stuff. They gave me Mr. Nice Purple and OG Cush, but if I purchased enough for the recipe, I’d have to return to the store for 3 days, as they only allow you to buy 7 grams a day. They are charging 20.00 a gram! So to make the recipe would run about 600.00! 🙁 I just used 7 grams and made it, I’ll find out tonight how potent it is, but I can’t afford the full recipe. If I buy seeds to grow my own, what should I ask for and where does one get them??

  294. Trish Avatar

    I followed the recipe to a TV yesterday. I’m using this for sleep, so after first 2 hour freeze, I heated and reheated again. I strained into containers and let them cool to room temperature overnight. This morning, it is only very partially solid. I put them back in the freezer. Will they keep in the freezer? For how long? Is it supposed to be liquid or solid? Thanks for your help.

  295. Vicky Avatar

    How important is using granular lecithin instead of sunflower lecithin powder. Made this yesterday. Followed all instructions to decarb except the lecithin and on the step where you put the butter in the container, I finishhed it off in a moka pot. Have not tried this batch. Coconut oil, green, water on the bottom but it has this powdery lookig substance in the middle. Is it from the lecithin? How should i handle this? First time making oil or butter.

    Also, is it possible to decarb a large batch of weed and store it for later use?

  296. Matt Avatar

    I also followed the directions exactly, even used a few more grams of bud. I also completely misread the portions I’m supposed to use and I used 1/2 oil instead of 1/6, which according to this guy would be too much but it wasn’t enough at all. Don’t waste your resources.

  297. M. W. Fedoroff Avatar
    M. W. Fedoroff

    Can I triple your method use same temp but increase the lecithin and material appropriately(21g. Of material & 1.5 tsp of lecithin each time) or do I need to heat longer than 45 min.
    Thank you very much!

  298. Rob Avatar

    couldn’t wait for a reply so this is what I did. 1 oz [what I call dirt weed, lower quality] with 1 1/2 c refined oil / 3 teaspoon lethicin. I’ll make a batch of brownies using 1 teaspoon per serving method. Got a late start so I will wait to try until morning. Coffee and brownies, awwww what a breakfast. Let you know what happens.

  299. cuedude Avatar

    nigh cap giving it my first try a lot of butter recipes don’t make cooking sense. the question I have is do you think a teaspoon or tbp of vodka added in the decarb process would help pull more oils out alcohol makes an excellent extractor just wondering if you tried it

  300. WVKind Avatar

    I used the decarb and extraction process from the article minus the soy lecithin, with light corn syrup to make into hard tack candy. 9 units of material to each half cup of light corn syrup. Had to strain through a deep fryer basket bc the corn syrup is thick. Mixed 2 cups corn syrup with 2 cups water , 2 cups sugar, and half a box of jello. Heated all this up on the stove constantly stirring until it hit 300*F, then dumped onto two 13×9 pans lined with parchment paper. A 3×3 piece of the candy gives similar effects as a 15mg edible. Around 24 3×3 pieces. Tastes great and happy with the potency of the final product. Thank you.

  301. Jjj*jon Avatar

    Use the lectin folks. Its the real magic in this recipe. The rest of it is fairly standard but by decarbing and using lectin you Wil have the best oil on the block

  302. Anonymous


  303. Anonymous


  304. MangledRemainz


  305. GusThe710Bus Avatar

    Hey Capn,
    Cheers from NYC, much appreciated for the potent formula. My question is what kind of ratio and/or formula have you found that works best for concentrates, if you could specify what works best for budder, shatter, live resin, rosin. (I’m assuming it depends on the kind of concentrate.)

    Thanks again, Gus.

  306. Cj96 Avatar

    Hi quick maybe dumb question but I use a vaporizer similar to the volcano would I still need to decarb my herb for the canna coconut oil recipe ?

  307. Susanpusa Avatar

    Question please clarify, for extra sleepy, is extra strong? And when you repeat the heating process is it after yo freeze it? I just really want to get it right!

  308. EricCartman Avatar

    I really hope you see this and reply. I have been studying recipes and the reasoning behind them for a while. The freezing part is quite new to me. I know you said to follow the recipe but can i ask if my variation will result in any negativity?

    1) I will use a slow cooker (low setting) instead and add water to the mix. Just to keep the temperature even though it never boils. A question here. Although the slow cooker never boils, I remove the cover to mix/ stir sometimes. There will be some steam released. I understand THC is at a higher boiling point and is not water soluble. Therefore, there should not be any losing of potency right?

    2) I’m thinking of decarbing for 1 hour at 240 F. The majority seems to support this and there has been studies too support the claims. Especially also that I am using trim. I’m gonna be using more trim though.

    3) What the purpose of the multiple freezing? The first time is not enough to break the cells?

    Basically, I’m asking how will the recipe change if I use a slow cooker and add water to the mix? It’ll be troublesome because I have to transfer the mix from slow cooker to container (to freeze) several times. But I feel that the water’s role to prevent burning and cleaning the butter is worth it.

    I was thinking 3 hours on slow cooker, then freeze and unfreeze. Repeat 2 more times. Or should the cooking time be decreased? I’m trying to combine the best of both worlds by freezing and the the traditional way of slow cooking.

    1. 92gtst Avatar

      Adding water makes it harder for the cannabinoids to bind to the fat in the oil or butter. There’s a good article with explanation on this on Bad Kitty Smiles webpage.

  309. dementedrob


  310. pbrooster Avatar

    I will be trying this recipe out next week. I’ve never made anything like this before, so I am very excited to try it out!! I know we are not supposed to deviate from the original recipe, and this question might’ve been answered already, but why must I use a ceramic or glass dish? I don’t own one (and will buy one if need be), but was just wondering what difference it makes to use a glass pan rather than a metal pan. Thanks!!

  311. SallySue Avatar

    If I make this recipe using coconut oil will it remain liquid after the process is complete or will it revert back to a solid as it cools? Does the finished liquid product have a consistency that can be used with an electronic cigarette device?

  312. Anonymous


  313. Purple Nurple Avatar
    Purple Nurple

    I followed you’re recipe to a T, but used an oz of home grown blue dream that I didn’t flush well enough – couldn’t stand the chemical flavor or harshness. Oh well, it was my first grow so I chalk it up to lack of experience. Anyway, the whole ounce went into 2/3 cup of coconut oil and lecithin, yeilded somewhere between 1/3 and 2/3 cup after straining. My brownie batch called for 1/3 cup of oil so I used the canna oil for the whole recipe – we like to go deep around here in Prohibitia. The brownies just came out the oven but I cleaned out the batter bowl with a spoon about 45 minutes ago… setting in very nicely… tastes delicious as well

  314. Persephone Avatar

    This is almost exactly the method I use, it’s great. I usually go for a slightly lower temp, for slightly less psychoactive effects and also because it makes the oil taste better. Tastes like toasted hazelnuts more than dank. (i start with high grade, high cbd, organic buds). One little tip to add: do a second pressing of the oil. Once I squeeze everything through a square of organza, I boil some water. In a separate vessel, I pour the boiling water through my square of muslin and squeeze again. Then put the second vessel into the fridge, the second press oil will raise to the top and you can easily scoop it out and add to the first press. I have 92-96% recovery rate of my oils using this second press method (a third press usually only yields a gram or two of oil I missed, so I stop at 2 presses.)

  315. amiglitz Avatar

    Thank you for this recipe! I went out and bought a cheap internal thermometer and my oven was off by 50. I highly suggest making this purchase for anyone who said it didn’t work. It is more potent than when I tried using a stovetop. Also less stressful as I didn’t have to worry about temperature.

    I thought it should be decarbed longer, but doesn’t it actually decarb as it cooks in the oil?

  316. Anonymous


  317. Popscannabakery Avatar

    So I forgot to set my timer with the decarb process I was at 240 for an hour… my oven won’t go lower so I just lessened the time the first time I did it and low and behold it was a success…. will this mess it up a Lil nervous but I hear 240 for an hour all the time but I do realize we r cooking it again and again am I ok

  318. Avatar

    Thank you for this recipe, I’m really excited to try this method out.

    Can this be made with a larger amount of bud and just multiply the other ingredients to get the right proportions?

  319. Globehound Avatar

    Apologies if this question is rather basic. Is 1/4 oz of bud equivalent to 1 1/2 teaspoons? It doesn’t seem like much product but then again, I’m new to cooking with this stuff.

  320. zzerg85 Avatar

    hello capn!

    big fan here.
    i’m about to start my first grow and i choose to run a top fed rockwool capn style.
    i watched all your videos and red your old topics at 420 magazine, unfortunately couldn’t find your old blog entries : /
    i have a 4ftx2ft tent with a scrog setup
    and 3 questions i would like to ask

    one big plant or 2-3 smaller plants to scrog would result in bigger yield?

    beneficial bacterias. im writing from the uk and we got no recharge here. price is 2x-3x more after postage and customs. is there any other brand i could try, easy/simple to use and would bring the results. azos,great white,tarantula and some other stuff is available, on the UK grow forums there isn’t enough trusted information. please give me advice which ones are the next best options after recharge?

    i looked at your nutrition regime video. same problem. in the UK we only have the 3 main parts available from general hydroponics. gro,bloom,micro the rest of the supplements are completely different products under ‘general hydroponics europe’,
    would you please give me alternative options for the following products:
    GH Armor Si – i suppose any other silica product should do the trick?
    GH CaliMagic – i suppose any other calmag would do
    GH FloraBlend – i don’t know what would be suitable replacement
    GH liquid KoolBloom – i don’t know what would be suitable replacement

    please help : )
    kind regards

  321. SirHumboldt420


  322. Billy Buds


  323. Anonymous


  324. Jardindelrey


  325. 2and4th1der Avatar

    Wow!!! This is my first time making any edible material. Right before the freezing stage, I didn’t want that oil that’s left in the bottom of the Pyrex dish to go to waste, and it wasn’t that much either 😱, so i wiped it clean with a slice of bread and ate it then put the weed in the freezer for the freeze stage. My head was BLISTERED for 5 hours! And I slept the last half because it was late at night anyway. So needless to say, my stuff was in the freezer for 5 hours.. Is that okay? I hope it didn’t wake it in any way…

  326. 2and4th1der Avatar

    I hope it didn’t weaken it I mean…

  327. Nodnarb Avatar

    Yo! Bringing this post back from the dead lol
    Having it in the freezer won’t do any harm to it, freezing will actually preserve your final product longer than the fridge or cupboard. Welcome to the world of edibles. Tread lightly. It’s easier to take more than it is to deal with taking to much.

  328. 2and4th1der Avatar

    Thank you Brandon!! Hey this post should not be dead 😉 good recipe lol

  329. Nodnarb Avatar

    Agreed, I’ve seen a lot of posts that are gold but hidden deep. The capt is the man.

  330. KnoxNugs Avatar

    Sooo much useful information in this post and in the comments. I’ve made this recipe several times and it never fails to deliver. Of course, we like to go deep here in Prohibitia so I don’t cut mine with non medicated oil/butter, but to each their own

  331. RetiredDV Avatar

    This was a fantastic thread to read as I embark on my first attempt to change my ingestion methods for medication. Cannabis replaces thirteen medications prescribed by the VA ( including three Schedule 1’s, and two Anti Depressants). I truly appreciated all the intelligent conversation and open sharing of ideas, knowledge, experience and opinions. Thanks y’all, I’ll check back with sitrep soon..

  332. OkeeeTokeee


  333. OkeeeTokeee Avatar

    Hey @capn great recipe! It really came out great and SUPER potent! I followed exactly according to directions except for at the end I added a bit more oil to the canna oil to stretch it out and weaken it a bit.
    I have a sous vide and wanted to know if you or anyone else knows how to tweak this recipe for a sous vide ? do I just follow the recipe as is ,but leave out the stirring?

  334. MelloVox Avatar

    I have tried this method 5 times and I am simply blown away. On the last batch I made, I modified it a bit by increasing the time to 1 hour per time in oven and dissolving the lecithin in the melted coconut oil before adding it. The feeling was considerably stronger with this last batch of gummies I made from the oil, a truly amazing recipe, thank you.

  335. Nodnarb Avatar

    For a sous vide it would be the same process but at a lower temp. you have some options for your holding vessel though.
    Sous vide = under pressure, in French
    The properties of whatever your making changes when under pressure. Best example is using a carb cap on your rig. The reason you see the vapor blow up, when you cap it, is because you’re changing the barometric pressure of your rig, meaning your oil has a lower boiling point.
    So for sous vide, it depends on your holding vessel. If using a glass jar, keep everything the same, since it won’t be under pressure. Unless you have a jar attachment for a food saver vacuum. Then drop the temp 20f or so.
    If using a vacuum seal bag and you vacuum all the oxygen out or use the water to expell the oxygen, it will be under pressure, in which case you need to drop the temp 20f or so degrees.
    I’m assuming you cook with your sous vide so you know it’s pros and cons and the properties involved, when using, so just think of it as a steak. Proper internal temp for beef is around 145f but with a sous vide it only has to reach 128f (that’s my favorite at least) notice how there’s a 20f or so difference with regular compared to sous vide? Just carry that temp difference over when using it for cannabis. You may have to tweak it to your own liking but this should give you a guideline on where to start.

  336. eden Avatar

    I followed the directions exactly. Thank you for sharing this method.

    I only got 6.5 tablespoons back out after pressing (started out with 8 tablespoons). I put all it into a brownie recipe and cut 48 small pieces.

    I hadn’t read all the comments about running hot water through the leftover oily herb to get the last of the oil out at the time, but I was concerned about leaving anything good on the table. What I did was refrigerate the leftover oily herb for a while and then cram it into some empty size 00 capsules I happened to have. I swallowed one with dinner and have been feeling very mellow. I’m super pleased and can’t wait to try a brownie piece!

  337. Midwest Shiner Avatar
    Midwest Shiner

    Fantastic write up👍 I have been using essentially the exact same recipe for butter/oils for a while now and it serves me well. I thought I was going heavy on the herb but apparently I’m right on par with other folks. I generally just add the herb, oil and lecithin to a mason jar and place into boiling water (in a pot) and leave it to cook for about 2.5 hrs. The method came from Bong Apetite on Viceland awhile back, but it was way to light on the flower for my liking as they only called for 10 grams of flower in 1 cup of oil. I love to add a tsp to my cup of coffee in the morning. The coconut flavor tastes great with the coffee and it gets my head on straight for a long day ahead👍✌

  338. Guyweedaplan Avatar

    When you said in that part 7 just turn off the heat and let cool, do you mean turn off oven and keep in or take it out of oven

  339. ssk1234 Avatar

    If i were to make a box brownie mix using the entire half cup of oil, they’d be extremely strong brownies, right?

  340. TwontoToke


  341. TwontoToke Avatar

    Ssk of course ! That’s what I’ve always done though , I didn’t know people did it any other way until I read this just now

  342. swiftzanzibar


  343. Best Bubby Avatar
    Best Bubby

    Just wanted to say – been using this recipe for at least two years. No waste. After straining, I save herb and use in stew, soup, pasta, pizza, anything with a sauce or gravy. Think pesto! Basil and herb work very well. And, it gives me an extra 20 or so doses per batch! Thank you.

  344. Rusty2112 Avatar

    I’m using for cbds. Do I need to watch the temperature as close with my cbd hemp? Also I’m using sunflower lecithin instead. Any thoughts?

  345. Josh121187 Avatar

    Thank you for the article and updates. I have never smoked or had edibles. But I have a friend that is getting in too cooking them. I am a very particular cook, so I have to know all the details. That is why I would like to thank you for your descriptions and measurements. Also your commentary with comments. I see this as a new form of cooking to I am paying attention.

  346. raorga87 Avatar

    Hi! I tried the recipe, with 7gm of good quality flowers, but I dont think I decarbed the flowers for long enough as they were still more on the green than brown side… But anyways, I went ahead and finished the recipe, although I can still feel an effect its not strong by any means. I was wondering if I can “re-use” this same oil with new bud. My plan is to decarb about 5gm and then re-do all the same steps, but instead of using brand new oil, Id like to use the same oil from my first experiment to not waste it but instead make it stronger… What do you think?

  347. dakotamoon Avatar

    Every “other” article on decarboxylation states that the pot must reach 240 degrees Fahrenheit – for at least 45 – 60 minutes, just bringing the pot to 215 degrees won’t accomplish much. ??

  348. dakotamoon Avatar

    There are many GMO issues with soy lecithin, I won’t put that crap in my body!

    Sunflower lecithin is much better for you.

  349. subrosean Avatar

    I’m so glad I found this recipe to replace the $250 a bottle Charlotte’s Web I was using for seizures during sleep. I use the ACDC strain which I cook and freeze three times. I didn’t know to add more lethicin with each cooking so I only do it the first time. I use two eighths each month, cooking each in its own separate 1-cup ramekin because putting both in one resulted in wicking somehow and a lot of oil ended up in the bottom of my toaster oven. One half teaspoon of this works just as well as the same amount of Charlotte’s Web for half the cost. My toaster oven is very unreliable so I bought a Maverick oven thermometer which works perfectly to help me keep my temperature under control. My house oven is even worse and cannot be controlled so easily and quickly. I also bought an Aeropress on eBay for $20 to squeeze out every possible drop I can. Then I read to pour boiling water through the leftover material and refrigerate to capture the oil, so I did that and I got even more. Happy happy happy to have found this. Thank you so much!

  350. DSpud Avatar

    Thank you so much for this recipe. It’s so easy to understand. I recently made my first batch & despite my mistakes & an oven that is not that reliable temperature wise it turned out superb when I used it in brownies. I am needing to make some more but don’t have any buds or frosty trim right now so I will have to use cured bud. My question is this, if the bud is cured do I still do the decarboxylation? If so, do I need to adjust the time/temp? Next baking I do when I have more cannabutter will be some chocolate cookies. Thank you in advance for your input.

  351. jayzee Avatar

    So far I’m disappointed which makes me sad! Let me preface this by saying I’ll experiment personally tomorrow.

    I used 7g of quality bud, followed recipe almost exactly. I didn’t do optional steps of freezing again, and the first time I added lectin I accidentally added after adding coconut oil instead of before but don’t think that would have messed with process.

    The resulting oil came out as a deep, rich oil so I was stoked! My niece has been a guinea pig since I couldn’t yet (work!). Yesterday I gave her two half pieces of toast with 1/2 tsp of oil on each. She ate one, kinda sorta maybe felt something? After about an hour and a half, ate 2nd piece of toast. Nothing really came of it. So I used 1/3 of a cup to make brownies. Even added a tsp of lectin to brownie batter. 16 brownies so about a tsp per brownie. She ate a brownie this morning, 2 hrs later, feels “a little” high. She’ll follow up in another hr and I’ll be eating a brownie tomorrow, but so far I’m a bit disappointed. Also my niece ate goodies on empty stomach both times.

  352. jayzee Avatar

    I sent my niece a text about an hour ago telling her I’m sorry it didn’t work for her because this is FABULOUS! I started feeling effects maybe 25 minutes in, was in bliss before the hr and 3 hrs in have settled into an amazing high. 2 hrs in was what I’d imagine the peak was, we’ll see how long this current state lasts. Just couldn’t wait to follow up and confirm that YES this process is amazing! On a side note, the UNMODIFIED Deep Dish Brownie recipe off Allrecipes was an excellent vehicle for the canna-oil, subbing part of the butter. THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR AMAZING METHOD!! 🙏

  353. Budbutterff Avatar

    I have been using this recipe for the last couple years. At first I didn’t follow every step and it was good but not great then I reread it and did every one and it came out amazing ! Doing it right since lol but I do use a cup of butter and it is perfect . 1/4 oz bud still too.

  354. kaczgrl Avatar

    Can I use olive oil instead of coconut oil??

  355. phatpat01


  356. 92gtst Avatar

    Hi, the recipe says 7grams of bud or 28grams sugar leaf… The butter amount doesn’t seem to be enough for 28grams of sugar leaf…. I’m sure it’s ample for 7grams bud but wonder if more butter is needed for using 28 grams sugar leaf.

    I ended up using more like 200 grams of butter which seemed to be more appropriate for the amount of material to ensure ample coverage to extract the cannabinoids…

    Has anyone tried the recipe as is with 28 grams of sugar leaf???

    1. JustCoolin Avatar

      Your changing the strength. Lowering the dose. You’ll have to eat more to achieve same effect.

  357. CapnCannadaEh


  358. BakedBaker Avatar

    I followed these directions except I used 4xs the amounts. Should I have decarbed longer?

  359. chickenchic802 Avatar

    Killer recipe just up’d my cannabutter game, Ty all that help. Happy growing and harvesting

  360. sacbowmans Avatar

    Is steps 1-4 your decarb process? Or should we decarb, the do all of the steps?

  361. green Avatar

    Your recipe is very close to mine. Key differences:

    – I use a double boiler instead of oven because temp is controlled by the physics that makes water always boil at 100 deg. No swing. If I have it I pour a little 90%+ alcohol in every so often making sure its all boiled off by the time I finish. Of course double boiler limits ur batch size. I usually try to let it go for at least 2 hours.

    Note: When dealing with bulk plant matter (ie leaf and trim) i boil it all In a saucepan of water (no double boiler) because I then don’t need to add more oil than I want to use to cover it – can’t pull excess oil back out if it’s not strong enough. This method can also be used to Increase concentration of end product by starting with less oil and using great plant. This method takes longer, longer is better – I shoot for 6-8hours of simmer time.

    – I don’t freeze with plant matter in, might give it a try and see if it changes anything. Thanks for the tip.

    – I dont add lecithin during extraction… does this help extraction or just bioavailability? I add it to the infused oil b4 I mix with dry Ingredients. The reason I do it this way is threefold:

    1) shelf life – pure clarified butter or coconut oil lasts forever in the freezer.

    2) taste – I have the option to wash the strained infused oil in saucepan of boiling water for 20-30 mins then let solidify in fridge before separating, moulding and freezing. This removes smell and taste – u’ll be surprised how much difference this makes! If u don’t like taste very strongly recommend this!

    3) efficiency – with direct in oil (double boiler or oven) method after straining u are throwing away infused oil with ur used plant matter! The more plant the more waste! Without lecithin added u can pull it back out by boiling the strained.a t matter in water and straining again though cloth. Squeeze it out then pour hot water from kettle intoit, let cool a little so u don’t burn urself and squeeze it out again. If u like u can add a little more butter/oil to the saucepan and do a second extraction for longer. It won’t be quite as strong. But u’d be surprised. Let it go for 4-6hours adding water to keep it from burning and I’ve had it reach 75% of first extraction strength! It gets a boost from that lost oil that is full strength then it takes more goodness from the plant missed in the first round.

    Hope this is helpful. Feel free to update ur recipe to incorporate my tricks. Urs is the best written recipe I’ve found on the Web so far. Like u i’ve read and tried tried lot to end up with my own. Happy baking.

  362. dreaDarling37 Avatar

    I just would like to express my gratitude!! I botched the first 2, but literally following step by step… the whole thang even amt of ingredients… third time is a charm because this has made the key difference!!!

    Any questions let me know because the quality is flipping amazing

    1. dreaDarling37 Avatar

      Well I have a question.

      During the heat and reheat process, am I adding more letichin or just the oven heat @ 215 ?

  363. Mnocito79 Avatar

    I sucked at decarbing but was tired of the garbage edibles at the dispensary. I kept over and under doing it: Finally I broke down and bought a decarber on Amazon.

    So much better. Set the temp and perfect every time. It also can be used to make a butter. Instead of butter I infuse coconut oil.

    I also recommend the butter molds. They have nice dosage lines that they mold into your butter (or coconut oil)
    I paid about $100 for it and I know I wasted more than that in product trying to do it in the oven.

    I went with this guy. There’s a handful all about the same size and function on Amazon.

  364. SexPoopSandwich Avatar

    I used 1 cup of liquid MCT oil and an entire 1oz (ounce) of 17% cannabis.

    It works out wells with the math –

    TOTAL THC – 17% x 28grams

    =4.76g of THC

    Per Teaspoon – 4.76g / 48 teaspoons

    – 100mg per teaspoon

    This assumes all the THC was extrated, in actuality it’s likely close to 80mg/teaspoon.

    There has to be a maximum concentration of thc that the oil can mathematically hold, no idea what it is though.

    1. amiglitz Avatar

      I believe there is a maximum concentration point and so I do a second round with fresh oil. While it is not as strong as the first, still it is THC and not to be wasted! I put the flower in a cake and nothing happened so I am sure two rounds does the trick.

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